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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Violation of gastric motilityFunctional disorders of the stomach
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 62%(2)24%(4)
Blood biochemistry 58%(1)1%(3)
Infection tests 35%(0)19%(0)
Coprogram 39%(1)12%(2)
Histological studies 37%(0)9%(0)
Sex hormones 38%(1)2%(1)
Measurements at the reception 34%(0)2%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%5%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 35%100%
gastroparesis 93% 3%
inflammation of the stomach 37%
gallbladder spasm 79%
peptic ulcer 29% 54%
duodenal dyskinesia 79%
inflammatory bowel diseases 23%
dystonia 77%
impaired function of the large intestine 13%
dyskinesia of the duodenum 76%
stomach pain 12%
heartburn from acidic food 73%
proctitis 11%
cramps 75% 3%
abdominal pain 10%
dumping syndrome 66%
infectious colitis 10%
bile withdrawal 67% 2%
peptic ulcer disease 12p of the intestine 9%
gastrin lowered 62%
colitis 8%
intestinal dyskinesia 61%
duodenal ulcer 8%
out reflux esophagitis 80% 17%
stomach cancer 7%
hypomotor biliary dyskinesia 60%
intestinal ulcer 7%
gastroesophageal reflux disease 64% 2%
problems with the father 7%
spasms of the gastrointestinal tract 64% 2%
gastric adenocarcinoma 7%
pylorospasm 58%
stomach pain from hunger 7%
biliary dyskinesia 57%
chronic colitis 6%
muscle hypertonus 56%
pancreatitis 5%
digestive disorders 66% 9%
gastrojunal ulcer 4%
impaired gastric function 62% 5%
diseases of the stomach and duodenum 4%
corrosive diarrhea 53%
periods of exacerbation 4%
scleroderma 53%
periodic nausea 4%
heartburn sour 52%
patient's condition 4%
dysfunction of the gallbladder 58% 5%
acute pain 4%
weakness of the sphincters 53% 3%
heaviness in the epigastric 4%
irritation in the morning 48%
zollinger-ellison syndrome 4%
burning in the esophagus 48%
ulcer penetration 4%
gastric dyskinesia 47%
cyclic vomiting 4%
feeling of overflow of the stomach 47%
chronic gastritis 4%
weakness after illness 47%
cardia insufficiency 4%
stagnation 46%
congestion belching 4%
spasm 49% 2%
abdominal pain near the navel 3%
diabetes mellitus 48% 1%
gastrointestinal bleeding 3%
fast saturation 45%
chronic enteritis 3%
burning in the throat 44%
nausea after eating 3%
prinzmetal angina 44%
adaptation disorders 3%
feeling of heaviness in the stomach 44%
chronic gastroduodenitis 3%
galactorrhea 44%
herpes 3%
reverse peristalsis 48% 3%
intestinal bleeding 3%
gynecomastia 43%
chronic condition 3%
primary amenorrhea 43%
of heartburn after eating 3%
inadequate behavior 43%
positive urease breath test 3%
consequences of taking medications 48% 4%
bleeding stomach ulcer 3%
strongest weakness 42%
heaviness in the upper abdomen 3%
cholecystectomy 42%
aches 3%
pronounced hypertonicity 42%
bleeding 3%
nausea 48% 4%
illness from stress 3%
difficult to swallow 45% 1%
asthenic 3%
rupture duodenal dysfunction 52% 8%
worse at 12 o'clock 3%
hyperprolactinemia 41%
overworked 3%
intestinal colic 41%
smokes 3%
heartburn 54% 11%
congestive kidney 3%
irritable bowel syndrome 41%
kidney disease 3%
other gastritis 40%
gastric perforation 3%
muscle weakness 40%
chronic duodenitis 3%
nipple discharge 40%
somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system 3%
weakness 44% 2%
duodenitis 3%
diabetic polyneuropathy 39%
belching air 3%
intestinal spasms 39%
corneal ulcer 3%
pompe disease 38%
intestinal mucosa 3%
constipation prolonged 38%
heaviness in the stomach after eating 3%
muscular dystrophy 38%
sudden vomiting 3%
bronchospasm 38%
crohn 3%
slowness of movement (bradykinesia) 38%
vomiting in pregnant 3%
nausea with heartburn 43% 4%
keratitis 3%
lack of menstruation 37%
heaviness in the epigastrium after eating 3%
pain in the esophagus 41% 2%
heaviness after eating 3%
pulse is strong 37%
pancreatic cancer 3%
hyperkinesis 37%
belching rotten eggs 3%
diarrhea 41% 2%
no appetite 3%
stubbornness 37%
emotional 3%
burns 42% 4%
vomiting multiple 3%
myocardial dysfunction 36%
pain gives in the arm 2%
atonic constipation 35%
loose stools in the morning 2%
constant tachycardia 35%
nausea during the day 2%
lactation 35%
abdominal pain on the right 2%
nausea vomiting 41% 4%
main complaint is abdominal pain 2%
heaviness in the abdomen 39% 2%
headache from above 2%
constant heartbeat 34%
overlaid tongue 2%
headache with weakness 34%
pressure in the stomach 2%
muscle atrophy 34%
burping with food 2%
sensitivity to medications 39% 3%
aggressive 2%
diarrhea in the morning 38% 2%
neuroendocrine tumors 2%
changes in feces 38% 2%
sweating 2%
vagus nerve 38% 2%
quickly gets tired 2%
neurogenic pain 33%
anxiety with irritability 2%
hypotension 33%
pain gives in the back 2%
vascular spasm 33%
pain in the right side of the abdomen 2%
consequences of operation 37% 3%
from eating better 2%
chair in the morning 36% 2%
forearm pain 2%
weight change 32%
feeling of bruising 2%
polyneuropathy 32%
penicillin allergy 2%
angina pectoris 32%
personality feeling 2%
colic 35% 2%
effects of taking hormones 2%
vomiting 38% 5%
dyspepsia in children 2%
stomach tumors 39% 7%
tendency to constipation 2%
early development 30%
acute viral keratitis 2%
constipation 30%
blood loss 2%
general weakness 30%
duodenal stenosis 2%
tachycardia 29%
eating salt 2%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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