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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Chronic monocytic leukemiaDIC syndrome
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(15)100%(15)
General urine test 60%(4)83%(3)
Coagulogram 44%(1)95%(4)
Blood biochemistry 24%(1)67%(8)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 78%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 71%
mchc reduced 71%
hepatorenal syndrome 69%
alcoholism 58%
decreased fibrinogen 67%
alcohol dependence 53%
bleeding stomach ulcer 66%
monocytosis 48%
hypercoagulation syndrome 64%
professional cancer 40%
acute renal failure 63%
waldenstrom 's macroglobulinemia 29%
hyperfibrinogenemia 62%
erythrocytic anemia 28%
dic syndrome 62%
chronic myeloid leukemia 28%
traumatic shock 61%
increased gamma globulins 24%
gastric bleeding 59%
onset of illness 43% 19%
by erosion of the stomach 59%
malignant lymphoma 19%
bleeding uterine 57%
hepatosplenomegaly 19%
external bleeding 57%
very correct 19%
intestinal bleeding 56%
enlargement of the liver and spleen 19%
protein with increased 56%
enlarged lymph nodes 18%
effects of shock 55%
chronic anemia 18%
shock states of various genesis 55%
enlargement of the spleen 18%
acute injury 54%
increased ESR 18%
antithrombin 3 increased 54%
enlarged liver 17%
thrombin time is increased 54%
acute leukemia 51% 32%
snake bite 54%
tuberculosis 17%
effects of poisoning 54%
benign neoplasms 16%
liver injuries 53%
strong man 15%
stomach ulcer 53%
chronic leukemia 15%
blood loss 52%
chronic lymphocytic 13%
kidney failure 52%
metastases 10%
bleeding 52%
bacteremia 51%
hemorrhagic diathesis 51%
capillary bleeding 50%
hypofibrinogenemia 50%
pulmonary edema 50%
pain after injury 50%
terminal states 49%
dystrophy 49%
sepsis 49%
peptic ulcer 49%
gastrojunal ulcer 49%
impaired uterine function 49%
collapse 49%
female pelvic organs 49%
thrombosis 48%
central venous pressure is lowered 48%
toxic hepatitis 48%
consequences of injuries 47%
impaired gastric function 47%
kidney disease 47%
respiratory insufficiency 47%
liver problems 47%
bleeding 46%
hematocrit is reduced 46%
intestinal ulcer 46%
the taste of acetone in the mouth 45%
intoxication 45%
arterial bleeding 45%
acute liver failure 45%
parenchymal jaundice 45%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 44%
platelet aggregation increased 44%
pulmonary hemorrhage 43%
hypoxia 43%
liver failure 43%
consequences of infection 43%
injury 43%
burn shock 42%
acute blood loss 42%
septic abortion 42%
diseases of the stomach and duodenum 42%
up circulatory disorders 41%
patient's condition 41%
oliguria 41%
hemolytic-uremic syndrome 40%
venous bleeding 40%
impaired lung function 40%
angiopathy 40%
consequences of operation 40%
impaired arterial function 39%
a lot of medicines 39%
profuse uterine bleeding 39%
postpartum sepsis 39%
acute hepatitis 39%
peptic ulcer disease 12p of the intestine 39%
obstetric peritonitis 39%
infectious and toxic myocarditis 39%
hypotension 38%
thermal burns 38%
platelet aggregation is reduced 37%
pain-free myocardial infarction 37%
hemorrhagic stroke 37%
toxic liver 37%
prolonged crushing syndrome 37%
eroded uterine lining 37%
apoplexy 36%
pleurisy 35%
toxicosis 35%
necrotic pancreatitis 35%
little urine 35%
consequences of abdominal trauma 35%
postpartum bleeding 35%
placenta previa 35%
abortions 35%
premature placental abruption 35%
pionephrosis 35%
hemolysis of erythrocytes 35%
ulcers in the nose 35%
pelvioperitonitis 34%
retroperitoneal hematoma 34%
thrombocytopathy 34%
weakness of labor activity 34%
addison 's crisis 34%
diabetes insipidus 34%
intestinal mucosa 33%
stroke 33%
kidney infarction 33%
dehydration 33%
cardiogenic shock 33%
postpartum infections 33%
hemothorax 33%
violation of the chair 32%
liver dystrophy 32%
rapid reaction 32%
consequences of childbirth 32%
rupture duodenal dysfunction 32%
does the wrong thing 32%
toxic pulmonary edema 32%
soft tissue hematoma 32%
hepatitis 32%
oncology 10% 42%
discharge from the genital tract 32%
acute vascular occlusion of the extremities 31%
chronic kidney disease 31%
they're watching him 31%
chair is large 31%
meningeal symptoms 31%
hematuria 31%
abundant stool 31%
shift of leukocyte formula to left 31%
hemorrhagic syndrome 21% 52%
antenatal fetal death 30%
duodenal ulcer 30%
sensitivity to medications 30%
prolonged labor 30%
serous pleurisy 30%
the feeling of a wound 30%
metabolic disorder 30%
birth trauma 30%
pus in feces 29%
prolonged diarrhea 29%
necrosis 29%
thrombocytosis 29%
cold sweat 29%
uremia 29%
meningeal syndrome 29%
posthemorrhagic anemia 29%
acute viral hepatitis 29%
dizziness permanent 29%
liver necrosis 29%
skin condition 29%
neuroses in children 28%
feeling of blood loss 28%
anaphylactic shock 28%
frequent antibiotics 28%
abdominal injuries 28%
fainting 28%
anuria 28%
increased blood clotting 28%
pain in the right hypochondrium 28%
fecal vomiting 28%
patient's condition is satisfactory 28%
blood in feces 28%
prolonged defecation 28%
diarrhea with blood 27%
headache with dizziness 27%
hydrothorax 27%
coagulopathy 27%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Search and input on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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