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Comparison results

Add for comparison more than one drug or diagnosis.
Results: Differences Similar Voyeurism
Related research Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(0)
CT scan of the brain 80%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 28%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 17%
sexual arousal 17%
fear of being yourself 17%
tingling 16%
emotional 16%
mental shock 15%
consequences of trauma 14%
decreased libido 14%
obvisit 13%
voyeurism 13%
shock states of various genesis 12%
effects of shock 12%
traumatic encephalopathy 11%
sexuality increased 11%
neurosis 11%
reason for the consequences of puberty 11%
masturbation 11%
alcoholic encephalopathy 11%
mental weakness 10%
consequences of alcohol abuse 10%
consequences of fear 10%
consequences of head injury 10%
patient's condition 9%
alcohol is abusing 9%
overexcitation of the psyche 9%
ones indecision 9%
loss of a loved one a person 9%
dementia 9%
psychological suppression 9%
stereotypia 9%
effects of drugs 9%
diseases of infants 8%
addiction 8%
encephalopathy 8%
effects of puberty 8%
alcohol dependence 8%
psychosis 8%
unspecified mental disorders 7%
strong man 7%
weakness 7%
recovery period 7%
quickly gets tired 7%
adaptation disorders 7%
damage to the nervous system 7%
confusion 7%
madness 7%
organic brain damage 7%
dependence on the doctor 7%
injury 6%
consequences of taking medications 6%
fear of losing mom 6%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
  6. By using the service, you agree to user agreement. Сервисы Киберис не заменяют врача!