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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar EclampsiaРетинопатия Пурчера
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 62%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 98%
late pregnancy 100% 40%
fundus arteries narrowed 91%
pregnancy toxicosis 98% 40%
retinopathy 89%
toxicosis 92% 37%
blindness 82%
eclampsia 32%
eye swelling 78%
preeclampsia 26%
retinal hemorrhage 66%
hypertension during pregnancy 25%
pancreatitis 66%
pain in the right side of the head 22%
traumatic brain injury 65%
headache on the right 22%
thrombosis 64%
hypertension 21%
roth's disease 64%
proteinuria 21%
head injury 64%
consequences of childbirth 21%
visual impairment 13% 77%
hypertension 20%
occlusion of the central retinal artery 63%
swelling during pregnancy 19%
arterial occlusion 61%
epilepsy 17%
autoimmune pancreatitis 61%
headache with visual impairment 17%
traumatic illness 61%
swelling during pregnancy 17%
retinal rupture 60%
headache hypertension 17%
hemorrhage in the eye 59%
hypertensive 17%
not sensitive to pain 59%
epilepsy in pregnant women 16%
angiopathy 9% 68%
prolonged headaches 16%
alcoholic pancreatitis 57%
increased pressure in the evening 16%
cryoglobulinemia 56%
pregnancy 49% 31%
sedentary lifestyle 55%
headache attacks 16%
hellp syndrome 54%
patient's condition 15%
indomitable vomiting 53%
tendency to edema 15%
venous thrombosis 53%
headache from above 14%
macular edema 51%
abdominal pain on the right 14%
up circulatory disorders 12% 62%
female pelvic organs 14%
injury 9% 58%
pain in the right side of the abdomen 14%
fisher-evans syndrome 48%
magnesia 14%
acute head injury 48%
headaches 14%
rupture of the eyeball 48%
clonic cramps 14%
acute condition 47%
secondary hypertension 14%
changes in the blood 47%
1 pregnancy 13%
blurred vision 6% 53%
with attacks of abdominal pain 13%
swelling 14% 60%
headache worse on the right 13%
blood diseases 12% 57%
nose thrombophilia 13%
autoimmune thrombocytopenia 45%
disorders of consciousness 13%
prolonged labor 45%
mucus in the mouth 13%
red spots on the skin 45%
intoxication 12%
heaviness in the eyes 45%
right eye reduced vision 12%
lymphostasis 44%
pain in the left side of the head 12%
primary immunodeficiency 42%
diabetes mellitus 12%
heavy eyes 42%
swelling of the brain 12%
onset of illness 41%
no consciousness 12%
systemic lupus erythematosus 41%
nausea pregnant 12%
pancreatopathy 40%
pain in the vessels of the head 12%
liebman-sachs endocarditis 39%
epilepsy attacks 11%
hemorrhages on the skin 39%
blood thickening 11%
alcohol is abusing 39%
stomach pain 11%
eye surgery 38%
stroke 11%
hepatitis c 38%
anxiety in the stomach 11%
endocarditis 38%
seizures after a stroke 11%
chronic kidney failure 38%
high diastolic pressure 11%
venous congestion 38%
impaired gastric function 10%
viral hepatitis 36%
thick blood 10%
acute injury 36%
convulsions in the anamnesis 10%
a history of trauma 36%
pain in the right eye 10%
bacteremia 35%
blurred vision 10%
cerebral circulation disorder 35%
generalized epilepsy 10%
aids 35%
nausea 10%
congestive kidney 35%
convulsions pain 10%
vascular damage 34%
tonic-clonic seizures 10%
organic brain damage 34%
respiratory 10%
hepatitis 34%
3 trimester of pregnancy 10%
hypoxia 33%
convulsions tonic 10%
sepsis 33%
violation of uteroplacental blood flow 10%
immunodeficiency 33%
liver injuries 10%
subacute condition 32%
abdominal pain 10%
apoplexy 8% 39%
cramps at night 10%
vomiting 31%
pressure in the stomach 10%
pregnancy complications 8% 38%
heart dysfunction 10%
skin problems 29%
headache with impaired vision 9%
pressure in the head 12% 41%
cardiac arrest 9%
chronic kidney disease 5% 33%
fear of doctors 9%
thrombocytopenia 8% 36%
epileptiform seizures 9%
kidney failure 7% 34%
hypertensive encephalopathy 9%
hemorrhagic diathesis 8% 35%
headache on the left 9%
liver diseases 7% 32%
pain under the left shoulder blade 9%
there are no complaints 5% 30%
auscultation weakened 9%
cardiac disorder 9% 30%
dic syndrome 9%
kidney disease 12% 32%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 9%
by dizziness to the right 9%
damage to the nervous system 9%
auscultatively weakened breathing 9%
bleeding 9%
pain in the right hypochondrium 9%
persistent hypotension 9%
pain under the right shoulder blade 9%
alpha-fetoprotein increased 9%
fainting 8%
placental abnormalities 8%
pain in the left shoulder blade 8%
pain in the left hypochondrium 8%
in winter abdominal pain on the left 8%
biochemical pregnancy 8%
impaired uterine function 8%
need for activity 8%
hypertension with dizziness 8%
hematoma 8%
blood loss 8%
postpartum contractions 8%
head poor eyesight 8%
worse pregnancy 8%
страх измерения давления 8%
thrombophilia during pregnancy 8%
subdural hematoma 8%
better from pressure 8%
liver failure 8%
cyanosis 8%
coma 8%
suffocating 8%
pain in the right shoulder blade 8%
leg cramps 8%
pulmonary edema 8%
headache from anxiety 8%
pain under the shoulder blade 8%
liver dysfunction 8%
vascular spasm 8%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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