Other names and synonyms
ant-chl.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Antimonious chloride, SbCl3.
(Butter of antimony). The white powder exposed to the air becomes yellowish ( powder of Algaroth ), owing to formation of the trioxide).
Preparation: Trituration.
(Butter of antimony). The white powder exposed to the air becomes yellowish ( powder of Algaroth ), owing to formation of the trioxide).
Preparation: Trituration.
Psyche and consciousness
Head, face, and ears
Eyes somewhat reddened.
Eyes sunken.
Pupils dilated and inactive.
Pupils dilated, insensible.
Countenance pale; features collapsed.
Features set.
Eyes somewhat reddened.
Eyes sunken.
Pupils dilated and inactive.
Pupils dilated, insensible.
Countenance pale; features collapsed.
Features set.
Mouth and throat
Mouth filled with tenacious transparent mucus.
Numerous abrasions on mucous membrane of mouth and fauces, with slight fever.
Tongue clean.
Tongue dry in centre.
Unable to speak for some minutes.
Great pain in throat.
Severe pain in throat and fauces.
Sense of burning in throat.
Severe burning pain in throat, with difficulty in swallowing.
Heat and uneasiness in mouth and throat, with pain on swallowing.
In the throat, severe burning pain (increased by deglutition), extending in a less degree along the oesophagus to the stomach.
Fauces inflamed.
Numerous abrasions on mucous membrane of mouth and fauces, with slight fever.
Tongue clean.
Tongue dry in centre.
Unable to speak for some minutes.
Great pain in throat.
Severe pain in throat and fauces.
Sense of burning in throat.
Severe burning pain in throat, with difficulty in swallowing.
Heat and uneasiness in mouth and throat, with pain on swallowing.
In the throat, severe burning pain (increased by deglutition), extending in a less degree along the oesophagus to the stomach.
Fauces inflamed.
Gastrointestinal tract
Incessant efforts to vomit, and frequent abortive desire to defecate, with cold skin.
Nausea, vomiting.
Incessant vomiting.
Vomiting for two hours, followed by prostration.
Severe burning pain in stomach.
Burning pain in epigastrium, and tumefaction of abdomen.
Excruciating griping pains in abdomen.
Tenderness of abdomen to touch, with sensation of burning.
Nausea, vomiting.
Incessant vomiting.
Vomiting for two hours, followed by prostration.
Severe burning pain in stomach.
Burning pain in epigastrium, and tumefaction of abdomen.
Excruciating griping pains in abdomen.
Tenderness of abdomen to touch, with sensation of burning.
Chest organs
Respiration very slightly apparent.
Seems choked.
Respiration heavy.
Seems choked.
Respiration heavy.
Cardiovascular system
Pulse rises to 120, with sleepiness.
Pulse small, accelerated, very feeble, or hard.
Pulse 80, small.
Pulse 80, small, rather firm.
Pulse small, accelerated, very feeble, or hard.
Pulse 80, small.
Pulse 80, small, rather firm.
Common symptoms
General weakness.
Great or complete prostration of strength.
General weakness.
Great or complete prostration of strength.
Skin pale and cold.
Skin cold.
Skin cold and clammy.
Skin pale and cold.
Skin cold.
Skin cold and clammy.
Drowsy; must be raised before he answers, which he does rationally.
Slight feverishness.