Other names and synonyms
thal.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Head, face, and ears
Very frequent conjunctivitis, with abundant production of mucus (perhaps, also, disturbance of vision).
Very frequent conjunctivitis, with abundant production of mucus (perhaps, also, disturbance of vision).
Mouth and throat
Gastrointestinal tract
Pains in the intestinal canal.
Diarrhoea, and even bloody stools.
Pains in the intestinal canal.
Diarrhoea, and even bloody stools.
Appetite and food preferences
Loss of appetite. Nausea. Vomiting.
Chest organs
Slow and difficult respiration.
Cardiovascular system
Diminished frequency of pulse.
Common symptoms
Emaciation. Hyperaemia, swelling, and excessive secretion, especially on application to the conjunctiva. Anomalies of motion, trembling, and uncoordinated chorea-like movements, which often appear even before the appetite is involved. Pains accompanied by the greatest lassitude, especially in the lower extremities. In a memoir relating to Thallium, the author calls the attention of the academy to the danger that may be apprehended from dealing with such a powerful poison. The Sulphate is an energetic poison, the two principal symptoms of which are the pain in the stomach and bowels, consisting of terribly severe lancinations, following each other with the rapidity of electric shocks; second, the trembling and more or less complete paralysis of the lower extremities. These symptoms, associated with constipation, retraction or depression of the abdomen, complete loss of appetite, represent a marked analogy to the phenomena of lead-poisoning.