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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Syphilis of the eye and its appendagesРетинопатия Пурчера
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 50%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 98%
secondary syphilis 45%
fundus arteries narrowed 91%
tertiary syphilis 44%
retinopathy 17% 89%
congenital syphilis 39%
blindness 11% 82%
syphilis 35%
pancreatitis 66%
visceral syphilis 35%
retinal hemorrhage 66%
hidden syphilis 35%
traumatic brain injury 65%
ulcers on the skin 34%
roth's disease 64%
syphilis of the eye and its appendages 34%
head injury 64%
papules 32%
occlusion of the central retinal artery 63%
optic neuritis 30%
eye swelling 17% 78%
syphilis in women 30%
traumatic illness 61%
peptic ulcer 29%
autoimmune pancreatitis 61%
neurosyphilis 28%
retinal rupture 60%
syphilis in the anamnesis 27%
thrombosis 7% 64%
treatment with antibiotics 27%
alcoholic pancreatitis 57%
syphilis in children 26%
cryoglobulinemia 56%
skin compaction 26%
sedentary lifestyle 55%
leukoderma 26%
visual impairment 23% 77%
bone pain at night 26%
hellp syndrome 54%
iridocyclitis 26%
indomitable vomiting 53%
neuralgia 26%
venous thrombosis 53%
neuritis 26%
injury 6% 58%
syphilitic meningitis 25%
macular edema 51%
pain in the eyes 24%
arterial occlusion 11% 61%
wasserman syndrome 24%
fisher-evans syndrome 48%
allergy to penicillin 24%
rupture of the eyeball 48%
control issues 24%
acute head injury 48%
tightness of the skin 24%
changes in the blood 47%
enlarged lymph nodes 23%
up circulatory disorders 15% 62%
keratopathy 23%
angiopathy 22% 68%
stromal keratitis 22%
heaviness in the eyes 45%
bejel 22%
blood diseases 12% 57%
snot bubbles 22%
prolonged labor 45%
exanthema 22%
red spots on the skin 45%
rashes on the eyelids 22%
autoimmune thrombocytopenia 45%
scarring 22%
lymphostasis 44%
syphilitic mesaortitis 22%
heavy eyes 42%
spinal dryness 21%
primary immunodeficiency 42%
general intoxication syndrome 21%
hemorrhage in the eye 18% 59%
headaches 21%
pressure in the head 41%
diffuse alopecia 20%
systemic lupus erythematosus 41%
increased sensitivity 20%
acute condition 7% 47%
redness of the vulva 20%
pancreatopathy 40%
botryomycoma 20%
pregnancy toxicosis 40%
loss of eyelashes 20%
liebman-sachs endocarditis 39%
destruction of the vitreous body 20%
alcohol is abusing 39%
hyperemia of genitals 20%
hemorrhages on the skin 39%
genital pain in women 20%
swelling 22% 60%
treponema pale dna positive 20%
eye surgery 38%
decrease in gamma globulins 19%
endocarditis 38%
hoffmann 's perifolliculitis 19%
pregnancy complications 38%
intoxication 19%
venous congestion 38%
crying from pain 19%
chronic kidney failure 38%
allergy 19%
hepatitis c 38%
nausea 19%
blurred vision 16% 53%
nose large eyes 18%
toxicosis 37%
hyperpigmentation 18%
a history of trauma 36%
aortic aneurysm 18%
thrombocytopenia 36%
lacrimation 18%
acute injury 36%
neurogenic shock 18%
hemorrhagic diathesis 35%
positive 18%
vascular damage 34%
feeling of bruising 17%
apoplexy 8% 39%
secondary hypertension 17%
late pregnancy 9% 40%
hair loss 17%
viral hepatitis 8% 36%
photophobia 17%
not sensitive to pain 32% 59%
intolerance to drugs 17%
cerebral circulation disorder 8% 35%
aortic insufficiency 17%
congestive kidney 8% 35%
presses 17%
kidney failure 7% 34%
mucous membranes are pale 17%
hypoxia 7% 33%
delayed reaction 17%
chronic kidney disease 7% 33%
rash pustules 17%
subacute condition 7% 32%
meningitis 17%
bacteremia 10% 35%
arthropathy 16%
hepatitis 10% 34%
syphilis antibodies positive 16%
sepsis 10% 33%
swelling of the right eye 16%
kidney disease 10% 32%
pain in the thumb of the hand 16%
organic brain damage 13% 34%
no children 16%
onset of illness 22% 41%
pain in the big toe 16%
cardiac disorder 11% 30%
yaws 16%
aids 17% 35%
inflammation of the brain 16%
liver diseases 15% 32%
baldness 16%
there are no complaints 14% 30%
optic nerve atrophy 16%
vomiting 16% 31%
consequences of childbirth 16%
immunodeficiency 20% 33%
aneurysm 16%
pregnancy 23% 31%
s eyes cloudy 16%
skin problems 25% 29%
cysts 16%
focal hair loss 16%
fever pale face 15%
pint 15%
hemianopsia 15%
gray eyes 15%
pain pain in the bones 15%
high temperature 15%
damage to the nervous system 15%
pus on the foreskin 15%
fear of cold 15%
pressing pain in the right hypochondrium 15%
blisters 15%
round rashes 15%
echolalia 15%
scotoma 15%
history medical mother's 15%
blushes when crying 15%
progressive myopia 15%
sensitivity to medications 15%
wounds 15%
narrowing of the fields of vision 14%
squeezing pain in the right hypochondrium 14%
liver dysfunction 14%
pale skin 14%
quickly gets tired 14%
retinitis 14%
bone panaritium 14%
paraphimosis 14%
nodes inflammation of the foreskin 14%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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