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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Aplastic anemia in childrenCongenital tuberculosis
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(23)35%(6)
Blood biochemistry 72%(3)33%(1)
General urine test 35%(2)38%(0)
Sex hormones 8%(2)43%(1)
Infection tests 9%(3)33%(0)
Other hormones 10%(2)30%(1)
Ultrasound of the Heart 37%(0)
ECG 36%(0)
Ultrasound of abdominal cavity 35%(0)
Coagulogram 34%(3)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 66%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
diamond-blackfen anemia 42%
tuberculosis in pregnant women 86%
consequences of taking medications 38%
reaction to manta rays 66%
hemolytic anemia 32%
tuberculin 66%
erythroblastopenia 30%
tuberculosis 5% 63%
aplastic anemia in children 29%
meningitis 54%
anemia, unspecified 27%
tuberculosis in the anamnesis 54%
antinuclear factor 26%
silicotuberculosis 53%
reticulocytopenia 26%
respiratory insufficiency 50%
leukopenia 23%
meningitis in children 48%
pancytopenia 23%
urine discharge when coughing 47%
underdevelopment 22%
increased axillary lymph 46%
myelodysplastic syndrome 22%
enlargement of the liver and spleen 9% 55%
thrombocytopenia 21%
lymph node lesion 5% 51%
alcoholism 20%
history medical mother's 46%
fanconi anemia 20%
soreness of axillary lymph 46%
anemia in children 19%
congenital aids 42%
neutropenia 18%
sociopath 41%
alcohol dependence 18%
Fever anxiety 41%
nephronophthys fanconi 17%
purulent meningitis 40%
erythrocyte anisocytosis 16%
enlarged liver 10% 50%
erythrocytosis 16%
yellow fever 40%
serum sickness 16%
pain in the armpit 40%
hemochromatosis 15%
respiratory failure in a child 39%
with anemia 43% 26%
pregnancy 4% 43%
posttransfusion complications 15%
no appetite 39%
reticulocytosis 15%
tuberculosis in children 38%
allgrove syndrome 15%
hepatosplenomegaly 8% 46%
erythrocytic anemia 15%
enlargement of the spleen 16% 54%
asia-syndrome 15%
damage to the nervous system 4% 42%
pearson 's syndrome 14%
respiratory distress syndrome 37%
lags behind in the development 14%
antenatal fetal death 37%
bone defects 14%
purulent lymphadenitis 36%
patient's condition 14%
pain in the collarbone 36%
lymphopenia 13%
frequent antibiotics 35%
hypersplenism 13%
pain in the lymph 34%
cirrhosis of the liver 12%
miscarriage 33%
congenital myopia 12%
infected burns 33%
it's better to be alone 12%
hemoptysis 33%
cardiorenal syndrome in children 11%
death of relatives 33%
parvovirus infection 11%
increased appetite 32%
systemic lupus erythematosus 11%
death of a loved 32%
onset of illness 37% 24%
mucous sputum 32%
iron overload syndrome 10%
hematuria 6% 38%
liebman-sachs endocarditis 10%
premature babies 31%
endocarditis 10%
pulmonary edema 31%
microphthalmos 10%
rapid breathing 31%
rapid reaction 10%
jaundice 31%
immunodeficiency 10%
enlarged lymph nodes 31%
cardiac disorder 10%
sputum 30%
acute leukemia 9%
anxiety 28%
volume of spleen is increased 9%
presses 28%
better in morning 9%
consequences of childbirth 28%
radiation damage 9%
high temperature 15% 43%
is better in nature 9%
cough 28%
thin 9%
dependence on the doctor 27%
there are no complaints 9%
neurological disorders 25%
allergy 9%
lymphadenitis 5% 30%
congenital anomalies of the upper extremities 9%
Common symptoms are weakness 7% 32%
decrease in ESR 9%
aids 5% 29%
kidney disease 8%
hepatitis b 7% 31%
pancreatopathy 8%
lymphocytosis 11% 34%
rashes on the head 8%
febrile 7% 30%
feeling lonely 8%
childhood diseases 11% 34%
itching of the scalp 8%
no children 7% 29%
pigmentation of teeth 8%
viral hepatitis 7% 29%
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 8%
hepatitis 6% 28%
anomalies of kidney development 8%
wounds 4% 26%
acute myeloid leukemia 8%
hyperbilirubinemia 13% 33%
слабость периодическая 8%
hemoglobin increased 13% 33%
frequent headaches 8%
general weakness 9% 28%
hemolytic anemia in children 8%
liver diseases 7% 26%
effects of overwork 8%
impaired lung function 7% 25%
pain throughout the body 8%
weakness 8% 24%
connective tissue dysplasia 8%
skin problems 7% 23%
headache periodic 8%
treatment with antibiotics 13% 26%
red hands 8%
consequences of infection 11% 24%
herpes 8%
blood diseases 18% 23%
trembling with increased pressure 8%
death of the child 8%
headaches 8%
bleeding 8%
aortic stenosis 8%
thrombocytosis 8%
agranulocytosis 8%
increased ESR 7%
effects of poisoning 7%
subfebrile condition 7%
decreased ferritin 7%
scalp pain 7%
temperature rise during the day 7%
micrognathia 7%
rash on the scalp 7%
drug poisoning 7%
high height 7%
onychodystrophy 7%
hypotonic crisis 7%
gynecomastia 7%
low 7%
itching of the head 7%
hemarthrosis 7%
herpetic pneumonia 7%
schwachman-diamond syndrome 7%
leukoplakia 7%
insufficiency of the external secretory function of the pancreas 7%
sore scalp 7%
leukemia 7%
frequent colds 7%
intoxication 7%
temperature urticaria 7%
allergic rash 7%
headache with weakness 7%
acute lymphoblastic leukemia 7%
electrolyte balance disorders 7%
fungal mycosis 7%
anomalies of the shape of teeth 7%
worse from mushrooms 7%
increase in creatinine 7%
full 7%
cytomegalovirus infection 7%
tingling in the fingers 7%
whooping 7%
trembling in the hands 7%
vaccination 7%


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  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
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