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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Hebephrenic syndromePeak's Disease
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 97%(0)21%(0)
CT scan of the brain 81%(0)20%(0)
MRI of the organ 17%(0)22%(0)
CT of the head 19%(0)20%(0)
CT of the organ 17%(0)21%(0)
Measurements at the reception 16%(0)17%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
calluses on his fingers 99%
speech is incoherent 84%
hebephrenic syndrome 94%
arrogance 78%
wart on the sole 92%
forgetfulness 48%
warts on the legs 92%
weakness 42%
hot 88%
consequences of grief 30% 67%
apathy strong 87%
cannot formulate 36%
artistic 86%
embolophrasia 31%
pain worse from pressure 70%
apathy 30%
worse from pressure 69%
destructive behavior 30%
patient's condition 86% 17%
does not tolerate criticism 28%
warts 66%
arteriovenous malformations of the brain 27%
lack of will 84% 22%
cognitive disorders 27%
nose auditory hallucinations 75% 19%
breaks things 26%
grimacing 52%
total aphasia 26%
grimaces 51%
indifference to oneself 26%
epileptic psychosis 51%
agraphy 25%
foolishness 50%
frontotemporal dementia 25%
reactive psychosis 50%
acalculia 24%
exhibitionism 49%
unspecified mental disorders 24%
name-calling 49%
shuffling gait 23%
growling 49%
Alexia 23%
organic delusional schizophrenic disorder 48%
selfish 23%
schizophrenia in children 46%
impaired understanding of speech 23%
psycho - organic syndrome 45%
limited vocabulary 22%
childish behavior 45%
volitional disorders 22%
duality 45%
secondary parkinsonism 22%
regidity laughs for no reason 45%
choline 22%
tactless 45%
moral 21%
involutional psychosis 45%
echolalia 21%
psychosis 44%
vascular dementia 21%
confusion 44%
inadequate behavior 21%
infantile 43%
obvisit 21%
epilepsy 41%
loves himself 21%
intoxication psychosis 41%
masked face (hypomimia) 21%
school neurosis 40%
memory loss 20%
mannerism 38%
cyclothymia 20%
schizoid psychopathy 37%
overflow of the head 19%
schizophrenia 57% 19%
consequences of trauma 19%
hysterical psychopathy 36%
peak's disease 27% 45%
likes to walk naked 36%
hyperkinesis 18%
grief from the loss of loved 36%
angiopathy 18%
hysterical neurosis 36%
hypersensitivity of the skin 18%
homosexuality 36%
absent-mindedness 18%
excitable psychopathy 35%
lethargy 18%
emotional child 34%
discirculatory encephalopathy 18%
unstable type of psychopathy 34%
pretending to be sick 18%
thinking disorders 34%
hydrocephalus 17%
screams 34%
agnosia 17%
epileptiform seizures 33%
arteriovenous malformation 17%
indifference to loved 33%
ones indecision 17%
temporal lobe epilepsy 33%
variable symptoms 17%
parents divorce 31%
encephalopathy 16%
catatonia 30%
cytomegalovirus infection 16%
loud voice 30%
effects of shock 16%
the onset of the disease during puberty 30%
shock states of various genesis 16%
huntington's disease 30%
will not work 16%
angry 30%
enlarged lymph nodes 16%
psychopathy 29%
effects of poisoning 15%
masturbation 29%
general weakness 15%
asks questions 29%
atherosclerosis of blood vessels 15%
distracted 29%
family man 15%
chorea 28%
vitamin c deficiency 15%
meat severe ataxia 28%
speech slurred 15%
madness 44% 14%
stiffness in the joints 15%
premature sexual development 27%
dementia 23% 37%
convulsions 27%
periods of exacerbation 14%
hallucinations 44% 16%
vascular tumor 14%
is not thinking 26%
general intoxication syndrome 14%
up strong 26%
up circulatory disorders 13%
eats often 25%
there are no complaints 13%
can't get together 25%
consequences of infection 13%
up mania 24%
strong man 13%
loss of a loved one a person 24%
emotional 41% 44%
childhood diseases 24%
death of relatives 23%
death of a loved 23%
take it, take it 23%
head injury 22%
ataxia 22%
changeable mood 22%
nervous excitability 22%
traumatic brain injury 22%
brain tumor 22%
mood disorder 38% 14%
loses thought 22%
problems with studying 21%
heredity predisposition 21%
pedantry 21%
I can't be alone 20%
impaired coordination 20%
mental shock 39% 17%
underdevelopment 20%
overweight 19%
fighting 19%
control issues 19%
consequences of injuries 19%
throat cheerful 42% 22%
injury 17%
consequences of taking medications 16%
rushes to the floor 15%
laughing loudly 15%
rolling on the floor 15%
laughing 15%
hysteria 32% 16%
head tumor 32% 16%
organic brain damage 28% 14%
aggressive 28% 14%
brain tumor 29% 15%
neurosis 29% 15%
intoxication 25% 13%
oncology 24% 12%
sexuality increased 29% 21%
bulimia 27% 20%
thalamic syndrome 24% 17%
impulsiveness 25% 18%
aphasia 25% 18%
depression 20% 14%
increased appetite 23% 17%
can not think 24% 18%
onset of illness 17% 12%
sad 19% 14%
sociopath 41% 37%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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