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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Common symptoms
  3. Analogs by action
  4. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Common symptoms

 (Amidobenzene). с6H5NH2.
 Lailler (Gaz. Heb., 1873) (M. H. Rev., Jl., 1873).
 Local application of 10 per cent. solution of the hydrochlorate to psoriasis caused, in an hour and a half, vomiting; repeated fifteen or twenty times during the night; incontinence of urine, with a little tenesmus; night restless; the next morning the face and nearly the whole of body cyanotic; pulse 116, small, regular; slight rales in chest; severe pains in heels and calves.
 A second application (afterward) of a 5 per cent. solution caused, in two hours, headache, irresistible drowsiness, coldness, and dyspnoea; cyanosis very marked; voice very feeble.
 In another case, a solution of 2 per cent. caused, in four hours, loss of consciousness (lasted fifteen minutes), deep cyanosis (lasted five hours); respiration regular; cyanosis, followed by great paleness and cold sweats; following night sleepless; urine high-colored.
 A boy, cleaning an aniline vat, inhaled the fumes, and was suddenly seized with giddiness, and became insensible; the face and body became cold, pulse slow and almost imperceptible, action of the heart feeble, respiration heavy and labored; after rallying a little he complained of pain in the head and giddiness; his face had a purple hue, as also his lips, mouth, and nails; this blue color (like a patient in last stage of cholera) continued the next day.
 Case related by Mr. Knagg, of Huddersfield, Hom. Obs.
 (Eng).,1, 64.
 James K., aged 39, of average health, was directed, about noon, to empty four carboys of the nitrate of benzole into a still.
 By mistake, the last one contained aniline.
 On lifting it, he struck it against the edge of the still, and it was broken, the whole contents pouring over him; none entered his mouth, but the fumes were freely inhaled. About an hour afterward he broke out into a sweat, and felt quite giddy, and weak in the head and stomach . At 11 , he presented the following appearance: Face and whole body of livid, leaden hue; lips, gums, tongue, and eyes of a corpse-like yellow; gasping for breath, as though it was his last.
 There was no convulsions, and he was perfectly sensible and able to give correct account of his feelings; pulse extremely small and irregular.
 The only pain of which he complained was in the head and chest.
 He recovered under the free use of brandy, ammonia, chloric ether, and cold affusions to the head, and mustard sinapisms on legs and thighs.

Analogs by action

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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