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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Phosphate-diabetesKidney fusion
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 69%(4)35%(0)
Radiography of the area 52%(0)45%(0)
Measurements at the reception 58%(0)30%(0)
Elements and vitamins 73%(6)
Blood biochemistry 73%(9)
Histological studies 50%(0)23%(0)
Ultrasound of the organ 34%(0)38%(0)
Angiography 18%(0)53%(0)
MRI of the organ 35%(0)32%(0)
CT of the organ 34%(0)31%(0)
Sex hormones 36%(2)23%(1)
MRI of the renal arteries 58%(0)
CT of the renal arteries 56%(0)
Tomography of arterial vessels 18%(0)38%(0)
MRI of the kidneys 50%(0)
Coagulogram 49%(1)
CT of the kidneys 45%(0)
CT of the skull 44%(0)
Thyroid hormones 44%(2)
Ultrasound of arterial vessels 40%(0)
Kidney scintigraphy 40%(0)
Infection tests 15%(0)22%(0)
General blood test 36%(2)
General and visits 35%(0)
Creatinine clearance 34%(0)
General inspection 32%(0)
Radiography of the skull 32%(0)
Spermogram 30%(1)
CT scan of the brain 30%(0)
Scintigraphy 28%(0)
Chest radiography 25%(0)
CT of the head 25%(0)
Autoimmune markers 24%(1)
Contracts 23%(0)
Respiratory tract endoscopy 21%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
rickets 100%
kidney stones 59%
hypophosphatemia 87%
pain under the lower ribs 51%
skeletal deformity 85%
hydronephrosis 51%
bone deformation 69%
kidney pain area 48%
craniosynostosis 69%
horseshoe kidney 43%
increase in phosphorus 69%
pyelonephritis 43%
crooked legs 68%
squeezing abdominal 42%
decreased calcium 66%
constant bloating 41%
deformities of the limbs 66%
inflammation 41%
osteosclerosis 65%
bloating 40%
osteoporosis 64%
pain in the upper back 37%
osteomalacia 62%
chronic pyelonephritis 37%
hypoplasia of the lungs 61%
hypertensive nephropathy 36%
bone fracture 61%
numbness of the extremities 36%
lags behind in the development 60%
numbness of the legs 35%
hypophosphatasia 59%
pyelitis 35%
renal osteodystrophy 58%
neurasthenia 35%
tooth loss 58%
nausea 34%
growth retardation 57%
renal hypertension 33%
muscle weakness 54%
lymphostasis 33%
patient's condition 54%
constant nausea 33%
alkalization of urine 54%
chronic venous edema 32%
weakness 53%
swelling of the extremities 32%
childhood diseases 53%
bruise 31%
chondrocalcinosis 52%
secondary hypertension 31%
tubulopathy 52%
lower back pain 30%
delay in physical development 52%
stomach pain 29%
alopecia in children 51%
hysteria 29%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 50%
pain in the veins 29%
increased vitamin d3 49%
venous congestion 29%
urine phosphorus is elevated urine 49%
effects of taking antibiotics 29%
o-shaped legs 48%
chf 28%
joint deformation 48%
swelling of the legs 28%
increased calcium 48%
back pain 27%
malabsorption 47%
sensations in the legs 27%
enteropathy 46%
neurosis 27%
increased intracranial pressure 46%
constant weakness 27%
hyperparathyroidism 45%
hypertension 27%
is blocked an increase in the alkaline phosphatase 45%
nausea vomiting 26%
calcification 45%
vascular tumor 26%
infantile 44%
general loss of strength 26%
ones thin-boned 43%
abdominal pain 25%
pathological fracture 43%
quickly gets tired 25%
decreased amylase 43%
IBS 25%
shortening of limbs 43%
feeling of bruising 24%
stones in the bladder 42%
up circulatory disorders 24%
deformation of the skull 42%
hypertension 24%
respiratory insufficiency 42%
angiopathy 23%
decrease in phosphorus 41%
cardiac disorder 23%
aching bones 41%
oncology 22%
suspicion 40%
constipation 18% 38%
delayed speech development 40%
asymmetry 26% 38%
growth disorders in children 40%
vomiting 23% 34%
sluggish baby 40%
forced situation 19% 28%
paranoia 40%
medicinal nephropathy 21% 30%
pain in the legs of children 40%
it's better to be alone 17% 25%
heel spur 39%
chronic kidney disease 17% 25%
loss of balance 39%
consequences of taking medications 15% 21%
convulsions 38%
impaired gastric function 24% 25%
duck gait 38%
crystalluria 38%
osteogenesis imperfecta 38%
arthropathy 38%
shortening of legs 37%
parathyroid hormone reduced 37%
vitamin d deficiency 37%
little urine 37%
out reflux esophagitis 37%
diabetic enteropathy 37%
vitamin b6 is lowered 37%
intoxication 36%
rupture duodenal dysfunction 36%
underdevelopment 36%
-doubt needs support 36%
neurological disorders 36%
blood diseases 36%
impaired coordination 36%
alalia 36%
impaired lung function 36%
damage to the nervous system 35%
vaccination 35%
hypoparathyroidism 35%
delayed motor development 34%
stiffness of movements 34%
in the family diabetes 34%
hematuria 34%
control issues 33%
personality feeling 33%
dislocation of a tooth 33%
curvature of the shins 33%
a difficult teenager 33%
gastroesophageal reflux disease 32%
bone growths 32%
abnormalities of intestinal development 32%
anomalies of kidney development 32%
baldness 31%
ones weakness in the leg muscles 31%
is gaining weight poorly 31%
frequent fractures 31%
muscle pain 31%
gum recession 31%
loss of a loved one a person 31%
chest deformity 31%
gradual deterioration of 31%
big head 30%
deformations of the feet 30%
hypoplasia of enamel 29%
vomiting in the evening 29%
changes in urine 29%
intracranial hypertension in children 29%
better from communication 29%
better evening 29%
weight 29%
gangrene 29%
juvenile osteoporosis 29%
bedsores 29%
pain pain in the bones 29%
hair loss 29%
weakness in the legs 29%
rapid growth 29%
improper nutrition 29%
stage of recovery 28%
recovery period 28%
constipation with fever 28%
injury 52% 22%
general swelling does 27%
motor activity 27%
are bad 27%
vitamin c deficiency 27%
proteinuria 27%
problems with studying 27%
needs attention 27%
talks about business 26%
aplastic anemia 26%
patient's condition is severe 26%
polyhydramnios during pregnancy 26%
alkali poisoning 26%
decrease in schf 26%
enlargement of tonsils 26%
dehydration 26%
stiffness in the joints 26%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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