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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Hemorrhagic feversМикотоксикозы
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 84%(21)88%(0)
Blood biochemistry 100%(3)23%(2)
General urine test 82%(21)26%(0)
Coagulogram 52%(3)20%(1)
ECG 51%(0)
Infection tests 16%(0)34%(0)
Coprogram 15%(4)22%(1)
Elements and vitamins 9%(2)24%(3)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 33%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
hemorrhagic fevers 28%
angry 96%
omsk hemorrhagic fever 25%
sialadenitis 93%
polyuria 25%
weight 68%
oliguria 24%
aflatoxicosis 63%
hypostenuria 23%
mchc reduced 32% 88%
residual nitrogen increased 22%
aggressive 56%
petechiae 22%
agranulocytosis 53%
conjunctival scleral injection 22%
sore 51%
hematuria 21%
pus on the tonsils 51%
changes in urine 21%
fungus 48%
sclera redness 20%
enteritis 48%
small-point rash 20%
alcoholoid poisoning 44%
pasternatsky's symptom 20%
heaviness in the legs after walking 44%
dengue fever 20%
gastroenteritis 43%
little urine 20%
acute duodenitis 43%
red rash 20%
erosive gastritis 42%
lower back pain 20%
zygomycosis 42%
proteinuria 19%
pain in the right side of the head 42%
temperature rise during the day 19%
duodenitis 41%
back pain 19%
food poisoning 40%
recovery period 18%
dry gangrene 40%
stage of recovery 18%
severe sore throat 39%
hypotension 18%
diarrhea with chills 39%
burning in the sky 18%
gastritis 38%
slight temperature 18%
intoxication of alcohol 37%
azotemia 18%
bleeding 20% 57%
heaviness in the lower back 18%
dizziness from alcohol 35%
leukocytosis 18%
headache pain after eating 35%
severe fever 17%
rupture duodenal dysfunction 35%
face is red 17%
hangover syndrome 35%
conjunctiva redness 17%
headache from alcohol 35%
neutrophilosis 17%
headache on the right 34%
onset of illness 17%
inflammatory bowel diseases 34%
red sky 16%
soreness in the hypochondria on the right 32%
rashes on the shoulders 16%
glossitis 32%
hypersthenuria 16%
barley 32%
red blood vessels of the eyes 16%
diarrhea with undigested food 31%
cardiac disorder 16%
necrosis 31%
urination with blood 16%
touching the head painful 31%
gums are red 16%
gangrene 31%
kidney disease 16%
palpation is painful in epigastrium 31%
crimean hemorrhagic fever 16%
ulcers in the nose 31%
fever abdominal pain 16%
up palpation of the abdomen soreness in the hypochondria 30%
neck stiffness 16%
diarrhea after eating 30%
general intoxication syndrome 16%
stomatitis on the tongue 30%
nosebleed 15%
headaches 7% 37%
Red blood cells in the fecal 15%
abdominal pain after eating 29%
urine the color of meat slops 15%
diarrhea with bile 29%
anuria 15%
mycoses of the gastrointestinal tract 29%
bruise 15%
impaired coordination 29%
renal edema 15%
ulcers on 29%
mucous hyperemia 15%
sore throats in childhood 29%
bradycardia 15%
tingling in the body 28%
epithelial cylindruria 15%
abdominal pain when pressing 28%
hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome 15%
acute stomatitis 28%
hemorrhage in the eye 15%
heaviness in the legs 28%
alcoholic encephalopathy 14%
blepharitis 28%
rashes on the chest 14%
dizziness in the afternoon 28%
blood neutrophils are elevated 14%
fungal skin lesion 28%
blood thickening 14%
strongest weakness 28%
toxicosis 14%
chronic enteritis 28%
sharp belly 14%
feces undigested 27%
red hands 14%
pain in the right side of the abdomen 27%
chest is flat 14%
skin mycoses 27%
burning in the neck 14%
severe dizziness 27%
area worse from shaking 14%
headache from above 27%
acute renal failure 14%
abdominal pain on the right 27%
dic syndrome 14%
convulsions tonic 26%
worse before lunch 14%
of the throat tickling 26%
hemorrhages on the skin 14%
liver necrosis 26%
increased potassium 13%
convulsions pain 26%
inflammation 13%
gums inflamed 26%
pulmonary edema 13%
migraine 26%
hyponatremia 13%
neurasthenia 26%
better in afternoon 13%
leg weakness walking 26%
lymphocytosis 13%
convulsions 7% 33%
lethargy with fever 13%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 14% 39%
burning face 13%
neurological disorders 25%
loss black dots on the face 13%
headache in the afternoon 25%
disorders of consciousness 13%
pain in the right hypochondrium 25%
worse during day 13%
hepatosis fatty 25%
сыпь на туловище 13%
abdominal pain after diarrhea 24%
face red with fever 13%
headache with dizziness 24%
urine does not leave 13%
aphthous stomatitis 24%
often abdominal pain 13%
liver atrophy 24%
abdominal 13%
hepatoses 24%
heaviness in the back 13%
miscarriage 24%
swelling of the brain 13%
increased calcium 23%
rash in the mouth 13%
weakness in the legs 23%
pyelonephritis 13%
affective disorders 23%
vomiting during fever 12%
epileptiform seizures 23%
vomiting multiple 12%
medicinal nephropathy 23%
subconjunctival hemorrhage 12%
weakness after illness 9% 32%
stomach pain from hunger 12%
toxic nephropathy 23%
dehydration 12%
ataxia 22%
hiccups after eating 12%
epilepsy attacks 22%
gum diseases 12%
cirrhosis of the liver 22%
bacteremia 12%
jaundice 22%
electrolyte balance disorders 12%
loss of balance 22%
fever with delirium 12%
toxic liver 22%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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