Другие названия и синонимы
merc-pr-a, Mercurius praecipitatus albus, аммониум хлорид ртути гомеопатия, nh2hgcl homeopathy.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Hydrargyrum amido-bichloratum. H. ammonio-muriaticum. Ammonium chloride of mercury. Formula (variable). HgCl plus HgNH2 or 2NH4ClHgCl2. Preparation for use: Triturations.
Голова, лицо и уши
Face much flushed. Great swelling of face (second day).
Face much flushed. Great swelling of face (second day).
Ротовая полость и горло
Great swelling of gums (second day). Tongue much coated tongue covered with thick greenish fur (after ten hours). Salivation (second day).
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Thirst urgent. сonsiderable nausea. вecame very sick, and continued so (immediately). Vomited violently (after half an hour). Vomited much; the last matter vomited consisted of clear deeply blood-stained fluid (first day); frequent slight vomiting (second day). Much pain at stomach.
After half an hour began to feel pain in the epigastrium, which gradually spread over the whole abdomen. Great pain in abdomen (soon); continuing after taking any even liquid food, for more than a week. сonstant griping (first and second days). Whole abdomen painful on pressure.
One copious evacuation from bowels, containing mucous shreds in some quantities, and a good deal of dark blood (first day). Numerous scanty evacuations with a very large intermixture of blood. This continued until sixty hours after taking the poison. One very copious motion, consisting apparently of almost pure bile, the passage of which caused a great scalding of the anus (second day). This occurred again after the lapse of another forty-eight hours, the evacuations in the interim containing bile, and apparently scarcely any blood.
After half an hour began to feel pain in the epigastrium, which gradually spread over the whole abdomen. Great pain in abdomen (soon); continuing after taking any even liquid food, for more than a week. сonstant griping (first and second days). Whole abdomen painful on pressure.
One copious evacuation from bowels, containing mucous shreds in some quantities, and a good deal of dark blood (first day). Numerous scanty evacuations with a very large intermixture of blood. This continued until sixty hours after taking the poison. One very copious motion, consisting apparently of almost pure bile, the passage of which caused a great scalding of the anus (second day). This occurred again after the lapse of another forty-eight hours, the evacuations in the interim containing bile, and apparently scarcely any blood.
Органы грудной клетки
Breath very offensive (after ten hours). Respiration 24.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Pulse 88, moderately full.
Общие симптомы
Slight subsultus. Almost in a state of collapse (after ten hours).
Lies in a drowsy, semi-comatose state.
Cold, clammy skin, and much congestion of the cutaneous vessels (after ten hours). General surface of the body perspiring.