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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar C32C51.9
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(0)100%(0)
General blood test 88%(11)88%(11)
Blood biochemistry 69%(1)69%(1)
MRI of the brain 56%(0)56%(0)
CT of the pelvic organs 49%(0)49%(0)
CT scan of the brain 48%(0)48%(0)
Histological studies 73%(0)20%(0)
Tomography of arterial vessels 44%(0)44%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 35%35%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 9%9%
primary-multiple tumors 9% 9%
not enough time 9% 9%
fear of illness 9% 9%
lymphostasis 9% 9%
sensitive sleep 9% 9%
basal 9% 9%
overflow of the head 9% 9%
rough skin 9% 9%
bleeding 9% 9%
irritability from fatigue 9% 9%
dark spots on the skin 9% 9%
increased ldh 9% 9%
tumors of peripheral nerves 9% 9%
pseudodementia 9% 9%
dryness 9% 9%
feeling of bruising 9% 9%
think long 9% 9%
insensitivity to pain 9% 9%
precancer 9% 9%
burning itching 9% 9%
angiopathy 9% 9%
lower triglycerides 9% 9%
obsessive thoughts 9% 9%
prolonged depression 8% 8%
allergy to the skin 8% 8%
apathy 8% 8%
lymphocytosis 9% 9%
outbursts of anger 9% 9%
fears of anxiety 9% 9%
chronic liver failure 9% 9%
Follows the rules 9% 9%
zpr fatigue from the disease 9% 9%
impaired lung function 9% 9%
baldness 9% 9%
red legs 9% 9%
psoriasis 9% 9%
striae 9% 9%
swelling of the hands 9% 9%
hemorrhagic cystitis 9% 9%
lazy 9% 9%
restless and anxious 9% 9%
carcinoid 9% 9%
a difficult teenager 9% 9%
quickly gets tired 9% 9%
rashes on his legs 8% 8%
is worse from thoughts about the disease 10% 10%
massage worse 10% 10%
organic brain damage 10% 10%
inflammation of the nasal mucosa 10% 10%
dermatitis 10% 10%
acute expansion of the stomach 10% 10%
of the head red moles 10% 10%
early development 10% 10%
dark brown spots on the skin 10% 10%
does not want to be alone 10% 10%
botryomycoma 10% 10%
I can't be alone 10% 10%
rash burning 10% 10%
no friends 10% 10%
family man 10% 10%
psychosis 10% 10%
hereditary forms of cancer 10% 10%
anxiety 10% 10%
better in afternoon 10% 10%
autoimmune hepatitis 10% 10%
warts 10% 10%
confusion 10% 10%
malignant arterial hypertension 10% 10%
urolithiasis in adults 10% 10%
weakness during physical exertion 10% 10%
mild delirium 10% 10%
it's better to be alone 10% 10%
worse when thinking about the disease 10% 10%
general loss of strength 10% 10%
rashes symmetrical 10% 10%
social phobia 10% 10%
swelling of the arms and legs 10% 10%
thrombosis 10% 10%
red rash on the legs 10% 10%
gastric fistula 10% 10%
glioma 10% 10%
hypotension with hypotrophy 10% 10%
adaptation disorders 10% 10%
rashes red 10% 10%
thinks about the bad 10% 10%
diligent 10% 10%
madness 10% 10%
gradual deterioration of 10% 10%
depression apathy 10% 10%
neutrophilosis 8% 8%
secondary hypertension 8% 8%
reflections 10% 10%
nose nursing mom 7% 7%
thrombocytopenia 7% 7%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 7% 7%
liquid stool 7% 7%
no appetite 7% 7%
nausea vomiting 7% 7%
leukocytosis 7% 7%
hepatitis 7% 7%
general weakness 7% 7%
a lot of medicines 7% 7%
increased sensitivity 7% 7%
rupture duodenal dysfunction 7% 7%
refuses treatment 7% 7%
irritability 7% 7%
speech slurred 7% 7%
consumes alcohol 7% 7%
constant pain 7% 7%
pedantry 7% 7%
patient's condition is severe 7% 7%
moderate condition 7% 7%
nervousness 7% 7%
cognitive disorders 7% 7%
open person 8% 8%
nausea 7% 7%
cardiac disorder 6% 6%
pregnancy 6% 6%
dependence on the doctor 7% 7%
congestive kidney 7% 7%
lags behind in the development 7% 7%
drug allergy 7% 7%
hypertension 7% 7%
vomiting 7% 7%
allergy 7% 7%
impaired gastric function 7% 7%
diarrhea 7% 7%
there is emaciation in the neck 7% 7%
metabolic disorder 7% 7%
unspecified mental disorders 7% 7%
chronic kidney disease 7% 7%
muscle weakness 7% 7%
immunodeficiency 7% 7%
overweight 7% 7%
heart dysfunction 7% 7%
spasm 7% 7%
hypotrophy 8% 8%
malabsorption 8% 8%
pain in the wound 8% 8%
rashes on the face 8% 8%
atrophoderma 8% 8%
confusion of thoughts 8% 8%
cystitis 8% 8%
neutropenia 8% 8%
hair loss 8% 8%
common rashes 8% 8%
rapid growth 8% 8%
lung removed 8% 8%
dependence on food 8% 8%
erythrocytosis 8% 8%
better from pressure 8% 8%
feeling of fullness 8% 8%
oncology relatives 8% 8%
heaviness in the body 8% 8%
improvement from physical exertion 8% 8%
emotional tension 8% 8%
bitterness 8% 8%
sinusitis 8% 8%
postoperative scars 8% 8%
congenital heart 8% 8%
effects of puberty 8% 8%
illness from stress 8% 8%
illness after hypothermia 8% 8%
will not work 8% 8%
swelling of the legs 8% 8%
enteropathy 8% 8%
red rash 8% 8%
fistula 8% 8%
toxic liver 8% 8%
liver failure 8% 8%
loses thought 8% 8%
positive 8% 8%
hyperthermia 8% 8%
consequences of suppression 8% 8%
premature babies 8% 8%
tumors of the heart 8% 8%
growth disorders in children 8% 8%
muscle hypertonus 8% 8%
changeable mood 8% 8%
pancreatitis 8% 8%
colitis 8% 8%
cirrhosis of the liver 8% 8%
cytomegalovirus infection 8% 8%
non-small cell lung cancer 10% 10%
injury 10% 10%
superficially spreading melanoma 35% 35%
surgical infections 18% 18%
head tumor 16% 16%
consequences of taking medications 17% 17%
The skin is not 17% 17%
fighting 17% 17%
lymphosarcoma 17% 17%
skin lymphoma 17% 17%
consequences of operation 17% 17%
protein-energy deficiency 18% 18%
bone metastases 18% 18%
swelling after surgery 16% 16%
scarring 18% 18%
asymmetry 18% 18%
bone tumors 18% 18%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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