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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Pedagogical neglectUnstable type of psychopathy
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 37%100%
moral 81%
nervous excitability 45%
looking for support 65%
hysterical psychopathy 39%
conflict with father 65%
hysterical 35%
conflict in the family 65%
hysterical child 33%
immoral 59%
hysteria 32%
absent-mindedness 56%
desire for comfort 31%
school neurosis 53%
outbursts of anger 31%
delinquent behavior 50%
unstable type of psychopathy 29%
nose good 49%
apathy 28%
conflict with the mother 48%
cynicism 19%
grumpy 47%
the headache is worse from alcohol 19%
through unbalanced 46%
desire for entertainment 16%
shy child 46%
enuresis in childhood 16%
mental retardation 45%
hurting himself 15%
fear cannot make a decision 45%
attachment disorders in children 15%
emotional 54% 7%
nausea 15%
caring for the family 45%
teenage drug addiction 15%
desire for loneliness 45%
addiction 15%
Can't study 57% 12%
personality feeling 14%
mental retardation 42%
fearless 14%
emotional asthenia 42%
crying in babies 14%
worries about the work 41%
alcohol dependence 14%
delayed speech development 41%
headache from alcohol 13%
mental retardation 41%
fidgety 13%
self-confident 40%
alcoholism 13%
studies well 40%
indifference to loved 13%
limited vocabulary 39%
headaches 12%
cognitive disorders 39%
sloppy 12%
by mental labor 38%
likes to study 12%
neglect 38%
anhedonia 12%
down anxiety about work 37%
general tension 12%
not enough communication 37%
child screams 11%
emotional fatigue 36%
fearfulness 11%
anxiety with irritability 35%
organic brain damage 11%
irritability in the child 35%
smokes 11%
nervous the child 35%
distracted 11%
intense longing 34%
comes in spite 11%
childhood diseases 45% 9%
onset of illness 11%
anxiety disorders in children 33%
nocturnal enuresis 10%
strong irritability 33%
stubbornness 10%
restless child 33%
vomiting 10%
fatigue from children 33%
premature sexual development 10%
restless and anxious 33%
birth trauma 10%
gloomy 33%
disorganization 10%
in the genus mental illness 32%
enthusiastic 10%
emotional child 32%
sleep restless 10%
intellectual disabilities in children 31%
joints unstable 10%
bitterness 31%
asleep makes in its own way 10%
ones indecision 42% 9%
cyclothymia 10%
smart baby 30%
euphoria 10%
depressed mood 30%
neurosis 27% 37%
overexcitation of the psyche 30%
hyperactive 9%
sadness 30%
complications of childbirth 9%
sluggish baby 30%
changeable mood 9%
encephalopathy 29%
pregnancy complications 9%
cerebral circulation disorder 27%
Common symptoms are weakness 9%
low 27%
cannot work 9%
irritability 27%
I'm being controlled 9%
constant weakness 27%
relaxation 9%
general loss of strength 26%
headache to vomiting 9%
sad 26%
thalamic syndrome 9%
mood disorder 25%
weakness 9%
unspecified mental disorders 25%
deterioration from alcohol 9%
quickly gets tired 25%
of urinary incontinence 9%
stage of recovery 24%
pedantry 8%
neurological disorders 24%
consequences of childbirth 8%
teacher 37% 11%
general weakness 8%
recovery period 23%
consumes alcohol 8%
up strong 34% 10%
family man 8%
lags behind in the development 44% 20%
traumatic illness 8%
lazy 33% 10%
pain throughout the body 7%
impulsiveness 33% 10%
control issues 7%
patient's condition 37% 14%
pregnancy 7%
sociopath 38% 16%
injury 6%
problems with studying 28% 8%
destructive behavior 27% 8%
adaptation disorders 26% 8%
feeling of bruising 24% 7%
damage to the nervous system 23% 7%
anxiety 26% 21%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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