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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar M16.1M17.2
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(3)100%(9)
General urine test 57%(1)58%(1)
Radiography of the pelvis 76%(0)12%(0)
Blood biochemistry 39%(3)34%(4)
Ultrasound of the knee joints 12%(0)59%(0)
MRI of the knee joint 65%(0)
Spermogram 17%(1)37%(1)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 30%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 10%44%
tension of the leg muscles 23%
of knee joint injury is determined 10% 44%
coxarthrosis 37% 13%
consequences of knee injury 31%
muscle tension 17%
joint pain is worse at rest 28%
muscle stretching 17%
knee joint ligament damage 27%
knee pain when bending 16%
patellar fracture 26%
acetabulum fracture 15%
leg injury 11% 36%
postoperative pain 14%
pain in the leg is worse at rest 24%
pain from the back to the stomach 14%
osteoarthritis of peripheral joints 23%
pain in the ankles 14%
acute arthritis 23%
swelling after surgery 13%
dislocation of the patella 23%
stretching 13%
ligament damage 23%
bent legs 13%
arthrosis of small joints 23%
shoulder injury 13%
plantar fasciitis 23%
lumbosacral osteochondrosis 13%
ligament injury 22%
knee-elbow position in a dream 13%
pain in the legs while sitting is worse 22%
sleeps in the knee-elbow position 13%
arthrosis of the knee joint 28% 50%
heaviness in the shoulders 13%
pain worse at rest 21%
aching knees 12%
worse prolonged movement 21%
lumbar osteochondrosis 12%
tibia fracture 20%
knee pain at night 12%
fracture of the condyles of the tibia 20%
heaviness in hands and feet 12%
sitting worse pain 20%
osteochondrosis pain 12%
intraarticular fracture 19%
pain in the ankle joint 12%
bone defects 19%
walking on socks 12%
osteosclerosis 19%
Can't study 11%
seronegative rheumatoid arthritis 19%
poor health 11%
can not lift the leg 19%
pain in the legs at night 11%
curvature of the shins 9% 28%
оперированные вены 11%
hemarthrosis 19%
arthritis of the shoulder joint 11%
worse at rest 19%
stagnant pneumonia 11%
worse sitting better lying down 19%
pain in the elbow joints 11%
leg pain is worse when lying down 19%
pain in the muscles of the shins 11%
improvement of pain at rest 19%
hip dysplasia 11%
the pain is worse lying down 19%
constantly moving 11%
rupture of knee ligaments 19%
pain in the veins 11%
seronegative spondyloarthritis 18%
endocarditis rheumatic 11%
stiffness at the beginning of movement 18%
sleeps sitting 10%
allodynia 18%
weakness in the shoulder 10%
fracture of the lower leg 18%
gastropathy 10%
patellar balloting 17%
fracture of the humerus 10%
rheumatoid polyarthritis 17%
straightforwardness 10%
hip fracture 17%
does the wrong thing 10%
knee pain when moving 17%
heaviness in the hands 10%
worse sitting better when walking 17%
feeling of isolation 10%
worse sitting 17%
stiffness in the shoulders 10%
joint hot 17%
pain in the veins of the legs 10%
kidney fibroma 17%
heaviness in the legs 10%
dry pleurisy 17%
pain in shoulder joints 10%
are constantly freezing 16%
doesn 't count well 10%
worse from getting feet wet 16%
elbow 10%
non-healing fracture 16%
presses 10%
whipple's disease 16%
long limbs 10%
cold in the kidneys 16%
psoriasis diffuse 10%
arthritis of the hip joint 16%
aching joint pain 9%
worse lying 16%
pain in the sacrum 9%
reiter's disease 16%
acute pneumonia 9%
sclerema of newborns 16%
tension in the legs 9%
deterioration from cooling legs 16%
pretending to be sick 9%
swelling of the knee 16%
weakness of the muscles of the hands 9%
urogenital chlamydia 15%
acute expansion of the heart 9%
knee joint bursitis 18% 33%
sciatica 9%
fasciitis 15%
legs are elongated 9%
oncology 15%
patient's condition is satisfactory 9%
ligament rupture 15%
weakness in the hands 9%
severe pain in the knees 15%
chair in the morning 9%
worse when walking better lying 15%
soreness of the body 9%
drug-induced stomach ulcer 15%
not enough time 8%
sensitivity to pain 15%
systemic lupus erythematosus 8%
can not lie still 15%
bedsores 8%
with the corn 15%
hysteria 8%
idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis 15%
kidney damage 8%
deformities of the limbs 12% 27%
porous skin 8%
periarthritis 15%
insomnia from pain 8%
thin limbs 15%
better from work 8%
dystrophic keratitis 14%
can not breathe 8%
grandmother veins 14%
hip pain 29% 19%
sacroileitis 14%
stagnation in the lungs 8%
acute urethritis 14%
gangrene 8%
keratodermia 14%
heaviness in the body 8%
acute infectious arthritis 14%
dysplastic coxarthrosis 8%
purulent discharge from the urethra 14%
low body temperature 8%
amyloidosis of the kidneys 14%
endocarditis 8%
acute rheumatic fever 14%
belly enlargement 8%
tendinitis 14%
shortness of breath 8%
fibroma of the lungs 14%
liebman-sachs endocarditis 8%
chronic arthritis 22% 36%
type of breathing chest 8%
raynaud 13%
dependence on the doctor 7%
better sitting 13%
cardiomegaly 7%
antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide increased 13%
acute injury 7%
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 13%
underdevelopment 7%
polyarthritis in children 13%
poor sleep 7%
alveolitis 13%
cardiodilation 7%
better alone 13%
pneumonia 7%
nephrosis 13%
abdominal pain 7%
inflammatory bowel diseases 13%
fighting 7%
sedentary lifestyle 13%
immunodeficiency 7%
polyarthritis 26% 39%
problems with studying 25% 17%
knees do not bend 13%
stiffness in the legs 25% 17%
urethritis 13%
pain in the arms and legs 15% 8%
nail psoriasis 12%
leg aches 20% 13%
does not sweat 12%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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