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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar AbuliaUnstable type of psychopathy
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(0)47%(0)
CT scan of the brain 84%(0)38%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 88%9%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
conflicts avoids 67%
hysterical psychopathy 39%
apathy strong 57%
hysterical 35%
lazy 68% 10%
hysterical child 33%
fighter for justice 54%
hysteria 32%
desire for alcohol 53%
desire for comfort 31%
impressionability 49%
unstable type of psychopathy 29%
low self-esteem 49%
anxiety 21%
desire for freedom 42%
lags behind in the development 20%
emotional 51% 7%
cynicism 19%
anxiety about the future 41%
the headache is worse from alcohol 19%
alcoholism 56% 13%
desire for entertainment 16%
can't refuse 40%
enuresis in childhood 16%
desire to be the center of attention 40%
sociopath 16%
restrains emotions 38%
attachment disorders in children 15%
guilt 37%
hurting himself 15%
nose good 36%
teenage drug addiction 15%
alcohol dependence 51% 14%
addiction 15%
patient 35%
nausea 15%
deceives 35%
nervous excitability 31% 45%
sad 34%
fearless 14%
impatient 34%
personality feeling 14%
is not thinking 34%
crying in babies 14%
religiosity 33%
indifference to loved 13%
can't get together 33%
headache from alcohol 13%
can not think 31%
general tension 12%
consequences of alcoholism 30%
headaches 12%
doubts 30%
sloppy 12%
obsessive thoughts 30%
likes to study 12%
likes order 30%
anhedonia 12%
apathy 59% 28%
Can't study 12%
disease from resentment 29%
teacher 11%
chatty 29%
child screams 11%
mental tension 29%
comes in spite 11%
smoking desire 29%
distracted 11%
cannot relax 28%
vomiting 10%
joint crunch 27%
disorganization 10%
no strength 27%
birth trauma 10%
irritability 27%
nocturnal enuresis 10%
onset of illness 40% 11%
premature sexual development 10%
obesity on the stomach 26%
sleep restless 10%
volitional disorders 25%
impulsiveness 10%
lack of will 25%
cyclothymia 10%
hallucinations 24%
euphoria 10%
abscess 23%
joints unstable 10%
fearfulness 36% 11%
asleep makes in its own way 10%
schizophrenia 22%
stubbornness 10%
decreased concentration 22%
I'm being controlled 9%
bipolar disorder 20%
complications of childbirth 9%
manic depressive psychosis 18%
relaxation 9%
affective disorders 18%
headache to vomiting 9%
up mania 18%
thalamic syndrome 9%
sadness 17%
pregnancy complications 9%
psychosis 17%
changeable mood 9%
depression 17%
of urinary incontinence 9%
confusion 17%
Common symptoms are weakness 9%
madness 17%
deterioration from alcohol 9%
mood disorder 16%
problems with studying 8%
dementia 15%
adaptation disorders 8%
endogenous depression 15%
general weakness 8%
nervousness 41% 25%
consequences of childbirth 8%
neurological disorders 14%
traumatic illness 8%
deep depression 14%
pedantry 8%
creative person 13%
destructive behavior 8%
neuroses in children 13%
consumes alcohol 8%
overprotection 13%
pregnancy 7%
deep sadness 13%
pain throughout the body 7%
taking care of children 13%
control issues 7%
alternating symptoms 12%
injury 6%
schizophrenia in children 12%
outbursts of anger 30% 31%
dysprosody 12%
hyperactive 9% 9%
hypnosis 12%
organic brain damage 11% 11%
slow 12%
enthusiastic 10% 10%
idiocy 12%
family man 8% 8%
paralysis after stroke 12%
feeling of bruising 7% 7%
stroke in children 12%
hard to walk 11%
catatonia 11%
alcoholic encephalopathy 11%
gradual deterioration of 11%
talks about business 11%
masked face (hypomimia) 11%
huntington's disease 11%
fidgety 25% 13%
up strong 22% 10%
chorea 10%
neurasthenia 10%
peak's disease 10%
weakness 10%
recovery period 10%
stage of recovery 10%
visual hallucinations 10%
patient's condition 25% 14%
change in appetite 9%
parkinson's disease 9%
thinking disorders 9%
prolonged depression 9%
high intelligence 9%
consequences of suppression 9%
cerebral circulation disorder 8%
paralysis 8%
general loss of strength 8%
impaired coordination 8%
constant weakness 8%
need for activity 8%
mental retardation 8%
loss of balance 8%
encephalopathy 8%
psychosomatics 8%
motor activity 8%
stroke 8%
brain tumor 8%
consequences of physical exertion 8%
hypoxia 7%
quickly gets tired 7%
metabolic disorder 7%
angiopathy 7%
up circulatory disorders 7%
unspecified mental disorders 7%
there are no complaints 7%
consequences of infection 7%
weakness 18% 9%
smokes 19% 11%
neurosis 45% 37%
damage to the nervous system 12% 7%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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