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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar МикотоксикозыОтравление кадмием
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 87%
angry 96%
beta-2-microglobulin increased 87%
sialadenitis 93%
increased cadmium in urine 87%
mchc reduced 88%
osteomalacia 86%
weight 68%
pneumosclerosis 76%
aflatoxicosis 63%
interstitial pneumonia 72%
bleeding 57%
interstitial lung diseases 71%
aggressive 56%
bach flower 71%
agranulocytosis 53%
selenium deficiency 71%
pus on the tonsils 51%
smokes 70%
sore 51%
pneumonia 69%
fungus 48%
tickling in the nasopharynx 64%
heaviness in the legs after walking 44%
chronic rhinopharyngitis 63%
alcoholoid poisoning 44%
uremia 62%
pain in the right side of the head 42%
impaired lung function 62%
zygomycosis 42%
acute tracheobronchitis 61%
dry gangrene 40%
cough changeable 60%
severe sore throat 39%
walks a lot 60%
diarrhea with chills 39%
chronic pharyngitis 59%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 39%
zinc deficiency 59%
leukopenia 39%
prolonged runny 59%
intoxication of alcohol 37%
cyanosis 56%
hangover syndrome 35%
sharp pain in the lower back 56%
headache pain after eating 35%
pulmonary edema 55%
headache from alcohol 35%
acute bronchiolitis 54%
rupture duodenal dysfunction 35%
pneumonia pulmonary edema 53%
dizziness from alcohol 35%
effects of poisoning 53%
headache on the right 34%
constantly complains 53%
inflammatory bowel diseases 34%
tracheobronchitis 53%
convulsions 33%
renal tubular acidosis 53%
weakness after illness 32%
smell in the nose 52%
glossitis 32%
duck gait 52%
barley 32%
constant joint pain 51%
soreness in the hypochondria on the right 32%
fragility of bones 51%
necrosis 31%
nephrotic syndrome 51%
touching the head painful 31%
selenium 51%
ulcers in the nose 31%
bone deformation 51%
hallucinations 31%
rhinopharyngitis 51%
palpation is painful in epigastrium 31%
cough 50%
gangrene 31%
protein c deficiency 50%
stomatitis on the tongue 30%
spastic abdominal pain 49%
bleeding from the gums 30%
digestion gastritis 49%
up palpation of the abdomen soreness in the hypochondria 30%
tracheitis 49%
ulcers on 29%
chronic kidney disease 48%
pain in the intestines 29%
chills weakness 47%
mycoses of the gastrointestinal tract 29%
hypersalivation 47%
impaired coordination 29%
microhematuria 47%
blood diseases 29%
frequent cough 47%
sore throats in childhood 29%
toxic nephropathy 23% 70%
abdominal pain after eating 29%
sense of smell is reduced 47%
tingling in the body 28%
bronchopneumonia 47%
dizziness in the afternoon 28%
loss of sense of smell 46%
blepharitis 28%
chronic runny 46%
heaviness in the legs 28%
medicinal nephropathy 23% 69%
acute stomatitis 28%
emphysema 45%
abdominal pain when pressing 28%
snot in the throat 45%
fungal skin lesion 28%
polytrauma 45%
chronic enteritis 28%
pharyngitis 44%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 28%
ones weakness in the leg muscles 44%
strongest weakness 28%
iron deficiency anemia 43%
severe dizziness 27%
latent iron deficiency 43%
headache from above 27%
hypochromia 43%
internal bleeding 27%
chest pain when coughing 42%
skin mycoses 27%
nephropathy 20% 62%
chills when vomiting 27%
kidney damage 42%
convulsions pain 26%
smoking desire 42%
aches all over the body 26%
skeletal deformity 42%
hemorrhagic syndrome 26%
injury 42%
liver necrosis 26%
hyponatremia 42%
nosebleed 26%
passive smoking 42%
migraine 26%
pathological fracture 42%
neurasthenia 26%
improper nutrition 41%
convulsions tonic 26%
pain pain in the bones 41%
gums inflamed 26%
chest pain when breathing 41%
pregnancy 25%
runny nose 40%
bleeding uterine 25%
protein-energy deficiency 40%
fecal vomiting 25%
chronic respiratory failure 40%
headache in the afternoon 25%
vasculitis 40%
hepatosis fatty 25%
cough with shortness 40%
abdominal pain after diarrhea 24%
lower back pain 40%
miscarriage 24%
leg injury 40%
headache with dizziness 24%
crooked legs 39%
consequences of infection 24%
effects of smoking 39%
aphthous stomatitis 24%
consequences of a fracture 39%
liver atrophy 24%
chronic anemia 39%
hepatoses 24%
type of breathing chest 38%
headache to vomiting 23%
shortness of breath 38%
limbs pain 23%
bronchitis 38%
increased calcium 23%
sharp belly 38%
coagulopathy 23%
joint pain 37%
affective disorders 23%
worse food 37%
epileptiform seizures 23%
little urine 37%
abdominal pain with vomiting 23%
proteinuria 37%
epilepsy attacks 22%
cardiodilation 37%
intestinal bleeding 22%
constant pain 37%
blurred vision 22%
back pain 37%
ataxia 22%
dehydration 36%
ulcers on the skin 22%
pain when breathing 36%
vascular spasm 22%
congestive kidney 36%
loss of balance 22%
hypertension 36%
cirrhosis of the liver 22%
high height 36%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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