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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar C32C76-C80
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 35%29%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 22%57%
nodular melanoma 35% 29%
neuroendocrine tumors 19%
lentigo-melanoma 33% 28%
germinogenic tumors 17%
lentigo 32% 27%
alpha-fetoprotein increased 15%
lot of moles 29% 24%
small cell lung cancer 14%
growths on the skin 28% 23%
ovarian cancer 14%
hyperpigmentation 28% 23%
head and neck cancer 14%
large mole 26% 21%
bronchioloalveolar cancer 12%
nevus spitz 25% 20%
mediastinal cancer 12%
dysplastic nevus 22% 18%
prostate cancer 12%
lot of operations in small things 20% 16%
ovarian tumors 12%
metastatic brain tumors 21% 17%
bronchial carcinoid 11%
bleeding 21% 17%
appendages of the uterus 11%
brown spots on the skin 21% 17%
lymphocytic 10%
brown pigmentation after rashes 21% 17%
sensitivity to medications 10%
oily skin 24% 20%
peritoneal carcinomatosis 10%
lymphadenitis 22% 18%
total blood protein 10%
suspicion 22% 18%
prostate-specific antigen general increased 10%
sunburn 23% 19%
hepatic cell carcinoma 10%
skin cancer 25% 21%
female pelvic organs 10%
brown moles 25% 21%
leukemia 10%
moles appear 26% 22%
ascites 9%
brain tumor 20% 16%
prostate enlargement 9%
red fecal 9%
pancreatic cancer 8%
impaired prostate function 8%
teacher 8%
kidney cancer 8%
can not recover 8%
liver metastases 8%
pancreatic cancer 8%
constipation with loose stools 8%
1 pregnancy 7%
digestion constipation 7%
ovarian dysfunction 7%
chronic diarrhea 7%
says the same 7%
presses 6%
treatment with antibiotics 6%
violation of the chair 6%
protein reduced 6%
pleurisy 6%
constipation 6%
pain throughout the body 6%
kidney disease 6%
vitamin c deficiency 6%
oncology relatives 8% 14%
carcinoid 9% 13%
neck swelling 13% 17%
lung cancer 14% 18%
neutropenia 8% 12%
lymph node lesion 18% 21%
head tumor 16% 19%
lymphosarcoma 17% 20%
mediastinal tumors 15% 17%
bone metastases 18% 20%
constant pain 7% 9%
congestive kidney 7% 9%
bone tumors 18% 20%
epithelioma 9% 11%
tumour in the abdomen 12% 14%
hereditary forms of cancer 10% 12%
non-small cell lung cancer 10% 12%
basal 9% 11%
primary-multiple tumors 9% 11%
stage of recovery 20% 21%
cancer 20% 21%
recovery period 20% 21%
blood diseases 6% 7%
fighting 17% 18%
bone cancer 20% 21%
radiation therapy 21% 22%
radiation damage 20% 21%
nausea vomiting 7% 8%
chronic kidney disease 7% 8%
liver diseases 11% 12%
diarrhea 7% 8%
vomiting 7% 8%
nausea 7% 8%
impaired gastric function 7% 8%
liquid stool 7% 8%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 12% 13%
I can't be alone 10% 10%
early development 10% 10%
thrombosis 10% 10%
intestinal tumor 11% 11%
acute pain 11% 11%
consequences of infection 14% 14%
migrating larva 12% 12%
impaired lung function 9% 9%
oncology 19% 19%
patient's condition 18% 18%
consequences of operation 17% 17%
metastases 23% 23%
it's better to be alone 10% 10%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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