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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar B25.0B05.2
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(0)100%(0)
General blood test 95%(6)45%(11)
General urine test 88%(8)38%(3)
ECG 82%(0)41%(0)
Ultrasound of abdominal cavity 83%(0)
Blood biochemistry 65%(4)6%(1)
MRI of the brain 37%(0)18%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 27%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
cytomegalovirus igg positive 19%
false croup on the face 13%
cytomegalovirus igm positive 19%
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis 12%
cytomegalovirus infection 18%
red spots on the sky 12%
herpes 18%
pink spots 11%
aids 17%
dryness of the skin of the lips 11%
cytomegalovirus infection in pregnant women 17%
laryngitis 11%
membranes increased appetite in the morning 17%
cracks in the nose 11%
an increase in the level of white blood cells in the urine 17%
rash on the cheeks 11%
retinitis 17%
severe dryness in the nose 11%
herpetic pneumonia 16%
red lips dry 11%
acute viral keratitis 16%
conjunctivitis purulent 10%
alkalization of urine 16%
nasal discharge purulent 10%
bilirubinuria 16%
exanthema 10%
enlargement of the liver and spleen 15%
cracks on the eyelids 10%
hydrothorax 15%
measles 10%
food poisoning 15%
is washed in parts 9%
alcoholic polyneuropathy 15%
obsessive cough 9%
chlamydial pneumonia 15%
brown spots on the skin 9%
budd—chiari syndrome 15%
mucous discharge from the nose 9%
enlargement of the spleen 14%
rashes on the face 9%
liver diseases 14%
hyperemia of the nasal mucosa 9%
mycoplasma respiratory infection 13%
rashes behind the ears 9%
acute tracheobronchitis 13%
dry eyelid skin 9%
enlarged liver 13%
the house is moving 9%
hepatitis 13%
acute laryngeal stenosis 9%
streptococcal tonsillitis 13%
tearfulness night 9%
density is increased 13%
pigmentation on the body 9%
squamous epithelium in urine 12%
red lips 9%
leukocyturia 12%
rash over the lip 9%
retinopathy 12%
red spots on the cheeks 9%
idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis 12%
temperature rise during the day 9%
neurosyphilis 12%
vaccination 9%
sore 12%
conjunctivitis 9%
pus on the tonsils 12%
dry cracked lips 9%
pulmonary mycoplasmosis 12%
small rash 9%
cytomegalovirus infection in children 12%
brown pigmentation after rashes 9%
1 pregnancy 12%
rash on the body 9%
lack of sex 12%
dryness of the nasal mucosa 9%
fungal pneumonia 12%
postvaccinal encephalitis 9%
blood in semen 12%
plague 9%
fibroma of the lungs 12%
cough to tears 9%
vascular sclerosis 12%
headache on awakening 9%
chronic radiation sickness 12%
кашель хуже после плача 9%
lung gangrene 12%
loose gums 9%
surgical infections 12%
card number 9%
there is no strength in the morning 12%
sores on eyelids 9%
erosive esophagitis 12%
acute bronchiolitis 8%
cytomegalovirus hepatitis 12%
cough 8%
joint pain at night 12%
The headache is worse at night 8%
atypical pneumonia 12%
dryness of mucous membranes and skin 8%
body does not sweat 11%
nose red 8%
herpes zoster 11%
papules 8%
mononucleosis 11%
the eye is red and swollen 8%
infectious mononucleosis 11%
scleritis 8%
joint pain in the morning 11%
rashes on the shoulders 8%
pneumocystis pneumonia 11%
barking cough 8%
bruising morning 11%
pink spots on the skin 8%
selenium 11%
pink cheeks 8%
viral meningoencephalitis 11%
dry lips 8%
oncology 11%
laryngeal stenosis 8%
increase ggtp 11%
swelling of eyelids 8%
alveolitis 11%
suppuration of the skin 8%
alkali poisoning 11%
face is red 8%
constantly increased appetite 11%
red rash 8%
wheezing in the lungs dry 11%
laryngeal edema 8%
tracheobronchitis 11%
dry skin of the face 8%
retinal dissection 11%
severe nasal congestion 8%
viral hepatitis 11%
mucous hyperemia 8%
outstrips the development 11%
pain in the wings of the nose 7%
whooping 11%
red rash on the cheeks 7%
necrotic pancreatitis 11%
nodes red eyelids 7%
respiratory syncytial infection 11%
blepharitis 7%
muscle pain at night 11%
flakes in the urine 7%
rapid weight loss 11%
acute laryngitis and tracheitis 7%
chest is flat 10%
swelling of the brain 7%
chronic esophagitis 10%
cheeks are red 7%
is blocked an increase in the alkaline phosphatase 10%
bronchopneumonia in children 7%
purulent lymphadenitis 10%
dryness in the nose 7%
does not sweat 10%
nose swelling 7%
soreness of the body 10%
photophobia 7%
fatigue in the morning 10%
consequences of vaccinations 7%
consequences of herpes 10%
abundance of mucus 7%
kidney disease 10%
rash on the nose 7%
lung disorder bilateral 10%
bright red lips 7%
streptococcal infections 10%
She wakes up broken 7%
hormonal disorders 10%
demodecosis of the eyelids 7%
peptic ulcer 10%
disorder demodecosis 7%
mycoplasma 10%
severe dryness of the skin 7%
cytolysis syndrome 10%
scales on eyelids 7%
loss of strength in the morning 10%
vitamin lowered 7%
opportunistic infections 10%
teeth rare 7%
increased sensitivity 10%
poorly wakes 7%
history of radiation 10%
mucus in the throat at night 7%
skin dirty 10%
runny nose 7%
acute viral hepatitis 10%
rashes with peeling 7%
viral tonsillitis 10%
headache worse from coughing 7%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 15% 3%
cough is worse before going to bed 7%
angiopathy 15% 3%
lips bright 7%
joint pain 9%
small vestibule of the oral cavity 7%
increased ast 9%
red spots on the skin 7%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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