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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Diabetic nephropathyХроническая болезнь почек
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 71%(0)27%(0)
General urine test 59%(16)21%(23)
Blood biochemistry 50%(3)25%(0)
ECG 34%(0)13%(0)
Ultrasound of arterial vessels 34%(0)9%(0)
Ultrasound of the Heart 35%(0)8%(0)
Histological studies 29%(0)9%(0)
Angiography 29%(0)6%(0)
Coagulogram 21%(3)12%(3)
General blood test 17%(6)15%(18)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 50%4%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 8%100%
little urine 35% 5%
pyelonephritis 15% 95%
weather dependence 28%
leukocyturia 15%
hypertension 35% 9%
kidney cyst 12%
diabetic nephropathy 30% 7%
acute injury 8%
atherosclerosis of blood vessels 30% 8%
dependence on food 7%
protein in urine is reduced 26% 6%
vascular damage 7%
violation of protein metabolism 22% 3%
calciphylaxis 6%
type 1 diabetes mellitus 21% 3%
polyuria 6%
is worse from sugar 20% 2%
hereditary jade 6%
hypertension 30% 13%
kidney stones 6%
kidney size left kidney increased 14%
increased uric acid 6%
protein c deficiency 21% 5%
eats 6%
lipid metabolism 18% 3%
obstructive uropathy 6%
hyperphosphatemia 23% 8%
kidney failure 20% 26%
weakness 20% 5%
vomiting 5%
hypoglycemia 18% 3%
decreased ferritin 5%
urea in the urine is low 17% 3%
vasculitis 5%
ckd c4 21% 7%
parathyroid hormone increased 5%
increased cholesterol 16% 2%
drug poisoning 5%
kidney hypertrophy 16% 2%
speeded up urination 5%
nephrotic syndrome 16% 3%
fluid in the abdomen 5%
hypoproteinemia 15% 2%
better in spring 5%
protein reduced 21% 8%
anomalies of kidney development 5%
prays 11%
shortness 5%
increase in albumin 22% 9%
increased calcium 5%
changes in urine 20% 7%
hypertensive heart failure 5%
urea in the urine is elevated 11%
nausea 5%
diarrhea from milk 11%
analgesic nephropathy 5%
violation of carbohydrate metabolism 14% 2%
ischemic nephropathy 5%
protein with increased 17% 5%
refuses treatment 5%
osteoporosis 16% 4%
worse food 5%
acute glomerulonephritis 10%
observation 5%
crystalluria 10%
vomiting with increased blood pressure 5%
tuberculosis of the kidneys 10%
liebman-sachs endocarditis 5%
increase in gfr urine 22% 10%
kidney failure in children 5%
diabetes mellitus 19% 8%
no feeling of hunger 5%
nephropathy 21% 10%
catheter-associated bloodstream infections 5%
metallic taste in his mouth 9%
complications of kidney transplantation 5%
prolonged urination 9%
decrease in phosphorus 5%
headache in the temples 9%
polymorbidity 5%
hypertensive nephropathy 18% 7%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 5%
decrease in creatinine 20% 10%
dehydration in children 5%
renin increased 8%
tubulopathy 5%
increased blood clotting 8%
sluggish baby 4%
decrease in albumin 20% 10%
roth's disease 4%
swelling of the hips 8%
ascites 4%
shows genitals 8%
loss of strength in the morning 4%
chronic diarrhea 8%
hyponatremia 4%
grey urine 8%
cerebral circulation disorder 4%
duration of pq interval is increased 8%
rejection of the chest 4%
neurosis of the heart 8%
intoxication 4%
increased cholesterol levels in the blood 8%
better from pressure 4%
in the family diabetes 12% 2%
tumors of the ureter 4%
decreased calcium 15% 5%
hypertensive retinopathy 4%
familial diabetes mellitus 8%
often sick child 4%
blood diseases 16% 6%
acute renal failure 4%
swelling 16% 6%
hypertrophy of the left ventricle 4%
increased blood glucose 8%
of facial swelling in the morning 4%
uremia 16% 6%
bone fracture 4%
duration of qrs interval is increased 8%
cystinosis 4%
myocardial infarction 12% 3%
sexual infantilism 4%
increased urea 12% 3%
anuria 4%
changes in the blood 12% 3%
anemia in children 4%
need for fats 11% 2%
pale skin 4%
diarrhea with blood 11% 2%
palpitations 4%
violation of fat metabolism 11% 2%
cakut-syndrome 4%
painless myocardial ischemia 7%
stones of the urethra 4%
violation of gastric motility 7%
vaccination 4%
postmenopausal osteoporosis 7%
growth disorders in children 4%
secondary hypertension 18% 9%
increased intracranial pressure 4%
with anemia 16% 7%
premature babies 4%
swelling of the ankle 7%
organic brain damage 4%
ovarian tumors in girls 7%
fatigue 4%
not mindfulness 7%
kidney aplasia 4%
circadian rhythm disorders 7%
hemolytic-uremic syndrome 4%
increased nervousness 7%
vascular sclerosis 4%
does the wrong thing 7%
foamy urine 4%
lactic acidosis 7%
retinal hemorrhage 4%
insulin allergy 7%
pressure jumps 4%
nausea without vomiting 7%
human papillomavirus 4%
hypoglycemic coma 7%
is better in nature 4%
liver failure 7%
state of exacerbation 4%
chronic anemia 16% 7%
growth retardation 4%
diarrhea with gases 6%
hypoplastic kidney dysplasia 4%
severe hypoxia 6%
glycohemoglobin reduced 4%
elevated blood glucose 12% 4%
bleeding 4%
refusal to drink 6%
hypernatremia 4%
allergic swelling 6%
calcification of the coronary arteries 4%
postmenopause 6%
hypertensive cerebral crisis 4%
ovarian tumors 6%
anaphylactic shock 4%
chronic liver failure 6%
better in morning 4%
heart disease in relatives 6%
high diastolic pressure 4%
alcoholic liver disease 6%
calcification of the skin 4%
superficial veins 6%
consequences of operation 4%
difficult to separate swelling of the shins 6%
hypertensive 4%
swelling of the legs 10% 2%
hypophosphatemia 4%
bulimia 6%
nausea with increased pressure 4%
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 6%
chf 4%
cardiopulmonary insufficiency 6%
improper nutrition 4%
persistent hypotension 6%
impaired prostate function 4%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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