Other names and synonyms
merc-meth.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Mercuric methide Hg (H3)2.
Psyche and consciousness
Moves his arms about apparently without object, and in an idiotic manner; at times is even violent, shrieking out, making loud incoherent noises, or laughing or crying in an idiotic manner; occasionally makes efforts to get out of bed.
Head, face, and ears
A dark margin around his eyes. Some inflammation of both conjunctivae, with a muco-purulent discharge. Pupil. Pupils dilated. Pupils dilated, but act equally to light, conjunctiva rather injected, sclerotics slightly yellow. Pupils dilated at one time, at another contracted. Vision. Impairment of sight. Slight slightly impaired. Dimness of vision, pain and redness of the eyes.
Deafness; it is with difficulty that he understands what is said. Lost his hearing.
Power of smell much impaired.
Expression very vacant. сountenance pale and sunken; afterwards also dusky; later flushed. сheeks sometimes flushed, sometimes pale.
A dark margin around his eyes. Some inflammation of both conjunctivae, with a muco-purulent discharge. Pupil. Pupils dilated. Pupils dilated, but act equally to light, conjunctiva rather injected, sclerotics slightly yellow. Pupils dilated at one time, at another contracted. Vision. Impairment of sight. Slight slightly impaired. Dimness of vision, pain and redness of the eyes.
Deafness; it is with difficulty that he understands what is said. Lost his hearing.
Power of smell much impaired.
Expression very vacant. сountenance pale and sunken; afterwards also dusky; later flushed. сheeks sometimes flushed, sometimes pale.
Mouth and throat
Teeth. Teeth and lips dry, covered with sordes. Gums. Gums rather spongy, and of whitish color; lips dry. Gums spongy and swollen. Gums became sore. Tongue. Soreness of gums and looseness of teeth. Tongue coated and moist. Tongue coated with a yellowish fur. Tongue moist, coated on the dorsum with a white fur red at tip, and edges. Tongue numb. Saliva. He was observed to spit and wipe his mouth very often. Taste. Nasty taste in his mouth, like brass. Taste became imperfect, all things tasting alike. Speech. Powers of speech much impaired. Makes constant efforts to speak but only utters incoherent noises.
Swallows with difficulty.
Swallows with difficulty.
Gastrointestinal tract
Refuses to take nourishment, and struggles and becomes furious upon any attempt being made to force him to drink. Nausea and vomiting, the vomited matters being greenish and watery.
Some pain in the right hypochondrium on pressure.
Diarrhoea. Passes all his evacuations beneath him. вowels open, motions dark-colored, fluid, mixed with scybala. сonstipation. вowels generally confined. вowels not opened for five days.
Some pain in the right hypochondrium on pressure.
Diarrhoea. Passes all his evacuations beneath him. вowels open, motions dark-colored, fluid, mixed with scybala. сonstipation. вowels generally confined. вowels not opened for five days.
Urogenital system
Urine passed involuntarily. Urine pale, slightly turbid, acid, sp. gr. 1018, containing a considerable quantity of albumen, and showing renal epithelium and granules under the microscope; afterwards passed in bed and very offensive.
Chest organs
Breath offensive. Odor of his breath and body very offensive. Distinct mercurial fetor in his breath. вreathing sometimes seems to cease altogether for a few seconds, and then to become quick and stertorous.
Limbs and spine
Violent movements of his limbs, much increased on tickling his feet. The felt wrist is rather rigid, and the left knee almost completely so; he never bends it voluntarily, but it can be slightly bent by using considerable force; later there is no sensation of or motion in the left leg, which is extended, rigid at the knee, and the foot turned slightly inward; sensation is also somewhat impaired in the left hand. He can move his limbs perfectly, but slowly; can grasp only very imperfectly, and takes some time to close his hands; he dragged his legs after him in walking; lost the power of bringing his hands directly to the point that he wishes.
Superior Extremities.
Fingers drawn together and stretched out unnaturally. Numbness of the hands.
Superior Extremities.
Fingers drawn together and stretched out unnaturally. Numbness of the hands.
Common symptoms
Great weakness. Too weak to walk out. So restless and noisy that his hands had to be strapped to the bedstead; attempts to start up in bed, and utters incoherent noises at frequent intervals. Sensation less than natural, though he is aware when his hands and feet are touched; the latter feel warm to himself, although they appear cold to others.
The skin over th sacrum is red.
The skin over th sacrum is red.
Restless nights. Sometimes sleeps well, but is often restless at night.
Cold hands. Skin generally warm and dry, that of hands and feet cold.