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Comparison results

Add for comparison more than one drug or diagnosis.
Results: Differences Similar Yellow fever
Related research Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 34%(2)
General urine test 31%(0)
Coagulogram 30%(1)
General blood test 28%(0)
Elements and vitamins 23%(1)
Blood biochemistry 21%(0)
Other hormones 19%(1)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 56%
crying when complaining 39%
bright red tongue 39%
jaundice 39%
oliguria 38%
enlarged liver 36%
enlargement of the liver and spleen 35%
yellow sclera 35%
hemorrhages on the skin 34%
enlargement of the spleen 34%
black feces 34%
aches all over the body 32%
vomiting 32%
little urine 32%
intoxication 31%
slight nausea 31%
conjunctival scleral injection 31%
urine erythrocytes are elevated 31%
vomiting with blood 29%
hepatosplenomegaly 29%
hemorrhagic purpura 28%
volume of spleen is reduced 28%
venous congestion 28%
hallucinations 28%
hematocrit increased 27%
swelling of the conjunctiva 27%
headache in the center 27%
tongue is red 27%
the eye is red and swollen 27%
nosebleed 27%
up circulatory disorders 27%
sclera redness 27%
allergy to mosquito bites 26%
nosebleed 26%
intoxication psychosis 26%
yellow skin color 26%
skin problems 26%
allergy to insect bites 26%
thrombocytopenia 26%
blood diseases 25%
blue veins 25%
vomiting black 25%
hemorrhagic diathesis 25%
disorders of consciousness 25%
skin jaundice 25%
leukocytosis 25%
waxy skin color 25%
volume of spleen is increased 24%
internal bleeding 24%
hematuria 24%
conjunctiva redness 24%
sharp headache 24%
easily blushes 24%
shift of leukocyte formula to left 24%
neck red 24%
blood dark 23%
hemorrhagic syndrome 23%
headaches 23%
nausea 23%
red hands 23%
very pale 23%
headache aching 23%
red blood vessels of the eyes 22%
lacrimation 22%
increased blood clotting 22%
petechiae 22%
nausea with fever 22%
increased potassium 22%
headache with nausea and vomiting 22%
recovery period 22%
stool with blood 22%
stage of recovery 22%
bleeding 22%
fecal vomiting 22%
swelling of the hands 22%
anuria 21%
mucous hyperemia 21%
fever with pain in the head 21%
headache to vomiting 21%
pale skin 21%
photophobia 21%
heavy eyes 21%
febrile body temperature 21%
increased ast 21%
hemorrhage in the eye 21%
impaired spleen function 21%
hyperbilirubinemia 21%
small-point rash 20%
vaccination 20%
leukopenia 20%
heaviness in the body 20%
headache with nausea 20%
eye swelling 20%
neutropenia 20%
common rashes 20%
severe fever 20%
face is red 20%
erythrocytosis 20%
vomiting during fever 20%
migrating larva 20%
swelling of the neck 20%
pale skin 19%
proteinuria 19%
red rash 19%
bradycardia 19%
blue skin 19%
intestinal bleeding 19%
febrile 19%
inflammation of the brain 19%
the skin is black 19%
destructive behavior 18%
congestive kidney 18%
better in afternoon 18%
bleeding 18%
blood loss 18%
high height 18%
cerebral circulation disorder 18%
changes in the blood 17%
control issues 17%
palpitations 17%
hypoxia 17%
hypotension 17%
immunodeficiency 17%
chronic kidney disease 17%
tachycardia 17%
better in morning 17%
confusion 17%
madness 17%
organic brain damage 17%
violation of the chair 17%
nausea vomiting 17%
psychosis 17%
angiopathy 16%
necrosis 16%
strong man 16%
kidney disease 16%
pain throughout the body 16%
cardiac disorder 15%
swelling 15%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 15%
childhood diseases 15%
consequences of infection 15%
patient's condition 14%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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