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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar M06.1M16.3
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(14)100%(2)
General blood test 95%(15)94%(3)
Radiography of the pelvis 62%(0)72%(0)
General urine test 56%(4)54%(1)
ECG 54%(0)54%(0)
Infection tests 89%(2)13%(0)
Autoimmune markers 68%(9)19%(2)
FGDS 68%(0)17%(0)
Coprogram 59%(0)7%(1)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 63%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 34%
antinuclear factor 52%
arthrosis 13% 44%
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 47%
pain from the load 30%
polyarthritis in children 47%
impeachment syndrome 30%
still's disease 45%
polyarthrosis 29%
arthritis of the fingers 35%
hip pain 28%
arthritis of the ankle joint 30%
coxarthrosis 9% 36%
iridocyclitis 28%
arthrosis of the knee joint 27%
lymphadenitis 28%
bone growths 14% 40%
ankylosis 37% 8%
shortening of legs 25%
high temperature 26%
deforming arthrosis 8% 33%
oligoarthritis 25%
problems with studying 25%
rheumatism 25%
tension of the leg muscles 23%
septic arthritis 25%
better when walking 23%
arthritis of the foot 37% 10%
myelofibrosis 22%
rheumatoid factor increased 25%
chondrocalcinosis 22%
periods of exacerbation 24%
pain in the knee and hip joints 22%
infectious arthritis 41% 16%
myeloid metaplasia 21%
acute arthritis 23%
overweight 9% 29%
lymph node lesion 22%
crackling in the joints 20%
enlargement of the spleen 21%
stiffness in the knees 19%
felty syndrome 21%
joint pain is better from movement 19%
bacteremia 21%
a lot of stress 19%
vasculitis 21%
pain in the hip joints when moving 19%
pericarditis 20%
joint pain at the beginning of movement 18%
tuberculin 20%
pain is better from movement 18%
tuberculosis of bones 20%
movement better pain 18%
sick with high temperatures 20%
knee pain when walking 18%
reaction to manta rays 20%
in the morning leg pain 18%
sepsis 20%
gout of the joints 18%
amyloidosis 20%
pain in the knee joints when walking 18%
bipolar disorder 19%
joint deformation 19% 37%
rheumatoid arthritis 37% 16%
injury 10% 28%
amyloidosis of the kidneys 19%
increased endurance 17%
sjogren 19%
muscle tension 17%
pain in small joints of the hand 19%
sports injury 17%
periodic fever 19%
muscle stretching 17%
nephrosis 19%
thin 6% 23%
pain in small joints of the hands 19%
worse from exercise 17%
hygroma on the wrist 19%
improvement after rest 17%
childhood diseases 29% 8%
stiffness hip joints 16%
acute bronchitis 18%
crooked legs 16% 32%
osteoporosis 32% 12%
joint injuries 12% 28%
keratitis 18%
delusion in the morning 16%
inflammation of the eyes 18%
gastrointestinal bleeding 16%
arthritis of the temporomandibular joint 18%
pain is better when busy 16%
tuberculosis of the joints 18%
knee pain when bending 16%
impaired function of the large intestine 18%
pain in the knees 8% 24%
s eyes cloudy 18%
joint pain at night 16%
tuberculosis 18%
limitation of the amplitude of movements 16%
chlamydia 18%
gout 16%
subluxation of the vertebra 18%
intestinal bleeding 15%
overall activity is reduced 18%
pain in the thigh 15%
decrease in gamma globulins 17%
aseptic bone necrosis 15%
joint asymmetry 17%
pain in the shins 15%
oncology 17%
post-traumatic arthrosis 15%
arthritis of the knee joint 33% 14%
язва желудка в анамнезе 15%
rheumatoid lung 17%
pain in the hands at night 15%
interstitial lung diseases 17%
aseptic necrosis of the femoral head 15%
Mediterranean (Marseille) fever 17%
osteochondrosis 15%
acute rheumatic fever 17%
pain in the knee joints 9% 24%
sadness 17%
acetabulum fracture 14%
affective disorders 17%
wounds 14%
up mania 17%
pain in the feet permanent 14%
viral pneumonia 17%
unstable angina 14%
bronchitis 17%
pain at the beginning of movement 14%
bone metastases 16%
pain in the ankles 14%
inflammation of the stomach 16%
bleeding stomach ulcer 14%
rheumatism of the joints 16%
fatigue 14%
cold urticaria 16%
tendovaginitis 14%
effects of puberty 16%
better lying on your back 14%
fever intermittent 16%
bleeding 14%
inflammatory bowel diseases 16%
pain in the groin area 14%
bone cancer 16%
muscle pain at night 14%
reiter's disease 16%
chronic gouty arthritis 14%
Chronical bronchitis 16%
shortened cycle 13%
frequent colds 16%
wounds heal poorly 13%
glucocorticoid osteoporosis 16%
sleeps on his knees 13%
fever with pain in the joints 16%
bent legs 13%
fevers of unknown origin 16%
crepitating tendovaginitis 13%
tick - borne rickettsiosis 16%
disorganization 13%
state of exacerbation 16%
better from movement 13%
intestinal infection 16%
postoperative pain 13%
psoriasis children 16%
swelling after surgery 13%
synechiae of the foreskin in boys 16%
hip pain when walking 13%
with reactive protein increased 16%
lumbosacral osteochondrosis 13%
chronic pneumonia 16%
sleeps in the knee-elbow position 13%
swelling of joints 30% 12%
knee-elbow position in a dream 13%
arthritis of the shoulder joint 29% 11%
meniscus cyst 13%
arthritis of the hip joint 16%
weight change 13%
enlarged lymph nodes 15%
better from warm water 13%
chronic arthritis 39% 22%
stretching 13%
conjunctivitis purulent 15%
pain from the back to the stomach 13%
cystitis in men 15%
stiffness of movements in the morning 13%
subluxation atlanta 15%
hydroxyapatite arthropathy 13%
self-esteem 15%
dysplastic coxarthrosis 13%
rheumatic polymyalgia 15%
pain is better from a warm bath 13%
periarthritis 15%
consequences of injuries 13%
myositis 15%
lags behind in the development 13%
dryness 15%
joint pain 22% 35%
bone tumors 15%
heaviness in hands and feet 12%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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