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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar C32C34.1
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 35%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 24%
nodular melanoma 35%
peripheral lung cancer 24%
lentigo-melanoma 33%
small cell lung cancer 23%
lentigo 32%
mediastinal cancer 22%
melanoma 30%
central lung cancer 20%
lot of moles 29%
neuroendocrine tumors 18%
growths on the skin 28%
mucous sputum 18%
hyperpigmentation 28%
atelectasis of the lungs 18%
solid tumors 27%
pleurisy 18%
breast cancer 27%
cough obstructive 18%
large mole 26%
sputum 18%
moles appear 26%
hemoptysis 17%
brown moles 25%
lymphocytic 17%
nevus spitz 25%
leukemia 17%
oily skin 24%
hydrothorax 17%
sunburn 23%
cancer of the pancost 17%
subarticular melanoma 22%
smokes 16%
melanoma of the eye 22%
intolerance to drugs 16%
lymphadenitis 22%
pain in the pleura 16%
breast tumor 22%
cough 16%
dysplastic nevus 22%
paranoia 16%
choroid melanoma 22%
bronchitis 15%
bleeding 21%
obstructive bronchitis 15%
brown spots on the skin 21%
chronic obstructive bronchitis 15%
brown pigmentation after rashes 21%
gorner syndrome 15%
lot of operations in small things 20%
Chronical bronchitis 14%
ru 19%
weakness when breathing 14%
giant pigmented nevus 19%
pneumonia 14%
nevus ota 19%
non-small cell lung cancer 10% 24%
oncology in the anamnesis 19%
exudative pericarditis 14%
moles on the face 19%
impaired pericardial function 13%
protein-energy deficiency 18%
hep 13%
surgical infections 18%
paraneoplastic syndrome 13%
scarring 18%
joint pain 13%
asymmetry 18%
pain when breathing 13%
tumors of the choroid 18%
forearm pain 13%
The skin is not 17%
pain in the left collarbone 13%
skin lymphoma 17%
lung pain 13%
head tumor 16%
anxiety is better when busy 13%
genital neoplasms 16%
pericarditis 13%
consequences of physical exertion 16%
thoracic sciatica 13%
protein c deficiency 16%
life changes 12%
enlarged lymph nodes 16%
cervical-brachial syndrome 12%
the skin is black 16%
acute obstructive bronchitis 12%
dislocation of the brain 16%
pain is better when busy 12%
swelling after surgery 16%
muscle atrophy 12%
better from the sun 15%
increased thyroxine 12%
pigmented xeroderma 15%
passive smoking 12%
which are covered with crusts 15%
tearing cough 12%
nosebleeds often 15%
arthropathy 12%
fibrosarcoma 15%
shortness 12%
intestinal mucosa 15%
cough with shortness 12%
skin cancer 25% 8%
feeling of uselessness 12%
warts in children 15%
swelling of the ankle joint 11%
transparent skin 14%
lack of breath 11%
wound postoperative 14%
phlegm streaked with blood 11%
small rash 14%
tuberculous pleurisy 11%
malignant lymphoma 14%
minor exposure 11%
warts 14%
sputum clots 11%
frequent nasal 14%
laryngopharyngeal cancer 11%
facial crevices 14%
acute bronchitis 11%
formation chronic nasal 14%
enophthalmos 11%
childhood diseases 14%
effects of smoking 11%
cancer in the anamnesis 14%
is better after sputum 11%
wounds 13%
anxiety in the evening 11%
exophthalmos 13%
intercostal neuralgia 11%
blue skin 13%
tumors of the diaphragm 11%
soft swelling 13%
swelling of the fingers 11%
suppuration of the skin 13%
cardiodilation 11%
lung adenocarcinoma 13%
tuberculosis intoxication 11%
neck swelling 13%
cough fatigue 11%
itchy skin 13%
inflammatory myopathy 11%
malignization 13%
tumors of the salivary glands 11%
crusts on the skin 13%
pain in the ribs when breathing 11%
worse at 12 o'clock 12%
endothelioma 11%
it is better from massage 12%
pain along the nerves 11%
burns 12%
cough with purulent sputum 11%
growing pains 12%
nose pulmonary heart 11%
stones in the bladder 12%
cardiomegaly 11%
double vision 12%
pain is felt in the orbit 11%
psychological suppression 12%
swelling of the hands 10%
tumour in the abdomen 12%
radiation dermatitis 10%
thalamic syndrome 12%
fracture of the radius 10%
migrating larva 12%
asleep cough during the day 10%
benign neoplasms 21% 7%
down anxiety about work 10%
face is red 12%
non-healing fracture 10%
toxic nephropathy 12%
pain in shoulder joints 10%
burning of the skin 12%
thin 10%
depressed mood 12%
progressive bulbar paralysis 10%
stereotypia 12%
pneumonia with pleurisy 10%
medicinal nephropathy 12%
swelling of the fingers 10%
nasal congestion 12%
anxiety in the evening 10%
increased intracranial pressure 11%
weakness after coughing 10%
anorectal melanoma 11%
fingers - drumsticks 10%
facial pain 11%
fatigue from life 10%
moles all over the body 11%
neck compression 10%
liver diseases 11%
dermatitis unspecified 10%
skin compaction 11%
reticulocytosis 10%
emotional 11%
pulmonary hemorrhage 10%
red hair 11%
sputum green 10%
large child 11%
esophageal stenosis (stricture 10%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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