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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Benign tumors of the stomachFunctional disorders of the stomach
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 65%(0)14%(0)
FGDS 52%(0)19%(0)
Endoscopy 56%(0)3%(0)
Histological studies 48%(0)9%(0)
Coprogram 34%(1)12%(2)
Radiography of the area 40%(0)4%(0)
General blood test 26%(2)11%(7)
General inspection 25%(0)1%(0)
Other hormones 24%(4)
Measurements at the reception 22%(0)2%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
gastric adenoma 89%
peptic ulcer 54%
adenomatous polyp 87%
inflammatory bowel diseases 23%
stomach polyp 86%
out reflux esophagitis 17%
malignization 76%
impaired function of the large intestine 13%
diffuse polyposis 73%
proctitis 11%
stomach tumors 80% 7%
heartburn 11%
polyps 69%
infectious colitis 10%
benign epithelial tumors 68%
burning in the stomach 10%
intestinal tumor 64% 2%
peptic ulcer disease 12p of the intestine 9%
polyp of the stomach and duodenum 57%
inflammation of the stomach 29% 37%
hunger after eating 55%
colitis 8%
chronic gastritis 61% 4%
duodenal ulcer 8%
benign neoplasms 59% 2%
intestinal ulcer 7%
intestinal bleeding 59% 3%
problems with the father 7%
constantly changes the position of the body 53%
chronic colitis 6%
schwannoma 52%
pancreatitis 5%
bleeding 55% 3%
stomach ulcer 5%
pain all over the stomach 50%
dysfunction of the gallbladder 5%
Belching bitterness 50%
violation of gastric motility 5%
impaired gastric function 57% 5%
zollinger-ellison syndrome 4%
tubular adenoma 49%
periodic nausea 4%
gastrointestinal bleeding 54% 3%
diseases of the stomach and duodenum 4%
hyperplastic gastritis 48%
cyclic vomiting 4%
aching stomach 48%
ulcer penetration 4%
vomiting 55% 5%
heaviness in the epigastric 4%
stomach pain constant 47%
gastrojunal ulcer 4%
tumors of the large intestine 47%
periods of exacerbation 4%
hemangioma 47%
nausea with heartburn 4%
achlorhydria 46%
cardia insufficiency 4%
benign tumors of the small intestine 46%
cramps 3%
oncology 51% 4%
emotional 3%
belching bitter 45%
heaviness in the stomach after eating 3%
stomach pain 59% 12%
sudden vomiting 3%
vomiting with blood 45%
kidney disease 3%
tumour in the abdomen 45%
vomiting in pregnant 3%
nausea 50% 4%
positive urease breath test 3%
chondroma 43%
overworked 3%
osteoma 43%
of heartburn after eating 3%
atrophic gastritis 42%
worse at 12 o'clock 3%
stomach pain after eating 42%
duodenitis 3%
abdominal pain with vomiting 44% 1%
asthenic 3%
dermoid 41%
heaviness in the epigastrium after eating 3%
endothelioma 41%
sensitivity to medications 3%
abdominal pain after eating 40%
damage to the nervous system 3%
constant abdominal pain 40%
illness from stress 3%
small bowel obstruction 40%
herpes 3%
abdominal pain 52% 10%
crohn 3%
tumors of the small intestine 40%
chronic duodenitis 3%
congestion belching 45% 4%
intestinal mucosa 3%
mesothelioma 39%
belching air 3%
bitterness in the mouth 38%
gastric perforation 3%
pulling abdominal pain 38%
gastroparesis 3%
stomach cramping pain 38%
weakness of the sphincters 3%
intestinal polyps 38%
vomiting multiple 3%
lipomas 37%
keratitis 3%
fighting 37%
pancreatic cancer 3%
digestive weakness 37%
chronic condition 3%
other gastritis 36%
somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system 3%
stomach pain from hunger 44% 7%
abdominal pain near the navel 3%
vomiting food 35%
chronic gastroduodenitis 3%
anemia in children 35%
adaptation disorders 3%
fibromyoma 35%
belching rotten eggs 3%
bad breath unpleasant 35%
smokes 3%
digestive disorders 46% 9%
onset of illness 3%
external bleeding 34%
heaviness after eating 3%
vomiting bile 34%
heaviness in the upper abdomen 3%
fecal vomiting 34%
reverse peristalsis 3%
food is poorly digested 34%
corneal ulcer 3%
eats everything 34%
congestive kidney 3%
stool with blood 34%
bleeding stomach ulcer 3%
no appetite 38% 3%
chronic enteritis 3%
nausea after eating 38% 3%
loose stools in the morning 2%
nausea belching 37% 2%
fatigue 2%
no feeling of hunger 33%
not sensitive to pain 2%
feeling of bruising 36% 2%
nausea during the day 2%
pale skin 32%
renal colic 2%
intestinal obstruction 31%
depression 2%
fibroma 31%
need for salt 2%
Common symptoms are weakness 31%
spasm 2%
are bad 29%
anxiety with irritability 2%
oncology in the anamnesis 29%
pain in the right hypochondrium 2%
pale skin 29%
pain in the right side of the abdomen 2%
consequences of operation 34% 3%
treatment with antibiotics 2%
abdominal pain with nausea 31% 1%
abdominal pain on the right 2%
constant pain 28%
quickly gets tired 2%
stomach cancer 37% 7%
headache periodic 2%
patient is motionless 27%
neurasthenia 2%
dependence on plastic surgery 27%
allergy to antibiotics 2%
gastritis 52% 23%
hypochondria 2%
general weakness 27%
personality feeling 2%
gastric adenocarcinoma 36% 7%
general loss of strength 2%
gradual deterioration of 27%
main complaint is abdominal pain 2%
strong man 25%
dyspepsia in children 2%
there is emaciation in the neck 25%
neuroendocrine tumors 2%
weakness after illness 25%
pain gives in the arm 2%
pain throughout the body 25%
broths 2%
ulcers on the skin 29% 2%
alcoholism 2%
pain in the intestines 28% 1%
stomach pain in the morning 2%
stomach nausea 31% 4%
abdominal pain at night 2%
consequences of taking medications 31% 4%
vomiting in the morning 2%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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