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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Benign tumors of the large intestineFecal stone
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 39%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 88%
polyps of the colon 30%
hard stools 85%
intestinal polyps 28%
pain in the rectum 9% 70%
tumors of the rectum 28%
lacrimation 53%
intestinal mucosa 24%
constipation 14% 61%
benign neoplasms 24%
fecal stone 47%
consequences of operation 23%
pain in the intestines 18% 63%
fibroma 23%
defecation painful 42%
discharge from the anus 21%
prolonged defecation 37%
desmoid tumor 21%
appendix stones 34%
consequences of taking medications 21%
foreign body of the intestine 32%
tumors of the sigmoid colon 20%
constipation in the elderly 31%
diffuse polyposis 19%
lot of fiber in fecal 31%
consequences of spinal injury 18%
phlegmonous appendicitis 29%
tumors of the small intestine 18%
gallbladder fistula 28%
patient's condition 18%
lot of mucus 28%
adenomatous polyp 18%
alkalization of feces 28%
rectal cancer 17%
atonic constipation 9% 37%
tenesmus 16%
watery diarrhea 27%
worse after defecation 16%
intestinal obstruction 27%
pain in the intestines 15%
intestinal dyskinesia 9% 36%
spinal injury 15%
with anemia 13% 39%
hump 15%
consistency of feces is dense 25%
stooped 15%
appendicitis 25%
chest deformity 15%
constipation prolonged 10% 35%
blood from the anus 15%
bile fistulas 25%
benign epithelial tumors 15%
dryness of the anus 25%
small bowel cancer 15%
stool undigested food 25%
red feces 15%
changes in feces 25%
malignization 15%
fecal vomiting 24%
familial polyposis of the colon 14%
foreign body of the rectum 24%
pale skin 14%
constipation sheep feces 24%
burning in the intestines 14%
abdominal pain 24%
curvature of the spine 14%
pain in the anus in men 24%
hemangioma 14%
bladder fistula 23%
tone of large intestine is decreased 13%
obstructive intestinal obstruction 23%
of green feces 13%
pain in the anus in women 23%
bone deformation 13%
stomach like a drum 23%
consequences of physical exertion 13%
constipation spastic 22%
in the feces polyps of the rectum 13%
eats quickly 22%
dislocation of the vertebrae 13%
nausea 22%
myxedema 13%
sheep feces 22%
stiffness in the joints 13%
fiber in feces 21%
mucous hyperemia 13%
urinary fistulas 21%
oncology relatives 13%
hirschsprung 's disease 21%
oncology in the anamnesis 12%
shape of large intestine is changed 21%
back pain 12%
megacolon 20%
consequences of injuries 12%
rapid weight loss 20%
pigmented spots on the face 12%
red fecal 20%
rash over the lip 12%
alkali poisoning 20%
a history of trauma 12%
chair with mucus 20%
bone fracture 12%
intestinal fistula 20%
pain in the thoracic spine 12%
irritability 20%
spinal fracture 12%
regular stool 20%
osteoma 12%
secondary parkinsonism 20%
urge to vomit 12%
conservative 20%
better in afternoon 12%
weakness 9% 29%
consequences of a fracture 12%
greasy stools 19%
better evening 12%
abdominal pain constipation 19%
cancer intoxication 12%
blood dark 18%
rectal bleeding 11%
foreign body sensation 18%
wound postoperative 11%
is irritable weakness 18%
schwannoma 11%
helps others 18%
stiffness in the back 11%
feces undigested 18%
thoracic kyphosis 11%
very pale 18%
better in morning 11%
intestinal diverticula 18%
spinal canal stenosis 11%
fever abdominal pain 18%
aggressive 11%
acute colitis 18%
thoracolumbar kyphosis 11%
violation of the chair 13% 30%
consequences of infection 11%
eats often 17%
black highlights 11%
food is poorly digested 17%
burns 11%
eats 17%
stomach polyp 11%
abdominal pain with nausea 16%
obesity 11%
abdominal pain with vomiting 16%
body does not sweat 11%
stool meager 16%
lumbar kyphosis 11%
stool with gases 16%
surgical infections 11%
intestinal lethargy 16%
stage of recovery 11%
frequent constipation 10% 26%
recovery period 11%
vomiting with blood 16%
fatigue 10%
increased appetite 16%
does not sweat 10%
increased calcium 16%
of reduced efficiency 10%
hemoglobin increased 16%
chronic colitis 10%
difficult defecation 16%
crohn 10%
no feeling of hunger 16%
digestion constipation 10%
gastrointestinal bleeding 16%
swelling 10%
worse from water 15%
infectious colitis 10%
cell carcinoma colon cancer 11% 26%
peitz-jaegers syndrome 10%
general weakness 14%
breaks things 10%
worse food 14%
anemia in children 10%
fistula 14%
pain after injury 10%
nausea vomiting 14%
fibromyoma 10%
scarring 13%
tension in the spine 10%
gangrene 9% 22%
back injury 10%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 13%
neurological disorders 10%
bowel cancer 22% 35%
hereditary non-polypous colorectal carcinoma 10%
abdominal pain 11% 23%
obesity on the stomach 10%
damage to the nervous system 12%
injury 10%
high temperature 12%
precancer 10%
vomiting 10% 22%
cyclic vomiting 10%
intestinal bleeding 15% 26%
polyps 28% 16%
intoxication 7% 17%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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