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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Intestinal spasmМикотоксикозы
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 81%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
spasm 100% 19%
angry 96%
irritable bowel syndrome 35%
sialadenitis 93%
constipation spastic 28%
mchc reduced 88%
rumbling in the stomach 26%
weight 68%
biliary dyskinesia 25%
aflatoxicosis 63%
spastic abdominal pain 24%
aggressive 56%
colic 20%
bleeding 3% 57%
spasms of the gastrointestinal tract 19%
agranulocytosis 53%
anal fissures 18%
sore 51%
abdominal 18%
pus on the tonsils 51%
sharp belly 17%
enteritis 48%
menopause diseases 16%
fungus 48%
muscle pain 16%
heaviness in the legs after walking 44%
colitis 16%
alcoholoid poisoning 44%
dysfunction of the gallbladder 16%
acute duodenitis 43%
pain in the rectum 15%
gastroenteritis 43%
helminths 14%
zygomycosis 42%
bitterness in the mouth 13%
pain in the right side of the head 42%
lot of gases 13%
duodenitis 41%
colic in the stomach 13%
food poisoning 40%
depression anxiety 13%
dry gangrene 40%
mixed anxious 13%
severe sore throat 39%
pain in the intestines 44% 29%
leukopenia 39%
cholecystitis 12%
diarrhea with chills 39%
psychosis 11%
erosive gastritis 4% 42%
intestinal colic 11%
intoxication of alcohol 37%
sad 11%
headache from alcohol 35%
constant pain 11%
headache pain after eating 35%
cramps 10%
hangover syndrome 35%
depression 10%
dizziness from alcohol 35%
intestinal spasms 10%
headache on the right 34%
general weakness 9%
headaches 4% 37%
anxiety 9%
convulsions 33%
emotional 9%
barley 32%
pain throughout the body 8%
soreness in the hypochondria on the right 32%
senile asthenia syndrome 8%
glossitis 32%
falls in the elderly 8%
weakness after illness 32%
oncology 8%
hallucinations 31%
sarcopenia 8%
gangrene 31%
he feels like an old man 8%
palpation is painful in epigastrium 31%
constant joint pain 8%
ulcers in the nose 31%
pain in the muscles of the back 8%
necrosis 31%
intestinal mucosa 8%
touching the head painful 31%
spasms in the body 8%
diarrhea with undigested food 31%
spasms in the epigastrium 7%
stomatitis on the tongue 30%
peptic ulcer 7%
rupture duodenal dysfunction 5% 35%
fluid in the joints 7%
up palpation of the abdomen soreness in the hypochondria 30%
pain after a fracture 7%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 9% 39%
weak joints 7%
diarrhea after eating 30%
disease periodic muscle 7%
abdominal pain after eating 29%
pain in the entire spine 7%
sore throats in childhood 29%
anxiety due to pain 7%
mycoses of the gastrointestinal tract 29%
stomach bezoar 7%
diarrhea with bile 29%
arthrosis 7%
ulcers on 29%
bloating 7%
abdominal pain when pressing 28%
spinal injury 7%
chronic enteritis 28%
stretching 7%
strongest weakness 28%
digestion gastritis 7%
fungal skin lesion 28%
arthritis with pain 7%
tingling in the body 28%
anxiety in the stomach 7%
heaviness in the legs 28%
vitamin d deficiency 7%
acute stomatitis 28%
bursitis 7%
blepharitis 28%
stomach cramping pain 7%
dizziness in the afternoon 28%
consequences of operation 7%
severe dizziness 27%
abdominal pain under stress 7%
headache from above 27%
postherpetic neuralgia 7%
feces undigested 27%
pain in the feet permanent 7%
headache with chills 27%
by erosion of the stomach 7%
pain in the right side of the abdomen 27%
worse sitting 7%
abdominal pain on the right 27%
intestinal ulcer 7%
internal bleeding 27%
abdominal cramps with diarrhea 7%
skin mycoses 27%
stomach ulcer 7%
chills when vomiting 27%
back aches 7%
nosebleed 26%
intestinal obstruction 7%
hemorrhagic syndrome 26%
muscle stretching 7%
neurasthenia 26%
spinal fracture 7%
of the throat tickling 26%
intestinal flu 6%
migraine 26%
muscle atrophy 6%
convulsions tonic 26%
myeloma 6%
liver necrosis 26%
pain from the load 6%
gums inflamed 26%
shingling abdominal pain 6%
aches all over the body 26%
frequent urge to stool 6%
convulsions pain 26%
foreign body of the intestine 6%
leg weakness walking 26%
intra-abdominal infections 6%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 2% 28%
medicinal arthropathy 6%
impaired coordination 3% 29%
stool with gases 6%
weakness 4% 30%
hunger at night 6%
intoxication 14% 40%
pain in the legs 6%
vomiting food 25%
joint pain 6%
food is poorly digested 25%
stomach pain from hunger 6%
fecal vomiting 25%
not sensitive to pain 6%
bleeding from the gums 5% 30%
executive 6%
vomiting 6% 31%
stomach pain at night 6%
pregnancy 25%
consequences of a fracture 6%
headache in the afternoon 25%
osteoarthritis of the spine 6%
bleeding uterine 25%
chronic arthritis 6%
hepatosis fatty 25%
arthritis 6%
aphthous stomatitis 24%
severe colic 6%
miscarriage 24%
adhesive intestinal obstruction 6%
liver atrophy 24%
osteoporosis 6%
hepatoses 24%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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