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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Hereditary jadeХроническая болезнь почек
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 96%(5)25%(0)
General urine test 92%(8)21%(23)
Coagulogram 100%(3)12%(3)
Ophthalmologist's examination 78%(0)7%(0)
General blood test 46%(6)15%(18)
Autoimmune markers 48%(0)9%(3)
Histological studies 37%(0)9%(0)
Creatinine clearance 7%(0)27%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 48%2%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 12%100%
antinuclear factor 42%
pyelonephritis 10% 95%
antinuclear antibodies 35%
increase in creatinine 15%
hereditary jade 41% 6%
increase in gfr urine 10%
alport syndrome 32%
decrease in albumin 10%
acute glomerulonephritis 30%
atherosclerosis of the renal arteries 9%
hereditary hearing loss 26%
increase in albumin 9%
hearing impaired 26%
hyperphosphatemia 8%
deafness 20%
acute injury 8%
berger 's disease 24% 2%
atherosclerosis of blood vessels 8%
myopic chorioretinitis 19%
diabetes mellitus 8%
keratoconus 18%
angiopathy 8%
prolonged urination 17%
dyslipidemia 8%
glomerulonephritis 27% 8%
chronic anemia 7%
hypermetropic astigmatism 16%
metabolic disorder 7%
fatigue from children 16%
vascular damage 7%
nephropathy 28% 10%
nephrosclerosis 7%
refractive errors 15%
diabetic nephropathy 7%
myopic astigmatism 15%
obesity 7%
congenital myopia 15%
heart dysfunction 7%
lens anomalies 15%
ckd c4 7%
tinnitus 15%
overweight 7%
tuberculosis of the bladder 14%
symptomatic arterial hypertension 6%
dryness of the scalp 14%
cancer 6%
frequent urination in the morning 14%
increased potassium 6%
chronic glomerulonephritis 20% 4%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 6%
headache is better from sleep 14%
protein in urine is reduced 6%
painful urination 14%
hyperparathyroidism 6%
tuberculosis of the kidneys 14%
weakness 6%
epicanthus 14%
electrolyte balance disorders 6%
deformation of the auricles 14%
uremia 6%
breast asymmetry 14%
eats 6%
dryness in the ears 14%
hypervolemia 6%
congenital cataract 13%
thrombosis 6%
cylinders 18% 3%
calciphylaxis 6%
muscular dystonia in a child 13%
smokes 6%
шума лучше 13%
up circulatory disorders 6%
perichondritis 13%
arterial occlusion 5%
retinitis pigmentosa 13%
heart failure 5%
ear deformity 13%
worse food 5%
aslo is reduced 13%
vomiting 5%
microhematuria 17% 2%
analgesic nephropathy 5%
stones in the bladder 20% 5%
terminal states 5%
abdominal pain in the morning stomach 12%
anomalies of kidney development 5%
hyperopia 12%
decreased ferritin 5%
astigmatism 12%
IBS 5%
abdominal pain at night 12%
hypokalemia 5%
ear pain 12%
no feeling of hunger 5%
hearing 12%
protein with increased 5%
clouding of the lens 12%
hypertensive heart failure 5%
syndactyly 12%
of the swelling of the face 5%
sleep disorders in children 12%
hemoglobin increased 5%
blindness 16% 2%
refuses treatment 5%
noise in the head 11%
catheter-associated bloodstream infections 5%
rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis 11%
parathyroid hormone increased 5%
with attacks of abdominal pain 11%
dehydration 5%
nose headache from fatigue 11%
dehydration in children 5%
often abdominal pain 11%
nausea 5%
deformity of fingers 11%
protein-energy deficiency 5%
sleep better 11%
tubulopathy 5%
nystagmus 11%
polymorbidity 5%
myopia 11%
parathyroid hormone reduced 5%
oxalate kidney stones 11%
metabolic acidosis 5%
visual impairment 15% 2%
increase in phosphorus 5%
multiple kidney stones 11%
vomiting with increased blood pressure 5%
deterioration of vision 11%
shortness 5%
inflammation 30% 17%
hypotension 5%
frequent dizziness 11%
weight 5%
feeling of pressure on the bottom 11%
ischemic nephropathy 5%
paraneoplastic syndrome 11%
complications of kidney transplantation 5%
retinitis 11%
strong man 5%
hematuria 25% 12%
decrease in phosphorus 5%
ringing in the head 11%
increased calcium 5%
macular 11%
vitamin d deficiency 5%
sagging skin 11%
azotemia 5%
delay in physical development 10%
renal artery stenosis 5%
frequent urination at night 16% 4%
better in spring 5%
kidney damage 23% 11%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 5%
multiple stones in the bladder 10%
fluid in the abdomen 5%
dizziness under stress 14% 2%
increased vitamin d3 5%
streptodermia 10%
drug poisoning 5%
cataract 10%
subacute condition 5%
inflammation of the eyes 10%
calcification 5%
ureteral stones 10%
fistula 4%
insomnia from pain 10%
stones of the urethra 4%
skin problems 13% 2%
is better in nature 4%
urine does not leave 9%
liver diseases 4%
crystalluria 9%
epiphyseolysis 4%
bladder injury 9%
hyponatremia 4%
hemorrhagic vasculitis 9%
loss of strength in the morning 4%
hypertension at night 15% 4%
destructive behavior 4%
acute pyelonephritis 13% 2%
consequences of operation 4%
hemarthrosis 9%
hypoxia 4%
urolithiasis in children 9%
fluid retention 4%
asymmetry 9%
hyperglycemia 4%
worse from pressure 14% 3%
rejection of the chest 4%
heredity predisposition 9%
hypophosphatemia 4%
weak joints 8%
of facial swelling in the morning 4%
sensorineural 8%
impaired prostate function 4%
omega vaccinations 8%
arrhythmia in children 4%
pyoderma 8%
chf 4%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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