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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar M86.9M16.3
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 52%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 44%
bone defects 40%
bone growths 40%
gunshot wounds 35%
joint deformation 37%
defects of the upper jaw 35%
coxarthrosis 36%
defects of the lower jaw 35%
joint pain 35%
acute hematogenous osteomyelitis 31%
arthritis 34%
chronic osteomyelitis 30%
joint pain with exertion 34%
purulent wound 26%
arthritis with pain 33%
tumors of the jaws 25%
deforming arthrosis 33%
take it, take it 25%
crooked legs 32%
wounds in the nose 24%
impeachment syndrome 30%
oily skin 23%
pain from the load 30%
suppuration of the skin 22%
overweight 29%
slight temperature 22%
polyarthrosis 29%
skin problems 32% 8%
hip pain 28%
long fingers 22%
contractures 27%
dysarthria 22%
arthrosis of the knee joint 27%
tuberculosis 22%
polyarthritis 26%
femininity 22%
shortening of legs 25%
bone fracture 34% 10%
problems with studying 25%
gradual deterioration of 21%
pain in the knee joints 24%
weak endurance 21%
stiffness in the legs 24%
wounds 37% 14%
pain in the knees 24%
bone fistula 21%
better when walking 23%
forced situation 20%
tension of the leg muscles 23%
difficult to swallow 20%
sensations in the legs 23%
oncology 20%
thin 23%
atherosclerosis of blood vessels 20%
bursitis 23%
skin dirty 20%
pain in the wrist joints 23%
high temperature 19%
pain in the legs 22%
suppuration with fistulas 19%
chronic arthritis 22%
closed person 19%
myelofibrosis 22%
a mobile child 19%
pain in the knee and hip joints 22%
cancer 19%
fluid in the joints 22%
speech slurred 19%
chondrocalcinosis 22%
scarring 18%
fidgety 22%
fibrosarcoma 18%
arthropathy 14% 35%
sudden onset 18%
myeloid metaplasia 21%
slow onset of the disease 18%
stiffness in the joints 21%
grandmother diabetes 18%
it's better to be alone 20%
lip cancer 17%
crackling in the joints 20%
exposure to atmospheric electricity 17%
restriction of movement 20%
cancer of the maxillary sinus 17%
osteitis 20%
bones of the free lower limb 17%
bone cyst 20%
fungus 17%
joints unstable 20%
lying on the sick side 16%
joint pain is better from movement 19%
frostbite 16%
a lot of stress 19%
postoperative psychosis 16%
feeling of fullness 19%
hypertrophic scar 16%
leg aches 19%
cancer of the lower jaw 16%
stiffness in the knees 19%
prosthetic arm 16%
joint pain when moving 19%
fistula 16%
pain in the hip joints when moving 19%
hematoma 16%
metabolic disorder 18%
barotrauma 16%
movement better pain 18%
weakening of immunity 16%
pain when walking 18%
nose injury 15%
pain is better from movement 18%
skeletal deformity 29% 12%
in the morning leg pain 18%
jaw cancer 15%
pain in the knee joints when walking 18%
osteomyelitis jaws 15%
pain increases gradually 18%
waxy skin color 15%
asleep leg muscle pain 18%
wasserman syndrome 15%
joint pain at the beginning of movement 18%
electric burns 15%
pain in the wrists 18%
radiation damage 15%
stiffness of the joints in the morning 18%
radiation therapy 15%
feeling of stiffness 18%
oral cancer 15%
knee pain when walking 18%
inguinal hernia 14%
gout of the joints 18%
skin is coming off 14%
muscle stretching 17%
impaired sense of smell 14%
knee joint bursitis 17%
soft tissue sarcoma 14%
spondylopathy 17%
optic nerve atrophy 14%
contractures of the joints 17%
fracture with displacement 14%
joint pain in the morning 17%
consequences of infection 29% 13%
acute pain in the joints 17%
membrane can not swallow 14%
joint soreness 17%
subacute condition 14%
muscle tension 17%
breathes through the mouth 14%
increased endurance 17%
very pale 14%
improvement after rest 17%
prosthetic leg 14%
muscle pain 17%
frequent fractures 13%
worse from exercise 17%
loss of work 13%
worse when walking 17%
salivation 13%
limitation of the amplitude of movements 16%
postoperative scars 13%
pain when moving 16%
violation of pain sensitivity 13%
rheumatoid arthritis 16%
suicide 13%
pain is better when busy 16%
thalamic syndrome 13%
infectious arthritis 16%
coagulopathy 13%
gastrointestinal bleeding 16%
soft tissue abscess 13%
knee pain when bending 16%
skin cancer 12%
pain in the foot 16%
treatment with antibiotics 20% 6%
dislocations 16%
up radiation sickness 12%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 16%
nasal congestion 12%
stiffness hip joints 16%
myositis 12%
delusion in the morning 16%
hepatitis b 12%
gout 16%
cancer in the anamnesis 12%
joint pain at night 16%
syphilis 12%
medicinal arthropathy 15%
lack of breath 12%
impaired lung function 15%
a history of trauma 12%
pain in the joints of the fingers 15%
oncology in the anamnesis 12%
pain in the hands at night 15%
hepatitis c 12%
psoriatic arthritis 15%
fibroma 12%
better in morning 15%
increased intracranial pressure 12%
pain in the thigh 15%
blood loss 11%
pain in the shins 15%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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