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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar E00-E07M16.1
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 34%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 45%
enlargement of the thyroid gland 33%
bone growths 41%
autoimmune thyroiditis 32%
joint deformation 38%
diffuse toxic goiter 29%
coxarthrosis 37%
thyrotoxicosis 27%
joint pain with exertion 34%
hyperthyroidism 26%
deforming arthrosis 34%
hypothyroidism 23%
crooked legs 33%
trembling in the hands 17%
joint pain 4% 36%
thyroid antibodies 17%
arthropathy 4% 36%
consequences of grief 15%
arthritis 4% 35%
vegetative vascular dystonia 13%
pain from the load 31%
volume of thyroid gland is increased 13%
impeachment syndrome 30%
riedel 's thyroiditis 12%
polyarthrosis 30%
violation of thyroid function 12%
arthritis with pain 5% 34%
increased ESR 12%
hip pain 29%
thyroid diseases 12%
joint injuries 29%
thyrotoxic heart 11%
contractures 28%
acute purulent thyroiditis 11%
arthrosis of the knee joint 28%
pain-free thyroiditis 11%
polyarthritis 26%
amiodarone-induced thyropathies 11%
overweight 4% 30%
diffuse goiter 11%
shortening of legs 25%
acute thyroiditis 11%
pain in the knees 25%
volume of thyroid gland is reduced 11%
stiffness in the legs 25%
sad 10%
problems with studying 25%
postpartum thyroiditis 10%
there is emaciation in the neck 2% 26%
subacute thyroiditis 10%
injury 5% 29%
subclinical hypothyroidism 10%
pain in the knee joints 24%
thyroid blood flow increased 10%
pain in the wrist joints 24%
pituitary gland diseases 10%
bursitis 24%
feeling of goiter 10%
chondrocalcinosis 23%
hypertheriosis 9%
tension of the leg muscles 23%
attg 9%
myelofibrosis 23%
shortness 9%
fluid in the joints 23%
in children thyroid pain 9%
better when walking 23%
cancer 9%
pain in the knee and hip joints 23%
thyroid nodes 8%
fidgety 23%
oncology 8%
chronic arthritis 22%
cold feet hands 8%
pain in the legs 22%
feeling chilly 8%
patient's condition 5% 27%
iodine deficiency 8%
restriction of movement 21%
tachycardia 8%
stiffness in the joints 21%
palpitations 8%
myeloid metaplasia 21%
exophthalmos 8%
crackling in the joints 21%
sadness 8%
thin 3% 24%
membranes increased tsh 8%
osteitis 20%
radiation damage 7%
joint pain is better from movement 20%
pituitary gland 7%
bone cyst 20%
neck phlegmon 7%
joints unstable 20%
pain when turning the head in the neck 7%
leg aches 20%
mood disorder 7%
pain in the wrists 19%
mediastinit 7%
pain in the hip joints when moving 19%
medical thyrotoxicosis 7%
bone deformation 19%
hands are warm 6%
sensations in the legs 4% 23%
abscess 6%
a lot of stress 19%
dryness 6%
feeling of fullness 19%
when turning the head worse 6%
in the morning leg pain 19%
tendency to constipation 6%
joint pain when moving 19%
bipolar disorder 6%
stiffness in the knees 19%
head turns are painful 6%
pain increases gradually 19%
warm feet 6%
asleep leg muscle pain 19%
cold feet 6%
movement better pain 19%
intolerance to cold 6%
joint pain at the beginning of movement 19%
decreased tsh 6%
metabolic disorder 19%
hands and feet are warm 6%
pain in the knee joints when walking 19%
nodes diffuse nodular goiter 6%
pain is better from movement 19%
fatigue in the evening 6%
knee pain when walking 18%
in temperature neck pain when swallowing 6%
sports injury 18%
phlegmon 6%
contractures of the joints 18%
eye swelling 6%
knee joint bursitis 18%
fistula 6%
pain when walking 18%
when turning 6%
spondylopathy 18%
he's too tall 6%
bone necrosis 18%
very sociable 5%
stiffness of the joints in the morning 18%
sweating with weakness 5%
feeling of stiffness 18%
up mania 5%
gout of the joints 18%
subfebrile condition 5%
consequences of taking medications 8% 26%
is irritable weakness 5%
worse when walking 17%
discomfort in the neck 5%
pain is better when busy 17%
tremor of the hands 5%
joint pain in the morning 17%
severe neck pain 5%
pain when moving 17%
cold skin 5%
increased endurance 17%
viral hepatitis 5%
worse from exercise 17%
tremor 5%
muscle stretching 17%
pain when swallowing 5%
joint soreness 17%
heavy eyes 5%
acute pain in the joints 17%
lesion of ENT organs in HIV infection 5%
improvement after rest 17%
decrease in triiodothyronine 5%
it's better to be alone 3% 20%
grandma has bronchial asthma 5%
muscle tension 17%
sweating under stress 5%
pain in the foot 16%
immunoglobulin a deficiency 5%
gastrointestinal bleeding 16%
endocrine ophthalmopathy 5%
aseptic necrosis of the femoral head 16%
hyperthyroidism in children 5%
stiffness hip joints 16%
diffuse toxic goiter in children 5%
delusion in the morning 16%
tremor of the hands 5%
язва желудка в анамнезе 16%
aids 5%
joint pain at night 16%
pharyngitis 5%
dislocations 16%
tremor of hands with excitement 5%
infectious arthritis 16%
infectious mumps 5%
aseptic bone necrosis 16%
increased cholesterol levels in the blood 5%
knee pain when bending 16%
sore throat 5%
gout 16%
radiation therapy 5%
rheumatoid arthritis 16%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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