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Comparison results

Add for comparison more than one drug or diagnosis.
Results: Differences Similar Subluxation of the vertebra
Related research Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 83%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 73%
movements in lumbar spine are painful 73%
back pain 67%
subluxation of the vertebra 60%
lower back pain 58%
better from movement 52%
dislocation of the vertebrae 41%
spinal injury 41%
subluxation of the cervical vertebra 37%
curvature of the spine 34%
spinal fracture in children 33%
injury 33%
spinal cord injury 31%
worse from the strain of vision 31%
numbness of the fingertips 31%
explosive injury 30%
compression of the spinal cord 30%
back pain is better from movement 30%
pain in the lumbar spine 29%
fracture of the thoracic spine 28%
sciatica 28%
muscle tension 27%
pain chest 27%
fracture of the lumbar spine 27%
weakness 26%
pain from the load 26%
ligament injury 26%
ligament damage 26%
worse at the thought of pain 26%
headache from overwork 26%
burning in shoulders 26%
spinal fracture 25%
spinal abnormalities 25%
stiffness in the joints 25%
muscle pain 25%
neurological disorders 25%
consequences of taking medications 25%
it's better to be alone 24%
feeling of stiffness 23%
sudden sweating 23%
compression fracture of the spine 22%
consequences of a fracture 22%
acute pain 22%
blurred vision 22%
spondylolysis 21%
general weakness 21%
myositis of the back muscles 21%
still very frequent breathing 21%
weakness in the hands 21%
insomnia from overwork 21%
headache with impaired vision 21%
spondylolisthesis 21%
noise in the head is constant 21%
deformities of the limbs 21%
patient's condition 20%
back injury 20%
dislocation of the shoulder 20%
rejection of the chest 20%
back pain during physical exertion 20%
burning in the heart 20%
dizziness under stress 20%
spasm 20%
muscle weakness 20%
spinal cord injury 19%
aches 19%
body is wadded 19%
ponytail syndrome 19%
pain in the thoracic spine 19%
lumbago 19%
spine protrusion 19%
shooting pain in the lower back 19%
burning chest pain 19%
dizziness with nausea 19%
neuralgia 19%
bone fracture 19%
squeezes fingers 19%
burning in his hands 18%
consequences of physical exertion 18%
bitterness 18%
blood diseases 18%
stiffness in the body 18%
nausea 18%
burning in the body 18%
sudden tachycardia 18%
presses 18%
deterioration from lifting weights 18%
hernias of the spine 18%
hernia intervertebral 18%
heaviness in the legs 18%
worse from turns 18%
constant pain 18%
can not straighten 18%
pinching nerves 18%
there are no complaints 18%
childhood diseases 18%
infringement of the sciatic nerve 18%
perihepatitis 18%
outbursts of anger 18%
sciatica 18%
worse in the fog 18%
feeling of pressure on the chest 18%
bone deformation 18%
sensations in the legs 18%
compression of the brain 18%
numbness of the legs 17%
numbness of the hands 17%
stiffness in the back 17%
compression in the body 17%
limps 17%
sudden heartbeat 17%
the feeling of a fracture 17%
worse when thinking about the disease 17%
spinal injury 17%
fatigue 17%
consequences of childbirth 17%
weakness in the shoulder 17%
skin anesthesia 17%
fatigue feeling 17%
shooting pains 17%
burning in the chest 17%
numbness with pain 16%
pain in the sacrum 16%
cannot relax 16%
fracture with displacement 16%
catatrauma 16%
breath retention 16%
is better in nature 16%
headache tension 16%
tension in the spine 16%
polytrauma 16%
can't get together 16%
sweats from pain 16%
pulse is strong 16%
noise in the head 16%
change of position 16%
pain in the ribs 16%
insensitivity to pain 16%
sweats often 16%
ringing in the head 16%
weakness of the muscles of the hands 16%
dizziness permanent 16%
ear pain 16%
spasms in the body 16%
weakness in the arms and legs 16%
misalignment of pelvis 16%
headache with visual impairment 16%
pain throughout the body 16%
stiffness of movements 16%
loss of touch 16%
weakness after illness 16%
sweating with palpitations 16%
is not thinking 16%
a history of trauma 16%
worse from exercise 15%
viral hepatitis a 15%
violation of pain sensitivity 15%
pain in the arms and legs 15%
weakness in the heart 15%
insomnia from pain 15%
pain in the sternum 15%
tinnitus 15%
headache with dizziness 15%
oncology 15%
ones weakness in the leg muscles 15%
deterioration of vision 15%
tension in the head 15%
can not think 15%
pain after a fracture 15%
aggressive 15%
pain in the fingers 15%
nose headache from fatigue 15%
peripheral nerve injuries 15%
compressing pains in the heart 15%
intensive physical load 14%
rapid breathing 14%
pain in the heart 14%
illness after hypothermia 14%
crooked legs 14%
memory 14%
hernia 14%
flat back syndrome 14%
sudden pain 14%
pain in the middle of the back 14%
restriction of movement 14%
neuritis 14%
weakness in the legs 14%
weakness in the extremities 14%
pain in the vessels of the head 14%
pain in the groin area 14%
lung damage 14%
heaviness in the body 14%
myositis 14%
posture disorders in children 13%
forgetfulness 13%
viral hepatitis 13%
are bad 13%
pelvic bone fracture 13%
pain when breathing 13%
general tension 13%
open fracture 13%
constantly moving 13%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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