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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar S20-S29S27.7
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 13%13%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 8%8%
consequences of suppression 8% 8%
coma 8% 8%
desire to control 8% 8%
leg injury 8% 8%
protein-energy deficiency 8% 8%
calcification 8% 8%
worse from water 8% 8%
open person 8% 8%
neurogenic pain 8% 8%
tremor 8% 8%
bone defects 8% 8%
liver failure 8% 8%
no joints 8% 8%
angina pectoris 8% 8%
lymphadenitis 8% 8%
effects of taking antibiotics 8% 8%
full 8% 8%
venous thrombosis 8% 8%
independent 8% 8%
stretching 8% 8%
muscle hypertonus 8% 8%
low body temperature 8% 8%
stomach pain 8% 8%
blue skin 8% 8%
pancreatitis 8% 8%
increased responsibility 8% 8%
collapse 9% 9%
metabolic disorder 7% 7%
dependence on plastic surgery 7% 7%
gradual deterioration of 7% 7%
depression 7% 7%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 7% 7%
organic brain damage 7% 7%
benign neoplasms 7% 7%
nausea vomiting 7% 7%
fatigue 7% 7%
consequences of childbirth 7% 7%
vascular tumor 7% 7%
sad 7% 7%
subacute condition 7% 7%
hypotension 8% 8%
female pelvic organs 7% 7%
abdominal pain 7% 7%
chronic kidney disease 7% 7%
mood disorder 7% 7%
immunodeficiency 7% 7%
it's better to be alone 7% 7%
there is emaciation in the neck 7% 7%
arthropathy 7% 7%
gangrene 8% 8%
veins bloating 8% 8%
alternating symptoms 8% 8%
likes to be examined 8% 8%
mediastinal tumors 9% 9%
resorption 12% 12%
chf 11% 11%
dependence on the doctor 10% 10%
the feeling of a wound 10% 10%
common arterial trunk 10% 10%
боли в сердце при нагрузках 10% 10%
chronic esophagitis 10% 10%
lung disorder bilateral 10% 10%
increased triglycerides 10% 10%
pain in the trachea 11% 11%
pharyngeal injuries 11% 11%
screams from pain 11% 11%
abdominal aortic aneurysm 11% 11%
pain in the left shoulder blade 11% 11%
better in morning 10% 10%
constantly moving 11% 11%
forced situation 11% 11%
hypoaldosteronism 11% 11%
pain in the lower jaw on the left 11% 11%
central venous pressure is lowered 11% 11%
metabolic alkalosis 11% 11%
mucous hyperemia 12% 12%
trembling in the chest 12% 12%
pain when taking a deep breath 12% 12%
hemoptysis 12% 12%
spasm 12% 12%
hypovolemic shock 10% 10%
wheezing in the bronchi 10% 10%
joint crunch 9% 9%
gastroesophageal reflux disease 9% 9%
respiratory allergy 9% 9%
feeling lonely 9% 9%
fluid retention 9% 9%
terminal states 9% 9%
emotional exhaustion 9% 9%
deep vein thrombosis 9% 9%
fever tachycardia 9% 9%
joint soreness 9% 9%
fainting from pain 9% 9%
need for protection 9% 9%
neuroses in children 9% 9%
neck swelling 9% 9%
lack of sleep 10% 10%
acute pain 9% 9%
hypercoagulation syndrome 9% 9%
pain in the tendons 9% 9%
cold sweat 9% 9%
weakness and palpitations 9% 9%
is better when busy 9% 9%
better lying 9% 9%
pneumosclerosis 9% 9%
fluid in the abdomen 9% 9%
purulent peritonitis 9% 9%
toxic pulmonary edema 10% 10%
chest is flat 10% 10%
childhood diseases 6% 6%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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