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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Interstitial nephritisХроническая болезнь почек
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(9)25%(0)
General urine test 83%(19)21%(23)
Creatinine clearance 64%(0)27%(0)
General blood test 67%(11)15%(18)
Coagulogram 64%(3)12%(3)
MRI of the bladder 65%(0)
Histological studies 45%(0)9%(0)
Ultrasound of the urethra 36%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 83%15%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 50%100%
proteinuria 76% 17%
pyelonephritis 53% 95%
increased ESR 42%
kidney cyst 12%
hematuria 52% 12%
dependence on food 7%
interstitial nephritis 37% 5%
obesity 7%
with reactive protein increased 31% 2%
hypertensive nephropathy 7%
acute pyelonephritis 28% 2%
chronic anemia 7%
hypostenuria 24%
ckd c4 7%
polyuria 29% 6%
diabetic nephropathy 7%
patient's condition 27% 5%
calciphylaxis 6%
urinary syndrome 25% 3%
smokes 6%
acute cystitis 20%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 6%
anuria 25% 4%
thrombosis 6%
oliguria 24% 3%
general loss of strength 6%
increased urea 24% 3%
hyperparathyroidism 6%
protein with increased 26% 5%
quickly gets tired 6%
pyelonephritis in children 19%
general swelling does 6%
gout 22% 2%
weakness 6%
increased uric acid 25% 6%
symptomatic arterial hypertension 6%
sweating head back 17%
eats 6%
sinusitis in childhood 17%
arterial occlusion 5%
back sweating during the day 17%
of the swelling of the face 5%
cylindrical hyaline 17%
observation 5%
increase in creatinine 34% 15%
hemoglobin increased 5%
vesicoureteral reflux 16%
polymorbidity 5%
urinary tract infection in children 16%
decreased calcium 5%
prolonged urination 16%
kidney failure in children 5%
back pain 16%
red urine 5%
little urine 23% 5%
parathyroid hormone increased 5%
lower back pain 15%
decreased ferritin 5%
hypochloremia 15%
terminal states 5%
cylindrical granular 15%
tubulopathy 5%
high temperature 19% 2%
vomiting with increased blood pressure 5%
waxy cylinders in the urine 15%
worse food 5%
general intoxication syndrome 15%
renal artery stenosis 5%
chlorine reduction 15%
ischemic nephropathy 5%
with anemia 24% 7%
increase in phosphorus 5%
eosinophilia 15%
shortness 5%
back sweating 14%
vitamin d deficiency 5%
pulling back pain 14%
decrease in phosphorus 5%
worse side left 14%
catheter-associated bloodstream infections 5%
urosepsis 14%
azotemia 5%
back pain is aching 14%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 5%
inflammation 33% 17%
protein-energy deficiency 5%
an increase in the level of white blood cells in the urine 13%
complications of kidney transplantation 5%
leukocytosis 13%
parathyroid hormone reduced 5%
unpleasant smell of urine 13%
better in spring 5%
frequent sinusitis 13%
increased vitamin d3 5%
acute renal failure 19% 4%
fluid in the abdomen 5%
intoxication 19% 4%
renal osteodystrophy 5%
blood diseases 21% 6%
bone fracture 4%
nephropathy 24% 10%
retinopathy 4%
urination disorder 16% 2%
hypertrophy of the left ventricle 4%
myeloma 16% 2%
metabolic syndrome 4%
headache aching 12%
constantly moving 4%
changes in urine 21% 7%
nausea with increased pressure 4%
improvement from sweating 12%
often sick child 4%
renal papillary necrosis 12%
death of the child 4%
gouty nephropathy 12%
hypertensive retinopathy 4%
urethrocele 12%
hypertensive 4%
frequent sore throats in childhood 12%
cystinosis 4%
sweats during the day 11%
stroke 4%
sinusitis chronic 11%
intra-abdominal infections 4%
acute urethritis 11%
osteoporosis 4%
frequent colds in childhood 11%
heart hypertrophy 4%
tonsillopharyngitis 11%
weakness in the morning 4%
better from sweating 11%
lupus nephritis 4%
renal colic 11%
thin 4%
papillitis 11%
sexual infantilism 4%
pain throughout the body 11%
obesity in children 4%
allergy to alcohol 11%
calcification of the skin 4%
speeded up urination 18% 5%
hypoplastic kidney dysplasia 4%
urination frequent urges 10%
arterial hypertension in children 4%
myoglobinuria 10%
hypertensive cerebral crisis 4%
abscess 10%
cardiomegaly 4%
midge disease 14% 2%
better from pressure 4%
acute ethanol poisoning 10%
effects of overwork 4%
Friedlander 's pneumonia 10%
elevated blood glucose 4%
sinusitis 10%
glycohemoglobin reduced 4%
otitis is viral 10%
growth retardation 4%
single stones in the bladder 10%
anemia in children 4%
urethritis in children 10%
increased intracranial pressure 4%
colic 10%
human papillomavirus 4%
sore throats in childhood 10%
kidney aplasia 4%
paranephritis 10%
cystitis in men 4%
pain in the ribs when pressing 10%
effects of smoking 4%
chills 10%
fatigue 4%
lack of urination 10%
pressure jumps 4%
otitis in childhood 10%
organic brain damage 4%
aches 10%
hemolytic-uremic syndrome 4%
catarrh of the nasopharynx 10%
bleeding 4%
phimosis 10%
cakut-syndrome 4%
increased fibrinogen 10%
heart failure in children 4%
imperative urge to urinate 10%
hypernatremia 4%
hyponatremia 16% 4%
calcification of the coronary arteries 4%
regular stool 10%
retinal hemorrhage 4%
treatment with antibiotics 15% 3%
foamy urine 4%
consequences of taking medications 18% 7%
enteropathy 4%
inflammation of the nasopharynx 9%
in the morning there is no appetite 4%
weakness in the lower back 9%
cardiodilation 4%
drowsiness from headache 9%
nausea vomiting 4%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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