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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Pulmonary artery atresiaTakotsubo cardiomyopathy
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(0)74%(0)
Ultrasound of the Heart 64%(0)72%(0)
Blood biochemistry 100%(1)
General blood test 85%(1)8%(1)
Ultrasound of arterial vessels 42%(0)10%(0)
Coagulogram 44%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 47%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 52%
ventricular septal defect 33%
cardiomyopathy 24%
overload of the right parts of the heart 29%
cardiogenic shock 23%
cyanosis 27%
severe stress 20%
severe shortness 24%
strong fright 20%
congenital heart 23%
love for people 18%
shortness of breath at rest 20%
illness from stress 17%
violation of the right departments hearts 20%
dizziness in the dark 17%
nose pulmonary heart 20%
adaptation disorders 16%
right-sided symptoms 20%
emotional 15%
primary pulmonary hypertension 20%
mental shock 15%
asleep shortness of breath lying 19%
disappointments in love 15%
shortness of breath when walking 19%
myocardial infarction 14%
Crying from screaming 18%
pain when breathing 14%
auscultation weakened 18%
sweating with excitement 14%
there are no complaints 18%
fright 14%
arterial occlusion 18%
angina pectoris 14%
patient is motionless 18%
prinzmetal angina 14%
bacterial endocarditis 18%
acute pain 14%
loudly cries 18%
it gets dark in the eyes 14%
surgical infections 17%
fainting 14%
diffuse cyanosis 17%
neck compression 13%
heart sounds are weakened 17%
disorders of consciousness 13%
endocarditis 17%
long qt syndrome 13%
pregnancy 17%
acute left ventricular failure 13%
heart failure 28% 9%
asthma 13%
systolic hypertension 17%
sweats from pain 12%
arrhythmia 17%
periodic fainting 12%
tired when walking 16%
consequences of trauma 12%
open ductus arteriosus 16%
cardiac asthma 12%
worse when shouting 16%
cold skin 12%
worse from the slightest noise 16%
severe pain in the arm 12%
cardiomegaly 28% 10%
of breath violation of the left parts of the heart 12%
better alone 15%
postmenopause 12%
better sitting 15%
acute expansion of the heart 12%
better from movement 15%
pain in the shoulder blade 12%
fatigue in the legs 15%
worse from worry 12%
pneumococcal infection 15%
frequent dizziness 12%
diastolic murmur on the pulmonary artery 15%
compressing pains in the heart 12%
stage of recovery 14%
transient ischemic attack 12%
fatigue from children 14%
necrosis 12%
breath retention 14%
bronchial asthma 11%
acrocyanosis 14%
weakness and palpitations 11%
leg weakness walking 14%
I'm being controlled 11%
pain in the left collarbone 14%
chest pain when breathing 11%
sensitivity to sounds 14%
death of a loved 11%
cardiodilation 30% 14%
anxiety due to pain 11%
toxoplasmosis 13%
acute heart failure 11%
pneumosclerosis 13%
angina attack 11%
chest deformity 13%
sudden pain 11%
recovery period 13%
pressure in the head 11%
sepsis 13%
effects of shock 10%
shortness of breath during physical exertion 13%
wet skin 10%
patient's condition is satisfactory 13%
pale skin 10%
heart hypertrophy 13%
shock states of various genesis 10%
violation of pulmonary circulation 13%
nervousness 10%
childhood diseases 13%
lack of air feeling 10%
skin irritation 13%
sensations in the legs 10%
pain in the ribs on the left 13%
heredity predisposition 10%
better lying 13%
sweating 9%
fatigue 13%
strong man 9%
heart murmurs 13%
thrombosis 9%
intrauterine infection 13%
convulsions 9%
consequences of operation 23% 8%
general weakness 9%
interstitial lung diseases 13%
presses 9%
rubella 13%
dizziness 9%
interstitial pneumonia 13%
pain chest 7% 16%
desire to control 12%
dystrophy 9%
swelling in the evening 12%
pain in the heart 12% 18%
myocardium dystrophy 12%
palpitations 7% 13%
worse when walking 12%
IBS 10% 13%
growth retardation 12%
palpitations with shortness 9% 11%
cytomegalovirus infection 12%
tachycardia 7% 9%
pulmonary pressure lowered 12%
heart dysfunction 7% 9%
right ventricular heart failure 12%
low diastolic pressure 12%
hypotrophy 12%
hypoplasia of the lungs 12%
aortic regurgitation 12%
heartbeat under load 12%
blockade of the legs of the gis bundle heart 12%
lung damage 12%
no strength 12%
pulsation of the vessels of the neck 12%
premature babies 12%
consumes alcohol 11%
right ventricular failure 11%
pneumonia 11%
general intoxication syndrome 11%
thin 11%
боли в сердце при нагрузках 11%
nose nursing mom 11%
pacemaker 11%
high diastolic pressure 11%
allergy to penicillin 11%
throbbing in the neck 11%
lack of breath 11%
bradycardia 11%
constantly moving 11%
intercostal pain 11%
up circulatory disorders 21% 8%
atrioventricular block 10%
tachycardia in children 10%
intoxication 10%
swelling after surgery 10%
subacute condition 10%
hypertrophy of the left ventricle 10%
sudden cardiac death 10%
pain in the ribs 10%
aortic stenosis 10%
fruits when running worse 10%
arteriopathies 10%
pain in the collarbone 10%
tooth extraction 10%
there is emaciation in the neck 10%
muscular dystrophy 10%
control issues 10%
thoracic kyphosis 10%
swelling of veins 10%
patient's condition 23% 11%
hypotension 10%
consequences of taking medications 23% 11%
heart failure in children 10%
lags behind in the development 10%
blockade of the legs of the bundle of gis 10%
open oval window 10%
feeling of stenosis 10%
worse from pressure 9%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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