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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Myopia in pregnant womenРетинопатия Пурчера
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 76%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 91%
severe myopia 60%
occlusion of the central retinal vein 20% 98%
progressive myopia 60%
blindness 15% 82%
congenital myopia 58%
pancreatitis 66%
astigmatism 58%
traumatic brain injury 65%
macular 57%
head injury 64%
nearsightedness in children 57%
occlusion of the central retinal artery 63%
myopia 54%
retinopathy 28% 89%
spasm of accommodation 50%
autoimmune pancreatitis 61%
glaucoma 47%
arterial occlusion 61%
retinal 46%
traumatic illness 61%
deterioration of vision 45%
not sensitive to pain 59%
peripheral retinal dystrophy 44%
injury 58%
frontal and ocular headache 43%
alcoholic pancreatitis 57%
dystrophy 43%
eye swelling 22% 78%
refractive errors 41%
cryoglobulinemia 56%
cycloplegia 40%
hellp syndrome 54%
weakness of the eyes 39%
indomitable vomiting 53%
pain in the frontal part 39%
macular edema 51%
myopic astigmatism 37%
thrombosis 13% 64%
headache frontal 36%
up circulatory disorders 12% 62%
eye spasm 35%
acute head injury 48%
amblyopia 34%
fisher-evans syndrome 48%
monocular 34%
angiopathy 21% 68%
tension in the eyes 34%
retinal hemorrhage 19% 66%
different eyes 33%
blood diseases 11% 57%
insensitivity to pain 32%
roth's disease 18% 64%
deterioration from visual tension 31%
autoimmune thrombocytopenia 45%
bach flower 31%
prolonged labor 45%
hyperopia 31%
red spots on the skin 45%
weakness 31%
lymphostasis 44%
consequences of taking medications 30%
swelling 17% 60%
deterioration during pregnancy 29%
primary immunodeficiency 42%
heaviness in the forehead 29%
systemic lupus erythematosus 41%
childhood diseases 29%
pressure in the head 41%
staphyloma 29%
pancreatopathy 40%
spasm 29%
late pregnancy 40%
age 4 years 28%
liebman-sachs endocarditis 39%
consequences of operation 27%
sedentary lifestyle 16% 55%
anisometropia 26%
alcohol is abusing 39%
skin dystrophy 26%
apoplexy 39%
stretching 26%
chronic kidney failure 38%
dry eye syndrome 26%
endocarditis 38%
worse pregnancy 26%
acute condition 9% 47%
headache behind the eyes 25%
venous thrombosis 15% 53%
pain in the eyes 25%
venous congestion 38%
shiny eyes 25%
hepatitis c 38%
pain in the eye sockets 24%
acute injury 36%
photopsia 24%
thrombocytopenia 36%
vagotonia 24%
a history of trauma 36%
acute bacterial conjunctivitis 24%
viral hepatitis 36%
nose eye fatigue 24%
cerebral circulation disorder 35%
mental tension 24%
aids 35%
dilated pupils 24%
bacteremia 35%
fatigue 24%
hemorrhage in the eye 24% 59%
nose headache from fatigue 24%
hemorrhagic diathesis 35%
distortion of vision 24%
congestive kidney 35%
scarring 23%
organic brain damage 34%
lens anomalies 23%
hepatitis 34%
nose large eyes 23%
kidney failure 34%
feeling of heaviness in the head 23%
visual impairment 43% 77%
fundus veins hemorrhages 23%
sepsis 33%
headaches 22%
chronic kidney disease 33%
headache with weakness 22%
hypoxia 33%
quickly gets tired 22%
liver diseases 32%
better in afternoon 22%
kidney disease 32%
alternating vision 22%
subacute condition 32%
pingvecula 22%
cardiac disorder 30%
tear ducts are obstructed 21%
skin problems 29%
keratoconus 21%
onset of illness 12% 41%
worse from eye strain 21%
hemorrhages on the skin 11% 39%
eye sensitivity 21%
changes in the blood 19% 47%
lacrimal ducts 21%
retinal rupture 34% 60%
anemia during pregnancy 21%
vascular damage 13% 34%
sees poorly up close 21%
immunodeficiency 13% 33%
vomiting in pregnant 21%
there are no complaints 12% 30%
squints his eyes 20%
pregnancy complications 22% 38%
chronic dacryocystitis 20%
rupture of the eyeball 33% 48%
chalazion eyelids 20%
blurred vision 40% 53%
teenage pregnancy 20%
heavy eyes 29% 42%
protein with increased 20%
pregnancy toxicosis 28% 40%
head poor eyesight 20%
toxicosis 26% 37%
problems with studying 20%
vomiting 22% 31%
pain is felt in the orbit 20%
heaviness in the eyes 44% 45%
loss of visual fields 19%
pregnancy 30% 31%
angiomatosis 19%
erysipelas 19%
central choreoretinal dystrophy 19%
pupils narrow 19%
deterioration from apples 19%
pterygium 19%
burning in the lungs 19%
rashes on the temples 19%
macular rupture 19%
nodes astigmatism in children 19%
sympathicotonia 18%
weakness after illness 18%
head severe 18%
skin is coming off 18%
headache with visual impairment 18%
fatigue in the morning 18%
with anemia 18%
connective tissue dysplasia 18%
in the morning lethargy 17%
nystagmus 17%
slow onset of the disease 17%
patient is motionless 17%
congenital glaucoma 17%
consequences of abortion 17%
lagophthalmos 17%
strabismus 17%
divergent squint 17%
circles before the eyes 17%
shroud 17%
worse from pressure 16%
skin tender 16%
inflammation of the eyes 16%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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