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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar T92S27.7
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 27%
non-healing fracture 88%
bruised ribs 27%
joint deformation 74%
floating rib fractures 27%
porous skin 81% 8%
coagulated hemothorax 27%
false joint 69%
fracture of the sternum 27%
with the corn 84% 16%
consequences of chest injury 27%
keratodermia 80% 15%
bruised lung 26%
bone defects 73% 8%
injuries of the diaphragm 25%
comminuted fracture 62%
blunt heart injury 25%
collapse 73% 9%
hylothorax 25%
burning palms 60%
subcutaneous emphysema 24%
cyst resorption 54%
valve pneumothorax 24%
bone deformation 69% 16%
hemopericardium 24%
fracture of the ulna 51%
foreign bodies of the lungs and pleura 24%
clenches fists 50%
pneumomediastinum 24%
difficult understanding 49%
hemorrhagic pleurisy 23%
bone fracture 66% 15%
rupture of the esophagus 23%
fractures of the forearm bones 47%
mediastinit 23%
hands burn 47%
bruise of the chest 23%
intraarticular fracture 44%
neck injury 22%
bleeding 53% 7%
tamponade of the heart 22%
burning in his hands 43%
chest injuries 22%
arthrosis 43%
lung rupture 22%
injury 57% 13%
rib fracture 22%
stage of recovery 57% 14%
heart rupture 22%
recovery period 57% 14%
bruising pain 22%
pain when moving 50% 8%
hernia of the esophagus 22%
bone cyst 39%
empyema of the pleura 22%
deforming arthrosis 39%
swelling after a fracture 21%
is not deformed 38%
closed fracture 21%
thermal burns 37%
open pneumothorax 21%
stooped 37%
closed pneumothorax 21%
hump 37%
chest tension 21%
pain worse from pressure 37%
acute blood loss 21%
worse from pressure 36%
the consequences of injury 21%
arthropathy 45% 7%
fibrothorax 21%
take it, take it 35%
pain in the pleura 21%
wound postoperative 34%
serous pleurisy 21%
dislocations of the hand 34%
broken collarbone 20%
curvature of the spine 33%
emphysema 20%
wounds heal poorly 32%
pain in the ribs 20%
open fracture 31%
polytrauma 20%
a history of trauma 45% 13%
heaviness in the chest 20%
consequences of operation 46% 14%
foreign body of the heart 20%
burns 30%
catatrauma 20%
not mindfulness 30%
auscultatively weakened breathing 20%
smokes 30%
ligament damage 20%
vascular damage 47% 15%
breath retention 20%
stiffness in the joints 43% 12%
pneumothorax 20%
stones in the bladder 29%
soft tissue hematoma 20%
scarring 29%
atelectasis of the lungs 19%
joint injuries 46% 17%
hemorrhagic shock 19%
fracture with displacement 38% 9%
pain in the sternum 19%
peripheral nerve injuries 26%
breathing superficial 19%
worse when moving 44% 16%
acute heart failure 19%
consequences of taking medications 39% 13%
frequent fractures 19%
wounds 39% 14%
pain after a fracture 19%
is better in nature 22%
auscultation weakened 19%
resorption 35% 12%
ligament rupture 19%
abdominal injuries 37% 17%
cardiopulmonary insufficiency 19%
necrosis 33% 14%
compressing pains in the heart 19%
skin problems 31% 12%
hydrothorax 18%
surgical infections 28% 9%
chest pain when inhaling 18%
joint crunch 26% 9%
bruise 18%
joint soreness 26% 9%
spinal injury 18%
no joints 24% 8%
lung damage 18%
stretching 23% 8%
chest pain when breathing 18%
dependence on plastic surgery 21% 7%
lung removed 18%
dislocations 24% 11%
chronic respiratory failure 18%
consequences of injuries 28% 15%
hemorrhages on the skin 18%
treatment with antibiotics 20% 11%
presence of fluid in heart cavity is detected 18%
consequences of a fracture 24% 17%
sudden pain 18%
pain in the ribs when breathing 18%
arterial bleeding 18%
cardiogenic shock 17%
myocardial dysfunction 17%
pain in the heart 17%
aneurysm 17%
pleurisy 17%
type of breathing chest 17%
suffocating 17%
aortic aneurysm 17%
cardiomegaly 17%
bruising sensation 17%
pulmonary edema 17%
pain when inhaling 17%
heaviness on the heart 17%
nose pulmonary heart 17%
lung pain 17%
lack of breath 17%
shock states of various genesis 17%
general tension 17%
shortness of breath 17%
acute injury 17%
difficulty inhaling breathing 17%
pinched diaphragmatic hernia 17%
hernia 17%
presses 16%
lack of air feeling 16%
subconjunctival hemorrhage 16%
acute esophagitis 16%
heaviness of breathing 16%
tension in the body 16%
patient's condition is severe 16%
pain in the heart when inhaling 16%
paranoia 16%
hypercapnia 16%
central venous pressure is increased 16%
narrow chest 16%
feeling of weakness in the heart 16%
stagnation in the lungs 16%
cough 16%
chest depression 16%
arrhythmia 16%
blood loss 16%
acute expansion of the heart 16%
respiratory insufficiency 16%
bacteremia 16%
breathing is difficult 16%
cardiodilation 16%
chyloperitoneum 16%
pain when breathing 16%
to breathe hard 16%
traumatic illness 16%
pathological affect 16%
respiratory distress syndrome 16%
pulmonary hemorrhage 16%
hematoma 16%
spasms in the body 16%
fistula 16%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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