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Саррацения пурпурная

  1. Дополнительные факты
  2. Психика и сознание
  3. Голова, лицо и уши
  4. Ротовая полость и горло
  5. Желудочно-кишечный тракт
  6. Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
  7. Мочеполовая система
  8. Аналоги по действию
  9. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

sarr, Sarracenia purpurea, Саррацения пурпурная.

Источник описания

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Дополнительные факты

 Natural order: Sarraceniaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the root.

Психика и сознание

 Feel remarkably cheerful (first day). Spirits buoyant (fourth day). 12 M., mind despondent (third day). Dulness of mind, at 7.30 p.m (third day). вrain very dull and memory poor, at 9.
 (third day); brain feels clearer (fourth day). Find it difficult to concentrate the attention; forgetful (fifth day). Alternate apathy and intellectual activity, with heaviness of the head.
 Frequent delirium. Madness, with wickedness and fury, or good humor and extreme complacency. Dementia, with disposition to injure and to destroy himself. Idiotism. Laughing and involuntary crying. Good heartedness, or impatience and irritability.
 Disposition for excesses, to get angry and to speak injurious words. Despair with sorrow and crying and snuffling. Melancholy and mournfulness, with great anxiety about everything. He is afraid, and reproaches himself; thinks he has committed something wrong, or disgraced the family or his absent friends. Rancorous character, with great punctiliousness, especially as he feels sick. сapricious humor, sometimes good-natured, then irritable.
 Invidious, distrustful, and suspicious character. Indifference and feeling of annihilation, he tolerates offences without saying anything. Great disposition to word at architecture. Affluence of ideas, hindering sleep during the night, with sweat, heat, intense thirst, and restlessness.

Голова, лицо и уши

 Heaviness of the head, with alternate apathy and intellectual activity. 3 p.m, head feels dull and heavy (third day). Dull heavy ache in the head, especially in the frontal region, at 7.30 p.m (third day). Head dull, and aches at the coronal region (fourth day). Feeling of congestion about the head, with irregularity of the heart’s action, lasting several days. 12 M., dull feeling through the head, just above the ears (first day).
 Head hot and sore, with a full feeling, at 2 (third day).
 Head is hot and aches, in the morning; headache continues, at 12 M. (third day). Slight headache (third day); severe headache in the afternoon for about two hours (sixth day); no headache (seventh day). Headache for an hour (fifth day); slight headache (seventh day). Dull heavy feeling in the forehead for about two hours, causing great desperation of spirits (second day). 4 , a soreness of the frontal bone for half an hour (second day).
 Some frontal headache (second day). General Head. He drops his head and supports it on his arms. Heaviness of the head, with great difficulty of thinking; excessive debility of the intellectual faculties. Dulness of the head, with loss of memory, insensibility of the right side, loss of hearing and smell. Rush of blood, pulsations, and burning heat of the;head, with sensation as if it would split. Excessive headache, with constant desire to sleep. Headache with chills, nausea vomiting, dimness of sight, and buzzing in ears. Periodical pulsative headache with desire to recline. Aggravation of the headache, in the evening, at night, and in bed, or in the morning when waking up, in fresh air and in great heat. Sensation as if the head were bound by an iron band, with contractive pains in the temples. Sensation as if he had received a knock on the head, with vertigo, stupor, and vacillating gait; he is obliged to support himself and to lie down. Sensation as if the head would be crushed on a wheel, especially the neck, with abolition of venereal desire and impotence. Pressive and lancinating pains, as in tuberculous meningitis, with sensation as if the head were full of water.
 Sensation as if the right temple were pierced by a sharp-pointed instrument, changing to the left ear, with spasmodic pains and deafness. Intense neuralgic pains, spreading from the temples to the jaws. External Head. The hair changes color and falls out.
 The hair feels stiff and as it were a foreign body. The hair entangles and feels like wool. Inflammation and swelling of the scalp. Eruption like stings of insects, and ulcers on the scalp.
 Herpes with dark thick scabs, which fall off easily and leave the scalp of a bright-red color; the same on forehead. Pruritus and heat of the scalp during the whole afternoon. The skin of the head painful and full of scales. Vertigo. Vertigo, with cramps in the neck, spreading to the forehead, especially in the evening.
 Vertigo, dulness, with sensation of intoxication; he does not know how to keep himself straight. Vertigo, with dulness in the head and contractions in the spinal column. Frequent dizziness, especially in the afternoon, after eating.
 Pain in the left eye, as if congested, for about ten minutes (second day). Eyes feel swollen and sore, at 7.30 p.m (third day). Passive pains in the orbits, so that he could not keep his head erect. A soreness of right optic nerve, just behind the eyeball, for about ten minutes (fourth day). Objective.
 Inflammation of the eyes and lids, with great injection of the conjunctiva and sclerotica. Eyes congested with vesicles on the conjunctiva. In the cornea a spot like a cataract. The crystalline lens appears opaque and whitish. Subjective.
 Difficulty of moving the eyes and impossibility to discern objects. Excessive dryness of the eyes and lids, with great difficulty in opening them. вurning in the eyes, as if sand were in them. Excessive itching in the eyes, especially in the afternoon and night. Pricking and pulsations in the eyes, as if congested. Orbit. сutting-penetrating pains in the orbits. Lids.
 Swelling and redness of the lids. Scabs and thick tumors on the borders of the eyelids. Lachrymal Apparatus. Very abundant lachrymation, especially in open air. Acrid and corrosive lachrymation. Abundant secretion of mucus of the eyes. Pupils.
 The pupils frequently contracted. Vision. Mistiness of the sight and paroxysms of blindness, with malaise and desire to vomit.
 Great weakness of sight. Objects are seen too far off or nearer than they really are. A strong light is necessary to distinguish objects. Great photophobia. Myopia and presbyopia. Objects appear multiplied. Looking at the light he sees a multitude of rays, which spread out. All objects appear covered by a white veil.
 Sticking pains deep in the right ear; they are transient, but recur very often for a few hours; the same pains appeared in the left ear (second day). Inflammation and swelling of the auditory canal, yellowish otorrhoea, thick and frequently bloody. Ulcers and fissures in the interior of the ear. Lancinating and spasmodic pains in the ears, with a sensation as if a pointed instrument were stuck in the parotids. Spasmodic pains in the ears, spreading to the;brain, with heaviness and pressure on the vertex. Frequent spasms in the ears, with headache. сramps in the ears, with sensation as if they were pulled off. Heat and sensation of numbness in the ears., Sensation as if a firm body or a tumor were in the ear. Intense otalgia, so that he is afraid of losing his senses. Hearing excessively sensitive; any great noise produces headache and desire to vomit. Momentary deafness.
 Noise of confused music and resonance of the pulse in the ears.
 Noise of waves, tingling, buzzing, and sometimes detonations in the ears.
 Swollen red nose, with pressure and pulsation at the root. Small tumors, showing a chancrous character in the nostrils. Nasal discharge of green-yellowish, bloody, black, and foul-smelling matter. Fluent coryza, with cold chills and loss of smell.
 Coryza, with abundant mucous discharge, tickling and burning in the nostrils. Dry coryza, with occlusion of the nostrils, especially night and mornings. Epistaxis, nearly producing fainting. Frequent sneezing, with jerking in the brain and stupefaction. Sensation of evulsion and torsion in the nose, with excoriation of the skin. вurning, pulsative, and pressive pains in the nose, with swelling of the nostrils on the same side. Fetid smell.
 6 , my face feels flushed (second day). Erysipelatous swelling of the face. The face swollen, red, and inflamed. The skin of the face tense, with impossibility to smile or open the mouth. Yellowing-green face, with black circles round the eyes.
 Great paleness of the face, with heat and chill alternating.
 Sensation as if he had a leaden mask on his face. Smarting, heat, or coldness on one side of the face, or on the other. Lips. Lips swollen, hard, and chapped. Small indurated tumor upon the upper lip. Ulcers like chancres on the lips. Jaw. Spasmodic and contractive pains in the lower jaw.

Ротовая полость и горло

 Bad odor from the mouth, with bitter saliva and efforts to vomit.
 Inflammation of the whole mouth and gum, with burning and great difficulty in chewing. Numerous small white-great ulcers surrounded by a red areola, mostly on the palate and isthmus faucium. Inflammatory swelling of the palate. Mouth dry and parched, as if lined with plaster. Taste. вitter burning taste, especially after liquid food, flat and sweet. Taste putrid, flat, bloody, with dry and pasty throat. Food, bread and wine have a bitter taste. Tongue brownish white, coated (fourth day). Tongue dry (third day). 3 p.m, lips and mouth parched (third day).
 Mouth somewhat dry (second day); dry (fourth day). Sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat, not relieved by drinking tea or water (eighth day); dryness in the throat has all passed off (ninth day). вad taste, with loss of appetite. Teeth. Teeth yellow, brown, very brittle, and denuded at the roots. Appearance or aggravation of toothache, in the morning, in the evening, at night in bed, also when talking or eating, when taking anything hot into the mouth, from the least contact and cold air.
 Toothache accompanied by headache, swelling of the cheeks, extending to the eyes. Lancinating, pulsative, breaking, and grinding pains in the teeth, with heat of the face and great prostration. Gums. Inflammatory swelling of the gums about the; maxillary; sinus. Tongue. Hard nodosities and tumors, with an angry look upon the tongue. Small pimples on the tongue with pain, as if burnt. Gray coating on the tongue.
 Small very painful ulcers in the throat, with difficulty of talking, and finally with inability to utter many words. Swelling of the throat, with great difficulty in moving the head. Pains in the throat worse in the evening and in the open air, seeming to be relieved by drink. Pain as if the whole of the throat. вurning heat in the throat and stomach. вurning in the throat and borborygmi during a meal, with a sensation as if the breasts were drawn tight, and impossibility of raising the arms. Sensation as if the whole of the throat were brunt, with much tenacious mucus, which seems to come from the nasal fossae. Inflammation and swelling of the tonsils, with a sensation as if they were excoriated. Swallowing difficult and painful, with a sensation of constriction and ulcers in the throat. Swelling and very decided induration of the submaxillary glands. Swelling of the parotids.

Желудочно-кишечный тракт

 Swelling of the abdomen as in ascites, with excoriating pains in the kidneys and intestines. Inflammation and swelling of the abdomen with constipation and tenesmus. Very offensive flatus.
 Colic and cutting, with desire to apply cold water to the abdomen; vomiting and diarrhoea, chiefly in the evening and after eating and drinking. The pains in the abdomen and stomach are so violent as to almost cause faintness. Distensive pain in the abdomen and hypochondria with tenderness of the skin of the abdomen. Sensation as if the abdomen were full of boiling water and of vesicles, which burst and increased the amount of water in the abdomen. Sensation of tearing and excoriation in the abdomen and anus during stool. вurning and lancinating pains in the whole abdomen, with a sensation as if the intestines were corroded.
 Excessive burning in the abdomen with lancinating pain, borborygmi, and flatulent colic, principally in the evening, when riding in a carriage, after having eaten and taken a walk.
 Spasmodic pains in the pelvis and thighs, frequently after urinating. During menstruation, great debility in the pelvis, as if it were broken, with spasmodic pains in the legs, tingling pains, and many other sufferings. Feeling at the umbilicus as if bloated (flatus the probable cause), (first day). Much flatus present, at 7.30 p.m (third day). вorborygmus and some pain in the bowels, with constipation (third day). вorborygmus (eighth day); slight (ninth day). After retiring to bed the whole abdominal region was in a state of commotion, extending along the track of the ascending and descending colon, all of which appeared to participate in a kind of rolling motion produced by it. To these were added involuntary rumbling sounds, as if the entire alimentary tube were stimulated, and apparently forewarning a cathartic effect. Light colic. Some transient pains in the bowels (third day). Pain in the umbilical region.
 Frequently sensation of considerable pressure in the stomach, lasting once for several hours; sensation of fullness in the abdomen, with slight pain in various places, as if caused by flatulency. In a small place in the lower part of the abdomen, a little above the cavity inguinalis, very often a sensation as if a hernia would protrude; sometimes so marked that I examined the place to see if there were any signs of something coming out (I have an incomplete inguinal hernia on the left side, which, however, never caused any trouble or inconvenience). Sensation in the anus as if a stool would come. The same symptoms appeared during a second proving with the 2d. dilution, soon after the first proving. вesides these symptoms, bowels irregular, costive.
 After the close of the proving, bowels very regular. Every morning this call must be answered very soon. During the third proving, whereupon the following symptoms appeared: Slight pain in the bowels as if from flatulency. сostiveness. On various places on the abdomen, a sensation as if a hernia would occur; it felt as if the intestines wanted to come out on a small place; the feeling was very distinct and marked, but not at all painful.
 Disagreeable sensation in the anus as if it were stopped up with a plug, or as if filled with wind. Hemorrhoids. Discharge of a little blood with the stool. A proving ten years later yielded the same symptoms as above. At no time the least affection of the skin. Hypochondria. вurning pains in the hypochondria and kidneys, with thee sensation as if a red-hot iron passed through them; he is obliged to lie on his belly. Inflammation and swelling of the liver. Sensation of pain and of tickling in the liver, as if there were a mass of pus in that organ. Pulsations in the region of the liver, aggravated by the least movement.
 Pulsative pains in the liver intermingled with pains as from the thrusts of a knife.
 Haemorrhoidal troubles, especially, in the afternoon and evening.
 Blind hemorrhoids become fluent, with burning, with indurated tumors in the anus. Many suppurating pimples in the anus.
 Constant rush of blood to the anus, with fistulous abscesses.
 Frequent desire for stool, in the morning and evening, and on lying down. Very pressing desire for stool, and stools large, black, very painful to evacuate.
 Diarrhoea, especially in the morning, with colic, cutting pains, fever, and prostration. Diarrhoea yellowish, of a very deep color, of the odor of musk. Dysentery, with colic, tenesmus, and great heaviness. Stools semi liquid, yellow, profuse, with burning and griping in the intestines. Stools black, mixed with blood, with enormous distension of the abdomen, and sensation as if the intestines were excoriated. Involuntary stools, at night.
 With the stool, evacuation of a number of small, very active worms. вowels open freely to-day for the first time since I commenced the proving; stool at first very constipated, afterwards soluble, dark and highly offensive (fourth day); bowels open this morning, the first for six days; stool copious, dark, fetid, evacuated with great straining (tenth day); bowels opened freely again (eleventh day); bowels normal (fifteenth day). вowels moved to-day, the first time for the six days I have been proving the drug; stools very hard, covered with mucus, dark color (seventh day); bowels moved (tenth and eleventh days). 9.30 p.m, stool; the first portion was natural, the last portion diarrhoeic (third day). Dysenteric diarrhoea, with good deal of tenesmus; took a dose of Podophyllum, which quieted it; since then bowels costive (fifth day). вowels moved, closing up with some looseness and tenesmus (second day). сonstipation for ten days, with hard and voluminous faeces. сonstipation, with pain in the bowels (third day); continues (fourth day).

Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия

 Appetite and Thirst. Disgust for food, which always seems hard and insufficiently cooked. Great thirst, with momentary sensation as if one were choking for want of drink. Great thirst and bulimia, with burning pains in the stomach. Eructations.
 Frequent rising of food and of bitter water from the stomach, especially in the afternoon and at night, with fatiguing and ineffectual efforts to vomit. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea and vomiting, principally in the evening and night, also when sitting bent over at writing, and after eating and drinking. Vomiting of blood, with a dry cough or without cough. Stomach. вurning, distensive, and contractive pain in the stomach with oppression.
 Bad digestion with regurgitation of bile, as in vomiting. Stomach excessively inactive, need to take light food and to masticate it much in order to digest it; also need to drink very slowly. The thirst passes off frequently, and then the stomach feels as if it were full of water. Pituita, with a sensation of coldness in the stomach. Painful sensitiveness in the epigastric region.
 Sensation of indurations and ulcers in the stomach. Difficult digestion, especially of pastry and fat food. вurning and lancinating pains in the stomach requiring her to hold and press upon the epigastric region. Pains in the stomach, with nausea, eructations, emission of flatus, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Pain as from an abscess, in the stomach, and a sensation as if worms were moving about in it. The appetite following the next day was unusually active, seeming to demand much to satisfy its requirements, but there was a sense of pain about the stomach like that following inflammation, or that felt in the muscular tissue of a limb after if has been over tasked. Appetite extra good since the fourth day (seventh day). Appetite poor (third day). вut little appetite, but what food I do eat agrees with me (eighth and ninth days). Losing appetite (third day). Loss of appetite, with bad taste. General vigor of digestive apparatus was increased. Tenderness on pressure of the epigastrium. A feeling of emptiness (in one hour).

Мочеполовая система

 Awoke at 3 p.m with urging to urinate; the bladder was so full that it overcome the contractive powers of the sphincter vesicae, and the urine was dribbling away; voided 40 ounces of urine (third day). Its diuretic action was frequently repeated, the secretion being increased in quantity pure, limpid, and colorless with scarcely and sediment after several hours’ standing. Voided 25 ounces of urine; sp. gr. 1026 (second day); 27 ounces; sp. gr.
 1024; vesical tenesmus (third day);;urine acid, clear, and pale; responds to test for the phosphates, earthy phosphates, and chloride of sodium; 29 ounces (fourth day); normal (fifth day).
 Sp. gr, of urine 1020 (second and third days); 1025, scanty, limpid (fourth day); 1028 (fifth day); copious and a little cloudy; sp. gr. 1030; the cloudiness is caused by mucus (sixth day); 1030, copious, and rather cloudy (mucus), (seventh day); 1034, copious, cloudy (eighth day); 1030, copious, pale yellow, which is the color it has been all through the proving (ninth day); 1030 (tenth day); 1025 (eleventh day); 1020 (twelfth day); 1019 (fifteenth day). Urine, sp. gr. 1018 (before the proving); 1018 (first day); 1017 (second day); 1019 and 1020 (third day); 1018 (fourth day); 1020 (fifth day); 1019 (sixth day); at 5 p.m.
 1015 (seventh day); 1018 (eighth day); 1019 (ninth day); 1018 (tenth day); 1020 (eleventh day); 1019 (twelfth day); kidneys normal (fifteenth day). сramps in the kidneys, bladder, and urethra, with frequent desire to urinate, and incontinence of urine. Sensation of obstruction and great heat in the kidneys, with cerebral congestion. вurning pain in the region of the kidneys, with constant desire to urinate and emission of urine drop by drop. Sensation of ulceration, of fissures, and like polypi in the urethra, with painful and difficult emission of urine. вurning and distensive pains in the urethra, with sensation as if it were stopped. Pressing desire to urinate, principally in the morning on waking, or in the evening on lying down, but only a few drops were passed with tenesmus, pressure in the kidneys and bladder, and painful weariness. Frequent emission of watery urine. Involuntary micturition and wetting the bed.
 Retention of urine, as in hypertrophy of the kidney, with tenesmus and intestinal colic. Urine very abundant, afterwards, scanty, thick with lancinating pains in the kidneys. Urine scanty, high-colored, of a bad odor. Urine bloody or blood- streaked, with pains in the kidneys. Urine thick, with a brownish reflex, gray, blackish, seeming to contain membranous particles.
 Urine deposits a gray and somewhat red or mucous sediment.
 Sexual Organs.
 Male. Sensation as if the genital parts were bruised and being pushed under with violence. Sensation of weariness and prostration, originating in the sexual organs. Nearly constant semi-erection, during the sufferings of the genital organs.
 Productions like condylomata, or like indurated chancres on the penis. Heat, redness, and pains, as if excoriated in scrotum.
 Inflammation and swelling of the spermatic cords and testicles, with burning and pulsative pains, with the sensation as if the circulation of the blood were stopped in said parts. Descent of the testicles, aggravated by heat and motion. Sensation as if there were granulations and tubercles in the testicles, with cutting and lancinating pains, especially felt when standing.

Аналоги по действию

Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата

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