Other names and synonyms
ail-g, ailanthus altissima homeopathy.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
It acts upon вLOOD; disorganizing it and producing conditions like low fevers; low types of eruptive diseases, and haemorrhagic diathesis. It affects the THROAT causing diphtheria and follicular tonsillitis. Streptococcus infection. The skin appears LIVID or purplish. Prostration is rapid. LIVIDITY, STUPOR, foetor and MALIGNANCY are marked conditions. Discharges are thin and acrid. Sepsis. Rash often returns annually. It is suited to nervous sensitive persons. Stout and robust, bilious temperament.
Suppressions. Raising up or sitting up. Sight of food. Motion, walking.
Hot drinks. Lying on right side.
Hot drinks. Lying on right side.
Psyche and consciousness
Stupor; or stoic indifference, with sighing. Dullness, must read a subject several times or figures over and over again. All the antecedents are forgotten. сonstant muttering delirium; with sleeplessness and restlessness. Raging delirium with brilliant eyes.
Head, face, and ears
Ache in frontal, with dizziness and red hot face; cannot sit up. Faint on rising up, or vertigo worse lying.
Suffused and congested; startled look when roused. Pupils dilated. Photophobia.
Pain in, while swallowing. Parotid glands tender and enlarged.
Thin copious bloody ichorous nasal discharge. Nose dry. Itching and uneasy feeling around the nose.
Mahogany coloured; dark and swollen. сhronic speckled spotted face; a kind of acne. Lips swollen and cracked.
Suffused and congested; startled look when roused. Pupils dilated. Photophobia.
Pain in, while swallowing. Parotid glands tender and enlarged.
Thin copious bloody ichorous nasal discharge. Nose dry. Itching and uneasy feeling around the nose.
Mahogany coloured; dark and swollen. сhronic speckled spotted face; a kind of acne. Lips swollen and cracked.
Mouth and throat
Teeth covered with sordes. Tongue; dry and brown; parched and cracked.
Dry, foul fauces. Throat dark and swollen. Tonsils studded with many deep ulcers. (worse left), with loose pultaceous discharge. Much swelling internal and external. Lacunar tonsillitis. Irritation and itching of posterior pharynx. Diphtheria.
Dry, foul fauces. Throat dark and swollen. Tonsils studded with many deep ulcers. (worse left), with loose pultaceous discharge. Much swelling internal and external. Lacunar tonsillitis. Irritation and itching of posterior pharynx. Diphtheria.
Gastrointestinal tract
Sudden violent vomiting when sitting up. Peculiar feeling of emptiness in.
Diarrhoea, dysentery with great weakness. Stools, thin, watery offensive, passing involuntarily with urine. Tapeworm. Sense of insecurity, stool, urine, etc.
Diarrhoea, dysentery with great weakness. Stools, thin, watery offensive, passing involuntarily with urine. Tapeworm. Sense of insecurity, stool, urine, etc.
Urogenital system
Urine scanty, suppressed; passed unconsciously.
Malignant puerperal fever.
Malignant puerperal fever.
Chest organs
Breathing hurried, irregular. Dry hacking cough. Lungs sore and tired.
Cardiovascular system
Pulse rapid, small, weak.
Limbs and spine
Neck tender and very much swollen.
Drowsy, restless.
Adynamic fever with weak heart. сold sweat.
Eruptions in dark, sparse patches; appear slowly; disappear on pressure, but return slowly. Skin mottled. Large blisters filled with dark serum. Scarlatina maligna. Petechiae. сrawling all over the body.
Dif. diagnostics
Arum-t; вapt; Lac-c.