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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Cancerous cachexiaХроническая болезнь почек
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 14%(0)25%(0)
General urine test 14%(1)21%(23)
Coagulogram 20%(1)12%(3)
General blood test 14%(0)15%(18)
Creatinine clearance 27%(0)
Elements and vitamins 13%(0)13%(13)
Coprogram 17%(1)7%(3)
Other hormones 11%(1)10%(1)
MRI of the organ 9%(0)7%(0)
Radiography of the area 9%(0)7%(0)
Ultrasound of the organ 9%(0)7%(0)
CT of the organ 9%(0)7%(0)
CT of the kidneys 15%(0)
Thyroid hormones 13%(0)
ECG 13%(0)
Infection tests 9%(0)4%(0)
MRI of the lungs 12%(0)
Colonoscopy 12%(0)
General inspection 9%(0)3%(0)
Chest radiography 10%(0)2%(0)
Ultrasound of the lungs 11%(0)
FGDS 11%(0)
Gynecologist's examination 11%(0)
CT scan of the brain 10%(0)1%(0)
MRI of the brain 10%(0)
Neurologist's examination 10%(0)
Ultrasound of abdominal cavity 10%(0)
CT of the head 10%(0)
Histological studies 9%(0)
Sex hormones 9%(2)
Autoimmune markers 9%(3)
Ultrasound of arterial vessels 9%(0)
Measurements at the reception 8%(0)
Ultrasound of the Heart 8%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%2%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
thin 89% 4%
pyelonephritis 95%
there is emaciation in the neck 85% 4%
kidney disease 19%
consequences of grief 79%
proteinuria 17%
cancer 81% 6%
inflammation 17%
oncology 69% 6%
kidney failure 10% 26%
cancerous cachexia 35%
leukocyturia 15%
apathy 30%
increase in creatinine 15%
no strength 29%
hypertension 13%
orgasm in a dream 23%
kidney cyst 12%
vomiting 28% 5%
kidney damage 11%
severe exhaustion 24% 2%
decrease in creatinine 10%
disease high thin 24% 2%
increase in gfr urine 10%
lack of menstruation 18%
decrease in albumin 10%
decreased libido 18%
hypertension 9%
alimentary dystrophy 18%
atherosclerosis of the renal arteries 9%
Common symptoms are weakness 17%
secondary hypertension 9%
libido decrease in women 17%
increase in albumin 9%
bedsores 17%
angiopathy 8%
zollinger-ellison syndrome 17%
atherosclerosis of blood vessels 8%
carcinoid syndrome 17%
medicinal nephropathy 8%
weak hair 17%
cardiac disorder 8%
changeable mood 16%
protein reduced 8%
frequent stomatitis 16%
acute injury 8%
cancer intoxication 16%
glomerulonephritis 8%
constipation with fever 16%
diabetes mellitus 8%
gangrene 16%
hyperphosphatemia 8%
loss of taste 16%
dyslipidemia 8%
irritability and tearfulness 15%
injury 8%
primary amenorrhea 15%
hypertensive nephropathy 7%
formation tearful mood 15%
dependence on food 7%
hiccups 15%
metabolic disorder 7%
irritability 15%
control issues 7%
throat lack of orgasm 15%
vascular damage 7%
weight change 19% 2%
ckd c4 7%
radiation therapy 18% 1%
changes in urine 7%
digestive weakness 14%
nephrosclerosis 7%
stomach cancer 14%
heart dysfunction 7%
oral cancer 14%
diabetic nephropathy 7%
weakness after diarrhea 14%
sediment urine 7%
thyroid tumors 14%
obesity 7%
radiation damage 17% 1%
increased uric acid 6%
increased triglycerides 14%
electrolyte balance disorders 6%
fever diarrhea 14%
protein in urine is reduced 6%
swallow hard 14%
hereditary jade 6%
pancreatic cancer 14%
polyuria 6%
sleep disorders in children 14%
calciphylaxis 6%
gastric adenocarcinoma 14%
hyperparathyroidism 6%
pancreatic cancer 14%
uremia 6%
hypotension with weakness 13%
eats 6%
liquid stool 17% 2%
symptomatic arterial hypertension 6%
sleep better 13%
smokes 6%
lethargy with fever 13%
increased potassium 6%
general weakness 18% 3%
thrombosis 6%
weakness 20% 5%
up circulatory disorders 6%
primary immunodeficiency 13%
there are no complaints 6%
pain in oncological diseases 13%
hypervolemia 6%
volume of thyroid gland is reduced 13%
kidney stones 6%
digestion constipation 13%
obstructive uropathy 6%
tearfulness 13%
weakness 6%
fasting 13%
hemoglobin increased 5%
emotional 13%
metabolic acidosis 5%
stomach tumors 13%
decrease in phosphorus 5%
sagging skin 13%
interstitial nephritis 5%
constipation with loose stools 13%
speeded up urination 5%
drowsiness during the day insomnia at night 13%
refuses treatment 5%
muscle atrophy 12%
feeling of bruising 5%
bowel cancer 12%
azotemia 5%
stool meager 12%
tubulopathy 5%
mouth dryness 12%
decreased calcium 5%
weakening of immunity 15% 1%
increased calcium 5%
aphthous stomatitis 12%
heart failure 5%
stomach nausea 12%
liebman-sachs endocarditis 5%
diarrhea 17% 3%
protein-energy deficiency 5%
consultation of a gastroenterologist 12%
protein c deficiency 5%
constipation 15% 1%
dehydration in children 5%
dry mouth 12%
vitamin d deficiency 5%
pain in the mouth 12%
increased vitamin d3 5%
intestinal tumor 11%
fluid in the abdomen 5%
ulcers on the skin 11%
toxic nephropathy 5%
head tumor 11%
better in spring 5%
patient's condition 18% 5%
complications of kidney transplantation 5%
brain tumor 11%
calcification 5%
drowsiness 11%
renal artery stenosis 5%
poor sleep 14% 1%
shortness 5%
weakness at temperature 11%
drug poisoning 5%
sad 14% 1%
polymorbidity 5%
mood disorder 14% 1%
decreased ferritin 5%
depression 14% 1%
vasculitis 5%
general intoxication syndrome 10%
catheter-associated bloodstream infections 5%
enlarged liver 10%
of the swelling of the face 5%
peptic ulcer 10%
red urine 5%
pneumonia 14% 2%
renal osteodystrophy 5%
immunodeficiency 14% 3%
decreased urea 5%
violation of carbohydrate metabolism 13% 2%
hypertensive heart failure 5%
thin child 13% 2%
weight 5%
lack of sleep 13% 2%
vomiting with increased blood pressure 5%
weakness after illness 13% 2%
parathyroid hormone reduced 5%
change in appetite 12% 2%
increase in phosphorus 5%
of reduced efficiency 13% 3%
parathyroid hormone increased 5%
is worse from sugar 12% 2%
dehydration 5%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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