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Kali ferrocyanatum

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Common symptoms
  4. Psyche and consciousness
  5. Head, face, and ears
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Gastrointestinal tract
  8. Limbs and spine
  9. Fever
  10. Acute conditions
  11. Cardiovascular system
  12. Urogenital system
  13. Analogs by action
  14. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms

kali-fcy, c6n6fek4 homeopathy.

Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 Potassium ferrocyanide (Blut-laugen-salz). Preparation: Triturations.

Common symptoms

 Sometimes universal tremors, as in an ague fit. Numbness. Morning) pains all disappeared about 2 P. M. (2nd day).

Psyche and consciousness

 Feeling of sadness and some disposition to tears, caused by an impression that he was soon to die and leave his friends; disposition to take a sad view of the beauties of autumn; the apprehension of approaching sickness and death can be overcome by reason, but soon returns (in the afternoon, third day). Irritable and easily vexed (second day).

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo, coldness, and numbness with a sensation of gastric sinking sometimes universal tremors as in an ague fit.
 Desire to sneeze, very soon. Much sneezing during the forenoon and mucous discharge from the nose (second day).

Mouth and throat

 Ptyalism, with redness, swelling, and tenderness of the gums, and aphthae of the mouth and fauces.
 For three days the throat feels dry and sore on waking, but soon after expectoration came on with relief. Wakes early, with a sensation as though the pharynx was raw and the tonsils swollen; relieved after rising by expectoration of cream-like mucus (second day).

Gastrointestinal tract

 Slight nausea for a few minutes, while dressing in the morning (2nd day) Sensation of gastric-sinking.

Limbs and spine

 Pain in the shoulder-joints on motion, in the morning on rising, (second day). Fingers slightly swollen about the joints, in the morning on rising, (2nd day). Lameness of the fingers and wrist-joints of the both hands, left rather worse, in the morning on rising (2nd day).
 Lower Limbs.
 Pain and lameness in right hip-joint early in the morning going off in the afternoon; only left on walking (2nd day); felt for 3 or 4 days, at times worse in the forenoon. Pain through the hips, lower part of the back, and bowels, like the pain she during the menses; same bearing-down or dragging-down feeling; left hip more than the right; feels irritable and easily vexed (is subject to these feelings during the menses, but they are not now present) after a ride in a carriage in the afternoon (2nd day). Severe pain in the knees, on stooping in the afternoon (2nd day).



Acute conditions

 Aggravation, (Morning), On waking, throat dry, etc.; on waking pharynx raw, etc.; while dressing, nausea; on rising, pain when moving shoulder-joints; on rising lameness of fingers, etc. Aggravation, (forenoon), Only when walking, pain, etc. in hip- joints. Aggravation, (Afternoon), on stooping, pain in the knees.

Cardiovascular system

 Lessens the action of the heart, diminishes the number of its beats in a minute, and softening and lessening the volume of the pulse. A full dose of this substance will often reduce the number of pulsations in a well person 10 beats in a minute, in a few minutes after being taken.

Urogenital system

 MALE. Almost involuntary coition in a half waking state, with imperfect erection; too early emission and little pleasure (first night ) Emission of semen, with indistinct amorous dreams (second and third nights). FEMALE. Leucorrhoea, all day; is subject to it only just after menses (2nd day). Menses came on 4 days too late (after 11 days); the usual pain commenced at the proper date, but the flow did not begin as usual with the pain; bearing-down pains much less than usual (curative.

Analogs by action

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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