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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Arthritis of the temporomandibular jointPapillomas of the oral cavity
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 31%(1)
Infection tests 19%(0)
Histological studies 16%(0)
General urine test 11%(1)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 57%
worse from pressure 97%
multiple warts 52%
sitting at home 90%
warts 56% 100%
calluses on his fingers 89%
papillomas of the oral cavity 42%
pain worse from pressure 88%
desire for salty 36%
wart on the sole 82%
human papillomavirus 26%
warts on the legs 82%
single wart 25%
my nose pain in the cheekbones 82%
oncology 17%
arthritis of the temporomandibular joint 74%
flat warts 16%
hot 72%
hpv dna positive 16%
pain in jaw joints 65%
benign epithelial tumors 16%
worse when moving 64%
mucous membranes are pale 16%
purulent arthritis 52%
immunodeficiency 15%
traumatic arthritis 52%
a short frenulum of the tongue in a child 15%
patient's condition 62% 10%
mucous sediment in the urine 15%
acute arthritis 50%
warts in children 14%
rheumatic arthritis 46%
round rashes 13%
infectious arthritis 44%
not sensitive to pain 13%
pain in the lower jaw 44%
benign tumors of the oral cavity 13%
rheumatic inflammation 42%
tooth decay 12%
pain in the jaw 42%
benign neoplasms 12%
arthritis with pain 42%
rash in the mouth 11%
pain in the chin 41%
hyperkeratosis 11%
joint injuries 41%
sediment urine 11%
chinga 40%
skin overgrowth 11%
rheumatoid arthritis 40%
lot of operations in small things 9%
joint pain 40%
papules 9%
arthritis 38%
fighting 9%
It hurts to open your mouth 38%
spasm 9%
chronic arthritis 38%
control issues 8%
scurvy 38%
surgical infections 8%
acute infectious arthritis 36%
there are no complaints 8%
gonorrheal arthritis 36%
joint crunch 36%
arthropathy 36%
tmj dysfunction 36%
moves the jaw 34%
purulent mumps 32%
ear pain 32%
stiffness of the joints in the morning 31%
pain when opening the mouth 31%
stiffness in the jaw 31%
aching pain in the joints 31%
medicinal arthropathy 31%
acute injury 31%
stiffness in the joints 30%
soreness of the skin 30%
arthritis of the hip joint 29%
patient is motionless 29%
rheumatism 29%
pain in the mouth 28%
acute condition 28%
mastoiditis 28%
joint injury 28%
pain in the knee and hip joints 28%
pain when moving 28%
acquired heart defects 27%
joint pain when moving 27%
arthritis of the shoulder joint 26%
viral arthritis 26%
tuberculosis arthritis 26%
rheumatic myocarditis 26%
vitamin c deficiency 25%
ears red 25%
crackling in the joints 25%
reddening of the skin 25%
hard stools 25%
otitis is viral 25%
acute hematogenous osteomyelitis 24%
pain in shoulder joints 24%
effects of the flu 24%
rheumatism of the joints 24%
arthritis of the knee joint 24%
joint pain in the morning 24%
purulent otitis 23%
osteomyelitis jaws 23%
viral tonsillitis 23%
purulent sore 23%
gonorrhea 23%
clumsiness 23%
tuberculosis of the joints 23%
the consequences of injury 23%
pain in the tongue 23%
hip pain 22%
infectious mumps 22%
overflow of the head 22%
acute otitis 22%
decreased skin sensitivity 22%
feeling of stiffness 22%
mucous stools 22%
pain in the knee joints 22%
consequences of injuries 22%
injury 32% 8%
joint soreness 21%
pain in the fingers 21%
pain in the knees 21%
otitis 21%
ankylosis 21%
cardiac disorder 21%
pain in the arms and legs 21%
pulse is strong 21%
acute pain in the joints 21%
hypersensitivity of the skin 21%
myocarditis 21%
bruise 20%
mucous hyperemia 20%
redness of the joints 20%
tinnitus 20%
polyarthritis 20%
flu 19%
sore 19%
pus on the tonsils 19%
sudden pain 19%
osteomyelitis 19%
skin compaction 19%
alternating symptoms 19%
low body temperature 19%
illness after hypothermia 19%
aches 18%
constant pain 18%
sensations in the legs 18%
conservative 18%
calculating 18%
subfebrile condition 18%
constantly moving 18%
syphilis 18%
congenital heart 18%
hearing impaired 18%
pain in the legs 17%
dizziness 17%
dystrophy 17%
skin anesthesia 17%
suppuration of the skin 17%
worse during day 17%
tuberculosis 17%
subacute condition 16%
insensitivity to pain 16%
sensitivity to medications 16%
treatment with antibiotics 16%
dryness 16%
strong man 16%
there is emaciation in the neck 16%
recovery period 15%
childhood diseases 15%
swelling 15%
acute pain 15%
high temperature 15%
stage of recovery 15%
blood diseases 14%
consequences of infection 25% 11%
bedsores 20% 10%
inflammatory infiltrate 19% 10%
gangrene 19% 10%
skin problems 20% 11%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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