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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Functional disorders of the stomachAlcoholic gastritis
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 19%(0)100%(2)
FGDS 19%(0)66%(0)
General blood test 11%(7)64%(1)
Other hormones 24%(4)45%(3)
Coprogram 12%(2)9%(2)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 30%
peptic ulcer 54% 5%
gastropathy 18%
inflammation of the stomach 37% 6%
heartburn from acidic food 13%
inflammatory bowel diseases 23%
regurgitation syndrome 11%
out reflux esophagitis 17%
nausea on an empty stomach 10%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 28% 11%
delayed digestion 10%
impaired function of the large intestine 13%
food is poorly digested 10%
stomach pain 12%
tendency to diarrhea 10%
proctitis 11%
heartburn sour 10%
infectious colitis 10%
intestinal motility is sluggish 10%
gastritis 23% 13%
bloating around the navel 10%
colitis 8%
other gastritis 10%
stomach pain from hunger 7%
vomiting bile 10%
problems with the father 7%
gray plaque on her tongue 10%
stomach cancer 7%
sour belching 9%
stomach tumors 7%
acute gastritis 9%
gastric adenocarcinoma 7%
pent-up anger 9%
chronic colitis 6%
alcohol is abusing 9%
pancreatitis 5%
tongue is pale 9%
periodic nausea 4%
digestion gastritis 8%
periods of exacerbation 4%
bloating 8%
cardia insufficiency 4%
vomiting mucus 8%
oncology 4%
increased LDL 8%
cyclic vomiting 4%
nausea with excitement 8%
chronic gastritis 4%
lot of antibiotics 8%
zollinger-ellison syndrome 4%
reduction of LDL 8%
ulcer penetration 4%
fear of water 8%
gastrointestinal bleeding 3%
chills 8%
sensitivity to medications 3%
weakness after experiences 8%
asthenic 3%
consumes alcohol 8%
worse at 12 o'clock 3%
gastrin increased 2% 9%
illness from stress 3%
refusal to drink 7%
herpes 3%
vomiting food 7%
crohn 3%
digestion bloating 7%
chronic duodenitis 3%
soreness of the skin 7%
duodenitis 3%
improvement from alcohol 7%
bleeding 3%
alcohol poisoning 7%
congestive kidney 3%
increased blood glucose 7%
overworked 3%
consequences of alcohol abuse 7%
chronic enteritis 3%
no feeling of hunger 7%
smokes 3%
intoxication of alcohol 7%
abdominal pain near the navel 3%
change in appetite 7%
adaptation disorders 3%
need for alcohol 7%
onset of illness 3%
disorders of the autonomic nervous system 7%
chronic gastroduodenitis 3%
elevated blood glucose 7%
cramps 3%
need for protection 7%
aches 3%
blood diseases 1% 8%
pancreatic cancer 3%
nausea 4% 11%
corneal ulcer 3%
pain in the intestines 1% 8%
keratitis 3%
wounds heal poorly 1% 8%
bleeding stomach ulcer 3%
is gaining weight poorly 7%
heaviness in the upper abdomen 3%
dysbacteriosis 7%
of heartburn after eating 3%
wounds 1% 7%
weakness of the sphincters 3%
hyperglycemia 6%
intestinal bleeding 3%
total blood protein 6%
gastric perforation 3%
enlarged liver 6%
heaviness in the epigastrium after eating 3%
motor activity 6%
intestinal mucosa 3%
constipation 6%
heaviness after eating 3%
pale skin 6%
reverse peristalsis 3%
intestinal lethargy 6%
sudden vomiting 3%
postoperative pain 6%
kidney disease 3%
refuses treatment 6%
vomiting in pregnant 3%
delayed reaction 6%
belching air 3%
pale skin 6%
emotional 3%
impaired coordination 6%
heaviness in the stomach after eating 3%
subfebrile condition 6%
belching rotten eggs 3%
belly enlargement 6%
quickly gets tired 2%
electrolyte balance disorders 6%
iron deficiency anemia 2%
protein reduced 6%
neurasthenia 2%
worse from water 6%
allergy to antibiotics 2%
weight 6%
personality feeling 2%
protein c deficiency 6%
feeling of bruising 2%
protein with increased 6%
pain gives in the arm 2%
protein-energy deficiency 6%
nausea during the day 2%
liquid stool 2% 8%
treatment with antibiotics 2%
vomiting 5% 11%
loose stools in the morning 2%
impaired gastric function 5% 11%
age 4 years 2%
diseases of the stomach and duodenum 4% 10%
changes in feces 2%
no appetite 3% 9%
diarrhea in the morning 2%
alcohol dependence 2% 8%
main complaint is abdominal pain 2%
tendency to constipation 2% 8%
headache from above 2%
heartburn belching 2% 8%
anxiety with irritability 2%
constant pain 6%
abdominal pain in the morning stomach 2%
temperature with chills 6%
abdominal pain on the right 2%
overlaid tongue 2% 8%
obesity in children 2%
burping with food 2% 8%
pain in the right side of the abdomen 2%
dry skin 6%
renal colic 2%
dystrophy 5%
pasternatsky's symptom 2%
pain throughout the body 5%
feeling of electricity 2%
high temperature 5%
pain gives in the back 2%
there is emaciation in the neck 5%
dyspepsia in children 2%
dependence on plastic surgery 5%
hypochondria 2%
worse food 1% 6%
general loss of strength 2%
acute condition 5%
need for salt 2%
abdominal pain with vomiting 1% 6%
depression 2%
hematuria 5%
intense longing 2%
increased sensitivity 5%
spasm 2%
intoxication 5%
fatigue 2%
worse in violation of the diet 2% 7%
pain in the esophagus 2%
nausea belching 2% 7%
sad 2%
pain in the navel area 2% 7%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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