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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Retinopathy of prematurityРетинопатия Пурчера
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 70%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 13%98%
premature babies 69%
blindness 82%
pulling pain in the neck 69%
fundus arteries narrowed 19% 91%
pregnancy 100% 31%
eye swelling 10% 78%
childhood diseases 54%
pancreatitis 66%
neck pain on the right 52%
traumatic brain injury 65%
when turning 48%
thrombosis 64%
lumbago 43%
head injury 64%
shooting pain in the lower back 43%
visual impairment 13% 77%
moles all over the body 42%
autoimmune pancreatitis 61%
pinching nerves 41%
retinal rupture 60%
infringement of the sciatic nerve 41%
not sensitive to pain 59%
sciatica 41%
alcoholic pancreatitis 57%
retinal 38%
cryoglobulinemia 56%
sciatica 36%
sedentary lifestyle 55%
lot of moles 35%
hellp syndrome 54%
pain in the cervical 34%
venous thrombosis 53%
neck pain the 33%
blurred vision 53%
neuralgia 30%
indomitable vomiting 53%
lower back pain 30%
traumatic illness 9% 61%
aches 28%
swelling 8% 60%
dilated pupils 27%
up circulatory disorders 11% 62%
vitreous detachment 27%
injury 7% 58%
discharge from the eyes 24%
macular edema 51%
tumors of the choroid 23%
acute head injury 48%
glaucoma and cataracts 22%
arterial occlusion 13% 61%
anemia of premature babies 22%
rupture of the eyeball 48%
glaucoma 21%
fisher-evans syndrome 48%
eye burns 21%
occlusion of the central retinal artery 16% 63%
consequences of taking medications 21%
blood diseases 12% 57%
retinoblastoma 20%
red spots on the skin 45%
lack of water during pregnancy 20%
heaviness in the eyes 45%
drinks water at night 19%
autoimmune thrombocytopenia 45%
has a swelling of the eye 19%
lymphostasis 44%
oncology 18%
primary immunodeficiency 42%
immaturity 18%
retinal hemorrhage 24% 66%
retinal atrophy 18%
systemic lupus erythematosus 41%
premature birth 18%
changes in the blood 6% 47%
apnea 18%
pressure in the head 41%
cataract 18%
pancreatopathy 40%
vascular tumor 17%
roth's disease 24% 64%
consequences of operation 16%
liebman-sachs endocarditis 39%
myopia 16%
hemorrhages on the skin 39%
strabismus 16%
alcohol is abusing 39%
fundus veins are twisted 16%
apoplexy 39%
1 pregnancy 16%
venous congestion 38%
2 children 16%
hepatitis c 38%
atrophy of the eyeball 16%
endocarditis 38%
palpitations 15%
chronic kidney failure 38%
neonatal sepsis 15%
prolonged labor 8% 45%
growth retardation 15%
viral hepatitis 36%
patient's condition 15%
acute injury 36%
eye sensitivity 15%
a history of trauma 36%
1 trimester of pregnancy 15%
thrombocytopenia 36%
myopic astigmatism 15%
cerebral circulation disorder 35%
congenital glaucoma 15%
bacteremia 35%
consequences of childbirth 14%
aids 35%
amblyopia 14%
congestive kidney 35%
postponed pregnancy 14%
kidney failure 34%
female pelvic organs 14%
vascular damage 34%
s eyes cloudy 14%
organic brain damage 34%
hyphema 14%
heavy eyes 8% 42%
uveitis in children 14%
hepatitis 34%
hemorrhagic disease of newborns 14%
chronic kidney disease 33%
chorioiditis 14%
immunodeficiency 33%
microphthalmos 14%
pregnancy toxicosis 7% 40%
cyanosis 14%
hemorrhage in the eye 26% 59%
congenital cataract 13%
liver diseases 32%
astigmatism 13%
subacute condition 32%
aggressive 13%
kidney disease 32%
apnea of premature babies 13%
acute condition 15% 47%
babies rashes 13%
vomiting 31%
bradycardia 13%
toxicosis 7% 37%
secondary cataract 13%
late pregnancy 11% 40%
respiratory distress syndrome 13%
pregnancy complications 10% 38%
scarring 12%
hemorrhagic diathesis 9% 35%
change of teeth 12%
onset of illness 15% 41%
retinitis 12%
eye surgery 14% 38%
impaired uterine function 12%
sepsis 9% 33%
aggressive child 12%
hypoxia 9% 33%
tachycardia 12%
cardiac disorder 6% 30%
skin diseases of newborns 12%
there are no complaints 8% 30%
eye development abnormalities 12%
skin problems 7% 29%
secondary glaucoma 12%
retinopathy 72% 89%
destruction of the vitreous body 12%
angiopathy 55% 68%
vision blurs 11%
patau syndrome 11%
rubeosis of iris 11%
iridocyclitis 11%
fetal hypoxia 11%
edwards syndrome 11%
intrauterine infection 11%
impaired lung function 11%
underdevelopment 11%
eye injury 11%
optic nerve atrophy 11%
stiffness in the joints 11%
cancer 11%
сыпь на туловище 11%
breech presentation of the fetus 10%
inflammation of the eyes 10%
size delusions 10%
pain along the nerves 10%
eyes heart 10%
suffocating 10%
worse pregnancy 10%
swelling of the conjunctiva 10%
mental retardation 10%
history medical mother's 10%
insensitivity to pain 10%
subconjunctival hemorrhage 10%
uterine fibroids during pregnancy 10%
allergy in an infant 10%
full 10%
gray eyes 9%
better in morning 9%
early falling 9%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
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