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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar C02C73-C75
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 33%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 28%
papilloma in the throat 27%
papillary thyroid cancer 24%
head tumor 24%
medullary thyroid cancer 24%
skin irritation 24%
attg 24%
tumors of the jaws 24%
follicular thyroid cancer 22%
dermatitis unspecified 23%
increased tg 22%
radiation dermatitis 23%
thyroid nodes 21%
polyneuropathy 23%
pheochromocytoma 21%
human papillomavirus 23%
multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome 20%
refuses treatment 23%
thyroid antibodies 20%
had a tooth removed 22%
thyroid tumors 20%
tooth decay 22%
iodine deficiency 20%
jaw spasms 21%
calcitonin increased 19%
tumors of the salivary glands 21%
enlarged lymph nodes of the neck 19%
hpv dna positive 21%
tumors of the adrenal glands 19%
warts 20%
esophageal cancer 18%
Can't swallow water 20%
bone cancer 18%
xerostomia 20%
metastases to the lungs 18%
dermatitis 20%
bone metastases 18%
sore throat in the evening 20%
mediastinal cancer 18%
smokes 20%
esophageal stenosis (stricture 17%
tonsil cancer 20%
cns tumors 17%
head and neck cancer 19%
cervical lymphadenitis 17%
neurological disorders 19%
enlarged lymph nodes 16%
consequences of physical exertion 19%
enlargement of the thyroid gland 16%
effects of chemotherapy 19%
lung cancer 16%
weakness after stress 19%
brain cancer 16%
ulcers in the throat 19%
dysmenorrhea in adolescents 16%
osteomyelitis 19%
hypoparathyroidism 16%
hair loss 19%
thyroiditis 16%
is better in nature 19%
thyroid diseases 15%
tooth extraction 18%
lymphadenitis in children 14%
fighting 18%
aggressive 14%
head swelling 18%
thyroid adenoma 14%
chronic kidney failure 18%
family man 14%
bad breath unpleasant 18%
benign neoplasms 14%
cancer of the upper jaw 18%
mediastinal tumors 14%
it's better to be alone 17%
diffuse goiter 14%
cancer of the lower jaw 17%
lymphadenitis 14%
there is emaciation in the neck 17%
brain tumor 14%
pain in the mouth 17%
membranes increased tsh 13%
consumes alcohol 17%
bromine 13%
congestive kidney 17%
hormonal disorders 13%
leukoplakia 17%
acute thyroiditis 13%
the nose is completely blocked 17%
cowden's disease 13%
tongue cancer 17%
hyperparathyroidism 12%
acute pain 16%
lymphogranulomatosis 12%
jaw cancer 16%
childhood diseases 12%
kidney failure 16%
effects of taking hormones 12%
numbness of the neck 16%
endemic goiter 12%
swelling of the neck 16%
headache monthly 12%
sarcopenia 16%
amyloidosis of the skin 12%
teeth are destroyed at the roots 16%
lung adenocarcinoma 12%
improvement from physical exertion 16%
esophageal adenocarcinoma 12%
violation of the function of the tonsils 16%
can not lie still 11%
better evening 16%
multi-nodular goiter 11%
weakness during physical exertion 16%
cns lymphoma 11%
weak endurance 16%
voice disorders 11%
protein-energy deficiency 16%
oncology relatives 11%
osteomyelitis jaws 15%
benign epithelial tumors 11%
sour taste in the mouth 15%
submandibular glands 11%
change of teeth 15%
plummer's disease 11%
reduction of the number of movements (oligokinesia) 15%
headache during menstruation 11%
clumsiness 15%
feeling of goiter 11%
open person 15%
need for fats 11%
pain in the tongue 15%
diffuse toxic goiter 11%
salivary gland cancer 15%
parathyroid adenoma 11%
pain in the root of the tongue 15%
malignant lymphoma 11%
spasm of chewing muscles 15%
wiedemann-beckwith syndrome 11%
a mobile child 15%
patient's condition is satisfactory 11%
fatigue from children 15%
thyrotoxicosis 11%
executive 15%
eyelid tumors 11%
need for alcohol 15%
brain tumors in children 11%
better from sour 15%
minor exposure 10%
pain when swallowing 15%
aphonia 10%
soft swelling 15%
tumors of the parathyroid glands 10%
sleep better 14%
growth disorders in children 10%
protein c deficiency 14%
hyperthyroidism 10%
effects of radiation therapy 14%
paresis (paralysis) of the larynx 10%
frequent pharyngitis 14%
neck cyst 10%
taste reduction 14%
violation of lymph 10%
Chewing his tongue 14%
lymphoma 10%
increased endurance 14%
is worse when chewing 10%
baldness 14%
difficulty breathing lying 10%
body of uterus is soft 14%
onmk in family 10%
ulcers on the lips 14%
professional cancer 10%
cervix is ​​soft 14%
pharyngeal injuries 10%
severe sore throat when swallowing 14%
mom oncology 10%
sore throat 14%
a new patient 10%
worse from sharp odors 14%
actinomycosis 10%
movement in thoracic region is limited 14%
shortness of breath in the morning 9%
chronic pharyngitis 14%
lymphadenitis chronic 9%
putrid breath 14%
no knots 9%
skin compaction 13%
a difficult teenager 9%
hypoproteinemia 13%
headache periodic 9%
bone in the throat 13%
state of exacerbation 9%
severe sore throat 13%
2 children 9%
pus on the tonsils 13%
aggressive child 9%
sore 13%
deterioration at 16 o'clock 9%
heaviness in the body 13%
decreased tsh 9%
movements in thoracic region are painful 13%
tuberculosis 9%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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