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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Manic-depressive psychosisUnstable type of psychopathy
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 11%100%
affective disorders 90%
nervous excitability 45%
sadness 88%
hysterical psychopathy 39%
up mania 87%
hysterical 35%
alternating symptoms 82%
hysterical child 33%
psychosis 75%
hysteria 32%
sad 64%
desire for comfort 31%
depression 27%
nervousness 25%
hypomania 26%
outbursts of anger 9% 31%
alternating high and low moods 25%
apathy 6% 28%
suicide 23%
neurosis 16% 37%
manic depressive psychosis 23%
unstable type of psychopathy 9% 29%
suicidal thoughts 22%
lags behind in the development 20%
epileptic psychosis 19%
cynicism 19%
depressed mood 19%
the headache is worse from alcohol 19%
affective psychosis 18%
enuresis in childhood 16%
worse from worry 18%
sociopath 16%
hallucinations 18%
desire for entertainment 16%
schizophrenia 18%
hurting himself 15%
aesthete 17%
teenage drug addiction 15%
motor anxiety 16%
attachment disorders in children 15%
confusion 16%
nausea 15%
madness 16%
crying in babies 14%
mood disorder 16%
headache from alcohol 13%
paranoia 16%
indifference to loved 13%
epilepsy attacks 15%
general tension 12%
aggressive 15%
Can't study 12%
overexcitation of the psyche 15%
anhedonia 12%
lethargy 14%
sloppy 12%
bitterness 14%
headaches 12%
there is no mood 14%
likes to study 12%
epilepsy 14%
child screams 11%
longing for the past 13%
smokes 11%
chatty 13%
fearfulness 11%
convulsions 13%
comes in spite 11%
irritability 13%
organic brain damage 11%
angry easily 12%
teacher 11%
unspecified mental disorders 12%
vomiting 10%
psychological suppression 11%
lazy 10%
is quickly aroused 11%
up strong 10%
excessive scrupulousness 11%
sleep restless 10%
mild delirium 11%
enthusiastic 10%
absent-mindedness 11%
premature sexual development 10%
there are no complaints 11%
birth trauma 10%
coprolalia 10%
asleep makes in its own way 10%
micrography 10%
nocturnal enuresis 10%
makes plans 10%
joints unstable 10%
sense of responsibility 10%
cannot work 9%
intense longing 10%
Common symptoms are weakness 9%
there is emaciation in the neck 10%
pregnancy complications 9%
schizoid psychopathy 10%
relaxation 9%
macrography 10%
complications of childbirth 9%
variable symptoms 10%
thalamic syndrome 9%
logorrhea 10%
of urinary incontinence 9%
easily excited 10%
I'm being controlled 9%
The psyche is chatty 10%
deterioration from alcohol 9%
megalomania 10%
headache to vomiting 9%
pregnancy 19% 7%
consumes alcohol 8%
no appetite 9%
problems with studying 8%
stuttering in speech 9%
pain throughout the body 7%
the need for privacy 9%
alcoholism 6% 13%
high emotional sensitivity 9%
fidgety 6% 13%
guilt 9%
anxiety 14% 21%
purposeful 9%
personality feeling 7% 14%
increased appetite 9%
fearless 7% 14%
increased fatigue 9%
alcohol dependence 8% 14%
thoughts of suicide 9%
injury 6%
dysprosody 9%
ones indecision 4% 9%
gloomy 9%
cyclothymia 5% 10%
longing in the evening 9%
addiction 10% 15%
endogenous depression 9%
stubbornness 5% 10%
fear of change 9%
disorganization 5% 10%
change in appetite 9%
traumatic illness 4% 8%
in the genus mental illness 9%
destructive behavior 4% 8%
strong irritability 9%
adaptation disorders 4% 8%
pleasant 9%
general weakness 5% 8%
diabetes mellitus 8%
impulsiveness 7% 10%
can not think 8%
hyperactive 6% 9%
stones in the bladder 8%
childhood diseases 6% 9%
limited vocabulary 8%
feeling of bruising 5% 7%
throat cheerful 8%
damage to the nervous system 5% 7%
weakness after experiences 8%
consequences of childbirth 7% 8%
changing handwriting 8%
weakness 8% 9%
lot of gases 8%
onset of illness 11% 11%
emotional weakness 8%
patient's condition 14% 14%
fear of work 8%
control issues 7% 7%
masked face (hypomimia) 8%
night sweating in women 8%
psyche suicidal thoughts 8%
tendency to allergies 8%
stuttering 8%
fear of danger 8%
depression anxiety 8%
tendency to depression 8%
menstruation menopause 8%
poly-drug addiction and polytoxicomania 8%
psychogenic depression 8%
mixed anxious 8%
olfactory hallucinations 8%
active 8%
effects of taking hormones 8%
subacute condition 7%
stupid 7%
nose auditory hallucinations 7%
strong man 7%
closed 7%
consequences of taking medications 7%
effects of drugs 7%
with the desire for pregnancy 7%
thoughts of death 7%
night sweating 7%
illusions 7%
poor sleep 7%
suspiciousness 7%
epilepsy in childhood 7%
changeable mood 18% 9%


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  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
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