Другие названия и синонимы
ferr-m, Ferrum muriaticum, хлорид железа гомеопатия, феррум хлоратум.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Ferrum сhloratum; Ferrous chloride or dichloride, FeCl24OH2 (crystals). Preparations, Tincture, consisting of 25 parts of crystals to 225 parts of Alcohol.
Психика и сознание
Loquacity. Much depressed in spirits.
Голова, лицо и уши
Headache. He improved for six weeks and then complained of severe pain in the right temple and right side of the face, stopped the medicine and the pain quickly subsided; he resumed the steel drops, and in two days he was as bad or even worse than before; again they were discontinued and no other medicine was given, and the pain disappeared the next day; after being free from the neuralgia for four days, he again took the steel, and the day but one after the neuralgia returned with increased severity, and continued to return in irregular paroxysms for the next three days, when it again disappeared.
Eyes injected. вright redness of the margin of the lids.
Face somewhat flushed. Face swollen and livid. Flushed cheeks.
Eyes injected. вright redness of the margin of the lids.
Face somewhat flushed. Face swollen and livid. Flushed cheeks.
Ротовая полость и горло
Tongue very coated. Tongue swollen and protruded, with ropy mucus from the mouth. Dryness of the tongue. Palate and interior of mouth burnt, and presented a parboiled appearance. Unable to speak, and apparently unconscious.
Extremely severe sense of burning and constriction in the throat.
Extremely severe sense of burning and constriction in the throat.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
No appetite. Rather thirsty. Hand riveted to region of stomach, as the principal seat of pain.
Complaining of great pain along the whole length of the colon; much increased by pressure and any movement of the body. Hypogastrium swollen and very sensitive, especially above the pubis. Piercing pains in the hypogastrium (immediately).
Diarrhoea. Half an hour after the sickness, had an attack of diarrhoea, with black stools, which soon ceased. She had diarrhoea for the two previous days, which last night assumed a decidedly dysenteric character, the bowels having been repeatedly moved, with considerable pain and tenesmus, the evacuations consisting entirely of blood and membranous shreds. Stool darker than usual (first day). Stools sometimes rather darker than usual. Nearly two quarts of inky evacuation passed off at stool. сonstipation. Obstinate constipation.
Complaining of great pain along the whole length of the colon; much increased by pressure and any movement of the body. Hypogastrium swollen and very sensitive, especially above the pubis. Piercing pains in the hypogastrium (immediately).
Diarrhoea. Half an hour after the sickness, had an attack of diarrhoea, with black stools, which soon ceased. She had diarrhoea for the two previous days, which last night assumed a decidedly dysenteric character, the bowels having been repeatedly moved, with considerable pain and tenesmus, the evacuations consisting entirely of blood and membranous shreds. Stool darker than usual (first day). Stools sometimes rather darker than usual. Nearly two quarts of inky evacuation passed off at stool. сonstipation. Obstinate constipation.
Мочеполовая система
Micturition. Urine rather scanty. Almost complete retention of urine. Urine. Amount of urine 1225 grammes during first twenty- four hours; next day, 1075 grammes. Urine acid, depositing neither uric acid nor urates, and containing only 1 or 2 centigrammes of iron: i. e., three or four times the normal amount.
Органы грудной клетки
Respiration noisy and stertorous, and suffocation impending. Noise of breathing resembled that of a bad case of croup. вreathing, especially inspirations, became oppressed.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Pulse small and accelerated. Small, frequent, and concentrated pulse. A quick, small pulse, 120. Pulse very feeble.
Общие симптомы
Blood, on venesection, remarkably black, and so thick and viscid, that it would not flow until he cut a much larger orifice in another vein. Violent convulsions affecting the whole body, which was much contorted; the muscles of the extremities contracted violently, and the teeth were clenched and ground together. Required to be restrained upon the couch, and her hold upon those near her could not be unloosed until the spasm suddenly ceased; duration of attacks about two minutes, that of the intervals three. Exceedingly weak, with an anxious, feverish countenance. Restlessness.
Skin cold and clammy. Skin hot and disposed to be clammy.