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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar S42.2S82.5
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 18%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 31%
fractures of the humerus in children 18%
patellar fracture 31%
fracture of the ulna 17%
tibia fracture 26%
arm fracture 16%
knee injury 25%
broken collarbone 16%
knee joint ligament damage 25%
fracture of the collarbone in children 16%
of knee joint injury is determined 25%
fracture of the scapula 15%
ankle fracture 24%
fractures of the forearm bones 15%
swelling of the knee 24%
pain in shoulder joints 14%
fracture of the lower leg 24%
epiphyseolysis 14%
ligament damage 23%
fracture of the humerus 14%
ligament injury 23%
shoulder injury 13%
pain in the shins 22%
elbow 12%
abrasion 22%
pain in the elbow joints 11%
knees do not bend 21%
pain in the shoulder blade 11%
porous skin 21%
shoulder pain is worse when moving 11%
arthrosis 21%
pain from sudden movements 10%
ulcers on the shins 21%
fractures of the bones of the hand 10%
pain in the knees 21%
fracture of the ulnar process 9%
fractures of the bones of the foot 21%
dislocation of the collarbone 9%
pain in the knee joints 20%
worse from sudden movements 9%
leg injury 20%
bruise 9%
contractures 20%
joint pain with exertion 9%
knee joint contracture 20%
fractures of the forearm bones in children 9%
ulcer on the leg 20%
blue skin 8%
arthrosis of the knee joint 19%
the feeling of falling 8%
crooked legs 19%
pain in the collarbone 8%
comminuted fracture 7% 26%
hard pulse 8%
erysipelas on the leg 19%
acute pain in the joints 8%
sensations in the legs 18%
feeling of pressure on the bottom 8%
trophic ulcers of the shins 18%
swelling of joints 8%
double vision 18%
subcutaneous edema 8%
deformations of the feet 18%
soreness of the skin 8%
relaxation 18%
swelling of the hands 8%
ulcers on the skin 17%
pain throughout the body 7%
in the morning leg pain 17%
worse when unbending 7%
pyoderma 17%
tension in the shoulders 7%
wounds heal poorly 17%
deformities of the limbs 7%
pain in the legs 17%
size delusions 7%
false joint 17%
dislocation of the shoulder 7%
rash on the lower leg 17%
fracture of the sternum 7%
thrombosis of the lower extremities 17%
pain under the shoulder blade 7%
contractures of the joints 17%
severe pain in the arm 6%
swelling of the legs 17%
birth trauma 6%
peptic ulcer 17%
gunshot wounds 6%
vascular damage 17%
back injury 6%
the feeling of a fracture 6% 23%
forearm pain 6%
injuries 16%
sports injury 6%
bleeding 16%
fracture of the radius 6%
osteoporosis 16%
2 children 6%
can not straighten 16%
worse when bending 6%
purulent rashes on the skin 16%
crackling in the joints 6%
sneaky 16%
neck injury 6%
blood loss 16%
shortness of breath 5%
soft tissue injury 16%
general swelling does 5%
thrombosis 16%
general tension 5%
insensitivity to pain 16%
joint crunch 5%
surgical infections 16%
forced situation 5%
suppuration of the skin 16%
can not breathe 5%
burning in the legs 16%
worse at 11 o'clock 5%
better in afternoon 16%
pulse is strong 5%
bruising sensation 16%
radiation therapy 4%
burns 16%
consequences of childbirth 4%
knee pain in the evening 16%
psychosis 4%
tension of the leg muscles 16%
madness 4%
joint pain in the morning 16%
confusion 4%
consequences of operation 15%
stones in the bladder 4%
blood diseases 15%
radiation damage 4%
desire to control 15%
oncology 4%
pain in legs in the evening 15%
cancer 4%
rashes of the sole 15%
worse during day 4%
stiffness in the legs 15%
there are no complaints 15%
erysipelas 15%
better from movement 15%
open fracture 11% 26%
rash pustules 15%
fatigue 15%
bifurcated urine stream 14%
pain in the popliteal fossa 14%
the feeling of the lower leg is shortened 14%
numbness in the hips 14%
refuses treatment 14%
rash on the limbs 14%
foot weight 14%
trophic ulcer 14%
peripheral nerve injuries 14%
patellar balloting 14%
polytrauma 14%
stiffness in the joints 4% 18%
superficial veins 14%
curvature of the shins 14%
hemarthrosis 11% 25%
numbness of the shins 13%
consequences of knee injury 13%
legs do not hold 13%
swelling in the morning 13%
burning in the veins 13%
fluid in the joints 13%
it is better in the afternoon 13%
muscle atrophy 13%
lung infarction 13%
rashes on his legs 13%
burning in the shins 13%
joint injury 13%
pneumonia 13%
shortening of legs 13%
thrombophlebitis 13%
stereotypia 13%
bruise 13%
cold knees 13%
purulent wound 13%
rises early 13%
knee pain when bending 13%
worse from exercise 13%
it's better to be alone 13%
bedsores 13%
better in morning 4% 17%
bone defects 7% 19%
viral hepatitis 12%
stagnant pneumonia 12%
syphilis 12%
swelling of the legs in the morning 12%
leg restlessness 12%
pulsation in the legs 12%
impaired lung function 12%
venous thrombosis 12%
head injury 12%
open person 5% 17%
necrosis 12%
low body temperature 12%
traumatic brain injury 12%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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