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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Fecal stoneIntestinal fistula
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 39%(0)78%(2)
Colonoscopy 32%(0)66%(0)
Histological studies 46%(0)
Coprogram 31%(10)15%(4)
CT of the organ 23%(0)22%(0)
Endoscopy 28%(0)17%(0)
Measurements at the reception 16%(0)24%(0)
Radiography of the area 16%(0)18%(0)
CT scan of the large intestine 19%(0)15%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 88%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
hard stools 85%
intestinal abscess 85%
lacrimation 53%
pararectal fistula 81%
constipation 61% 8%
fistula 14% 85%
pain in the rectum 70% 20%
abscess 69%
fecal stone 47%
paraproctitis 64%
defecation painful 42%
illness from stress 60%
with anemia 39%
papillomas on the neck 56%
prolonged defecation 37%
adaptation disorders 55%
atonic constipation 37%
likes sweets 52%
intestinal dyskinesia 36%
acne 45%
constipation prolonged 35%
better from heat 44%
pain in the intestines 63% 26%
rashes on the face 44%
appendix stones 34%
warts 42%
lot of fiber in fecal 31%
suppuration with fistulas 39%
constipation in the elderly 31%
patient's condition 38%
weakness 29%
pimples on the face 38%
phlegmonous appendicitis 29%
skin problems 37%
lot of mucus 28%
bone fistula 36%
alkalization of feces 28%
night sweating 35%
watery diarrhea 27%
ligature fistula 33%
cell carcinoma colon cancer 26%
heel spur 32%
frequent constipation 26%
crohn 32%
consistency of feces is dense 25%
intestinal infection 29%
dryness of the anus 25%
intestinal fistula 20% 48%
changes in feces 25%
wounds 27%
stool undigested food 25%
intestinal mucosa 27%
pain in the anus in men 24%
fistula of the rectum 27%
abdominal pain 24%
insufficiency of the anal sphincter 27%
fecal vomiting 24%
consequences of operation 26%
foreign body of the rectum 24%
multiple organ failure 26%
constipation sheep feces 24%
bone growths 26%
bladder fistula 23%
suppuration of the skin 26%
stomach like a drum 23%
purulent wound 25%
abdominal pain 23%
vaginal fistulas 24%
obstructive intestinal obstruction 23%
dermatitis 24%
pain in the anus in women 23%
consequences of taking medications 24%
constipation spastic 22%
surgical infections 24%
gangrene 22%
proctitis 23%
nausea 22%
wet skin 23%
eats quickly 22%
frequent colds 23%
vomiting 22%
actinomycosis 23%
sheep feces 22%
intestinal tuberculosis 23%
hirschsprung 's disease 21%
discharge from the anus 22%
thick feces 21%
The skin is not 22%
fiber in feces 21%
consequences of infection 22%
bloating 21%
tumors of the peritoneum 22%
irritability 20%
porous skin 22%
regular stool 20%
infectious colitis 21%
secondary parkinsonism 20%
tuberculosis 21%
rapid weight loss 20%
gastric fistula 21%
metastases 20%
urination incontinence 21%
megacolon 20%
intra-abdominal infections 21%
red fecal 20%
of urinary incontinence 21%
alkali poisoning 20%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 13% 33%
no appetite 19%
inflammatory bowel diseases 14% 33%
greasy stools 19%
neatness 19%
abdominal pain constipation 19%
atony of the rectum 19%
is irritable weakness 18%
dehydration 19%
helps others 18%
injury 18%
constipation with loose stools 18%
rectal infiltration 18%
feces undigested 18%
uterine atresia 18%
blood dark 18%
chronic anal fissure 18%
very pale 18%
appendix cancer 17%
fever abdominal pain 18%
hernia 17%
foreign body sensation 18%
scar inflammation 17%
eats often 17%
wound postoperative 17%
eats everything 17%
split pancreas 17%
food is poorly digested 17%
blunt abdominal trauma 17%
eats 17%
strictures of the bile ducts 16%
stool with blood 17%
acute injury 16%
difficult defecation 16%
infected eczema 16%
hemoglobin increased 16%
postoperative peritonitis 16%
increased calcium 16%
full 16%
tumour in the abdomen 16%
intestinal infarction 16%
vomiting with blood 16%
hematocrit increased 16%
gastrointestinal bleeding 16%
hernia infringement 16%
bedsores 16%
atresia of the anus and rectum 16%
no feeling of hunger 16%
treatment with antibiotics 16%
stool meager 16%
sepsis 15%
increased appetite 16%
depression 15%
bowel cancer 35% 17%
straightforwardness 15%
polyps 16%
anal fissures 15%
abdominal pain with nausea 16%
mucous diarrhea 15%
abdominal pain with vomiting 16%
discomfort in the intestines 15%
are bad 15%
gunshot wounds 15%
increased ESR 15%
urethro-vaginal fistula 15%
worse from water 15%
hernia of the abdomen 15%
no joints 15%
bacteremia 15%
nausea vomiting 14%
hemorrhoids 15%
general weakness 14%
sad 15%
hemorrhagic diathesis 14%
gradual deterioration of 15%
bleeding 14%
inflammatory infiltrate 14%
worse food 14%
cryptit 14%
foreign body of the intestine 32% 17%
female pelvic organs 14%
dryness 13%
oily skin 14%
intestinal bleeding 26% 11%
intoxication of alcohol 14%
pain throughout the body 13%
mood disorder 14%
damage to the nervous system 12%
pus in feces 14%
cancer 27% 13%
acute appendicitis 14%
blood diseases 11%
insensitivity to pain 14%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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