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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Unstable type of psychopathyVolitional disorders
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 39%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 99%
hysterical 35%
borderline personality disorder 74%
hysterical child 33%
volitional disorders 72%
desire for comfort 31%
lack of will 72%
lags behind in the development 20%
up mania 69%
cynicism 19%
sad 68%
the headache is worse from alcohol 19%
madness 68%
enuresis in childhood 16%
depression 68%
desire for entertainment 16%
mood disorder 67%
nausea 15%
up strong 10% 76%
teenage drug addiction 15%
catatonia 66%
hurting himself 15%
inadequate behavior 64%
attachment disorders in children 15%
endogenous depression 63%
fearless 14%
affective disorders 63%
crying in babies 14%
schizophrenia 63%
indifference to loved 13%
psychosis 62%
headache from alcohol 13%
sadness 61%
likes to study 12%
confusion 61%
sloppy 12%
unspecified mental disorders 60%
anhedonia 12%
thinking disorders 59%
headaches 12%
impulsiveness 10% 68%
smokes 11%
schizoid psychopathy 58%
child screams 11%
emotional 7% 64%
distracted 11%
echolalia 56%
comes in spite 11%
dependent personality disorder 55%
birth trauma 10%
obvisit 54%
disorganization 10%
s disease is not interested 54%
nocturnal enuresis 10%
intention 54%
premature sexual development 10%
unwillingness to talk 54%
lazy 10%
eating paper 54%
vomiting 10%
anxiety for her husband 49%
cyclothymia 10%
asks 49%
euphoria 10%
stupor 49%
asleep makes in its own way 10%
does not want to talk 49%
joints unstable 10%
pyromania 49%
sleep restless 10%
eats the ground 49%
relaxation 9%
does not like people 47%
complications of childbirth 9%
consequences of taking medications 47%
pregnancy complications 9%
neuroinfections 46%
psychopathy 100% 89%
business collapse 46%
I'm being controlled 9%
obsessive thoughts 46%
deterioration from alcohol 9%
exalted 46%
of urinary incontinence 9%
prolonged depression 44%
headache to vomiting 9%
damage to the nervous system 7% 51%
problems with studying 8%
addiction 15% 59%
consumes alcohol 8%
stereotypia 44%
consequences of childbirth 8%
perversion of taste 44%
pregnancy 7%
frontal syndrome 44%
pain throughout the body 7%
determined 44%
throat desire chalk 44%
kleptomania 43%
few friends 43%
likes to talk 43%
mental illness 42%
patient's condition 14% 56%
traumatic brain injury 42%
postencephalitic syndrome 42%
dissociative stupor 41%
head injury 41%
ones indecision 9% 50%
bitterness 41%
intense longing 40%
obsessive movements 40%
involutional psychosis 40%
effects of poisoning 40%
gloomy 40%
bipolar disorder 40%
the syndrome of leaving and vagrancy 39%
steals 39%
strong irritability 39%
grumpy 39%
doubts 38%
in the genus mental illness 38%
caring for the family 37%
anxiety 21% 58%
overprotection 37%
takes antidepressants 37%
avoids people 37%
motor anxiety 36%
anxiety attack 36%
overexcitation of the psyche 36%
anxiety with irritability 36%
depressed mood 36%
irritability 36%
optimistic 36%
aggressive 35%
childish behavior 35%
foolishness 35%
active 35%
empty 35%
eats quickly 35%
tendency to outbursts of rage 35%
intoxication 34%
depression is strong 34%
tremor 34%
infantile 34%
instilled 34%
alcoholism in the family 34%
control issues 7% 41%
violations of the motor act 33%
perfectionism 33%
suicide 33%
jealousy pathological 33%
hysteria 32% 65%
women passion 32%
self-injurious behavior 32%
exaggerates 32%
organic brain damage 11% 43%
organic delusional schizophrenic disorder 31%
anxiety in the morning 31%
fear of being rejected 31%
timid child 31%
involutional depression 31%
anxiety due to pain 31%
injury 6% 37%
mental shock 31%
diligent 31%
paranoia 31%
suspicion 31%
prostration 31%
is quickly aroused 31%
depression anxiety 31%
mixed anxious 30%
anxiety for loved 30%
hypersensitivity to cold 30%
confusion 30%
stones in the bladder 30%
mental fatigue 30%
depression apathy 30%
алкоголизм и наркомания 30%
fear of helplessness 30%
slow thinking 30%
changeable mood 9% 39%
pseudodementia 29%
suspiciousness 29%
quickly gets tired 29%
psycho - organic syndrome 29%
closed 29%
irritability from pain 29%
легко внушаемый 29%
executive 28%
shy child 28%
contempt for people 28%
caution 28%
behavioral disorders in children 28%
cowardly and timid 28%
fear of change 28%
sul 28%
emotional coldness 28%
gambling 28%
fear of rejection 28%
contempt 28%
fear of criticism 28%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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